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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. Would love to know what caused it,and watch from a distance.But i will never know and it made the social media.she will be more careful next time i bet
  2. All adults or parents were young when it happened,letting a child do this I suppose you can say this is thailand and could happen anywhere in thailand.Something that is wrong but maybe they don,t know better
  3. A few question how did they get into the safe keep the code secret.His choice could have being better and was it his first time in pattaya.90K plus extra what was he thinking by inviting them into the room
  4. Does not matter where they come from she got caught and now is returned.Remember the ladyboy fight in bkk wonder if any illegals were amoung them.4 yrs overstay with out getting caught her time she knew would end soon
  5. Agruements happen in public or private not a big issue except it was at the airportr
  6. Talked about yrs ago at the borders. the other countries wait and continue taking the baht away Regularly.
  7. Be interesting to see who wins that battle over this case
  8. Amercians have done for years, the red bull heir or the one who returned recently will be double taxed now.But somehow do they care.My amercian friend in cnx gave up his us passport for that reason.Does it work I don,t know just another law to use again
  9. Jumping season starts again in pattaya
  10. Silly move from the moment they started this.leave it legal drink causes more deaths for sure.
  11. That gas is used everywhere in thailand were tourist can be.30 mins or less or take another balloon if wanted.this is news like the weed issue
  12. Thanks for the money i have forgotten about what has happened. Have a safe trip back to china
  13. All i can say bangkok hilton for awhile and alot of pain,but no visa issues now
  14. The other day took a taxi in bkk knew the price a fair price for all.He said way too much and i walked.Found one that would use a meter and was fair and he got a tip.The one who tried to overcharge he drove off,I was happy driver fair all good in the end
  15. Good luck in getting anything from the bank,video proof and not they fault.the next people got lucky that is it.Where do we party tonight dear
  16. It worked people opened businesses and tax for the gov.I do not see a problem with what happened and many think the same thais included.closing it down will upset many thais who invested in the businesses
  17. If something about a bike gang or drugs in aust and left,then they will try to find him.Found in thailand among they checks. everywhere
  18. My guess too,they want to control what is said on radio like the internet
  19. I Imagine someone is happy that he recovered,It is news not really
  20. Was the money paid i wonder,found safe and unhurt something strange here
  21. Happening everywhere just takes times.Thailand has join the club too now
  22. AC when hotter most people use or a fan works too.In the west it is the heating in the winter so same thing happens just different country.Maybe try to control her urge to keep changing the temp or turning it on or off.My friend used his during the hotter mths the cost was about 2000 baht a mth,so talk about it make a deal or plan when u use it
  23. He tried to protect the young thai person..They was a story yrs ago in bkk about elderly tourist seeing something in a bar outside with a bar girl and thai man. They got involved and were attacked by both.So doing the right thing and getting hurt it is not the right move if out numbered sometimes.But very wrong to do this in the first place
  24. Every country has them,if they caught illegal they are gone from thailand.One thai beggar in cnx outside 7/11 has a motor bike use a phone etc etc.Everyday the same the food sellar sells food to survive and see,s him outside there.look near the un irish bar and u will see him.I,am sure he could get some kind of job instead of begging
  25. From 7/11 stores I don,t any who has a rest room for the public.Some are bigger but never a rest room available
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