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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. They knew what they were doing at that age.Took the risk and now dead
  2. Why not keep it on the books,life for life and it will make them think maybe before doing it
  3. I Imagine some rich thais will go because of the name for awhile.But anyone else as a tourist may go past it look outside and then go to st food and other restaurants cheaper and probadly taste alot better too.
  4. When sorted and is annouced,about that time maybe mr redbull cases are history,Thaksim and daughter have more control and he is found and watching the event in the VIP area along with thaksim and family
  5. The fine is very little if rented you will pay anyway.The police have the number plate easy trace and fine whoever owns its
  6. Family affair plus friends and all too late before he knew it was all lies
  7. If they were like this on the plane what happened in thailand and who lost gold or money during that week among them
  8. Did the person scammed hear stories from today or the past.The bar lady will never be found and the family will say well done my daughter.A fool and and his money will soon be gone and she got lucky and hit the jackpot before the bubble was burst
  9. A full moon party says it all,he went with a bang in thailand
  10. He knew the risk now he pays the price.They will be another one doing the same tomorrow
  11. The boss in the back is speaking again and then let the front person speak
  12. Now she will have lots of time in japan and learn japanese for yrs to come.
  13. Daddy in the back room daughter obeys and says something.we know who is control here
  14. Usually it happens in a hotel room with a thai,so something different this time
  15. I see them in the centre of bkk everyone knows what they maybe up to.I just avoid them and walk str past them and ignore what they say
  16. He maybe said i,am going shopping now dear just like this
  17. I talk to my lady friend in udon about this,made the papers and she was amused too a bit.Then she said do u want a massage to now
  18. if he wanted to be noticed then no one was looking at him at all
  19. Maybe he said i was going for a swim that was translated later,then they said why and also naked in the water
  20. I just wonder what the police chief thought when he entered the room and what did the others say what do we do boss
  21. The deadly 7 days will start soon same as before and most thais in the villages get wasted have accident the usual as we all know and chuck in a few farang.I will ; look at the numbers later
  22. I thought porn did not exist in thailand.The amount of only fans and other sites all with thai ladies promoting themselves does not exist.They all work in bars looking after the customers drinks only,when Na Na shuts like the others areas of bkk,how many are looking for someone for the night.Does not exist right and ask the aust navy i think about one of their soldiers and the missing laptop with secrets on it or something like that he had to admit what happened
  23. I also agree what happened please explain,But now back in the uk after another go fund job and what about travel insurance for that person or was it rejected the accident claim
  24. Could be wrong looked like asian tourist,but it was a slap nothing more and broken up quickly
  25. If the teacher was not in the school on that day as the teacher said.Easy to prove and then look at who said what or did that
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