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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. Old news really the rain starts and it will clear ,plus the farmers stop the burning to grow again and start again next year for next years burning.everyyear the same with the talk and burning
  2. That is a regular scam for sure the dollar bill talks.a friend who was here had a lady friend simple give me money when needed then everyone happy.she got everything car bike whatever. He back home in Europe now but alot of money was given.I see her still and she has moved on to new targets that move.these people will not believe until it is too late
  3. Maybe he extended his stay,or try to reach a phone number he uses.he should be ok
  4. All I can say it is starting to warm up and it is not summer we are in now
  5. If he lived in Thailand he knew the risk for sure,many question to why it happened.may he RIP now
  6. He paid 300 was scammed online sites will refund I believe if scammed.then pay 7k after to stay.that is stupid or crazy what was he thinking.but he seems to have got lucky and a refund happened
  7. I know 1 thing that is something u don,t do.A photo is taken everytime police take pics for everything
  8. Another crack down just like the holiday period drinking problem here
  9. What was he thinking 1000 baht for parking.anyone knows that is scam for sure like the online hotel booking scam
  10. I saw the pics when the bangkok fight between thais and philipines ladyboys started. the police tried and failed and no one else got involved they know better
  11. maybe he should have checked first.certain places and times it is ok
  12. They is a place and time for this at the pool or quiet beach where allow where she was staying is for sure no
  13. Farang again I assume but thai would be ok.I wonder if on pattaya beach rd residents complain about the late stuff happening.Lots of thais ladies and ladyboys looking for business everynight.Police do they stuff when they need donations but after let it go
  14. Heard a story about some one in angleles similar,he looked after her well would have being well after he died.She tried to greedy got caught out got nothing.so this maid or helper did the right thing and got rewarded.But she killed herself sad end
  15. really he was that stupid to do this in the first place.nothing more to say
  16. It is hot and the prison don,t have AC except for the offices.No surprise really
  17. What a surprise assault and illegal guns from a russian business owner in the sth
  18. Last mth not happy with the weed shops and anything else about it.Now they want to this treatment.next mth different again
  19. I would expect nothing else,just say nothing and all those brown evenlopes never happened
  20. A 4 wheel drive got struck don,t know if a fine is right,but 20k to the rental company because of what happened,i wonder what the police share is
  21. 1 Charged with selling the other buying,both as clever or stupid as each other
  22. Does not sound good but i,am sure he will come out of the fire soon
  23. No work permit hard drugs on him ,they wanted a death wish .How stupid is this person
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