He did not want to get involved in politics again,but we all know he is the controller for the party.his daughter and anybody else in the party will say yes khun thaksim how high do we jump
I wonder why when they are so many phones there allready with a similar price.The only thing I can think is maybe stolen from there.If he could unlock them he could sell but i think apple make it impossible to unlock after.Maybe he does not realise the owners or owner can lock a phone and it is dead to the world.
I would expect mostly thais in the casino as they are the biggest customer on the borders,reason thai baht accepted in them.Along with yuan at the golden triangle area.Farangs will visit for sure when in thailand if they want too.They is allready a problem everywhere for gambling thailand is no different now they gamble illegal and legal with the lottery and those shops with computers and football sports betting..So now the new puppet of thaksim in charge I Imagine it will be legal soon
She got lucky the person he did not feel anything,but he will next time not carry a bag i think and anything valuable be in his pockets or safer.The phone is not worth much for sure and it will happen again will a indian be involved again too.This is pattaya.
The costs seem to change with countries like passport.uk passport in syd close to
£300 when u do it in thailnd price same uk.Aust passport anywhere expensive alittle cheaper in aust.Why some countries make it so expensive i don,t know.Visa cost also a mystery on charges
For sure it happens every night in thailand somewhere Happpens to me too find it the next day.Insurance was told car found case closed.The police continue the case abit strange why.My friend on his bike in cnx had as accident drunk farang pass away his fault.I believe the case is still waiting to be decided and he has a large legal bill too to be sorted. A car missing does not need it to be continued further once found
Thks daddy you worked your magic again and now i just follow what u tell me to do and say.Your return deal worked well and everything will be fine after for the family
My friends in the last elections voted for the orange party in cnx,we know what happened.Thaksim come back in a deal now the daughter in control.Everything is working for his grand plan to happen.The sisters return is soon and he will be the controller again for the daughter in power.Happy days for the family again
Biden said he would not try for president again,In other words he was told too old you got to go.The thai pm was asked nicely too please leave you have a nice pay off or pension plan now.My daughter needs a good job that she can do things i need so enjoy your new life
Thks daddy what I do now,don,t worry i guide thru like my sister before you.Tell you everything,I sorted my return plan and now my dear sister can have a similar deal,just a few more brown evenlopes to be given out and everything will be fine
Between thaksim and the sister,now the daughter trying to get in or do her fathers wishes,I wonder how long the thais will put up with it.They are allready upset about the last election
Many years ago in instanbul a man died he begged in the st for decades people gave they believed him he had nothing.he had several apartment buildings then the truth come out.I wonder how the turks felt if they donated to him while they work 50 hrs a week to survive
I think it is no different to thailand I see beggars and they do very well out of it,while other thais have to do they 50 hrs of work to earn their money.
Very silly thing to do when the train is moving or getting up speed.Common sense is needed and it happens everywhere. The red baht bus in pattaya everyone has stood on the step sometime me included but i do it holding on tight.So maybe a lesson learn,t for this person
The leaders and party gone so the other parties will be very happy.They won the popular vote and now that means nothing.Another set of leaders or party name maybe, Thaksin,s party and military rule again.
I remember what happened in pattaya before about a bad a review or was it on a island.anyway the farang got in trouble.I wonder if the reviewer was thai or farang and we all know what happened the restaurant owner called a few friends i believe
I remember the election result and what happened,thaksin returned soon after and everyone knows what happened then and now.I,am sure he has his fingers in the the gov somehow.whether they listen or he controls something from the back room I don,t know but anything is possible and everyone will know in time. I just wonder when his puppet called a sister will be doing the same trick and then mr red bull will follow for sure
if you are a overstayer I thought a island is the worse place to hide.A visit ok but stay a long time to overstay not really.But they catch you everywhere have you seen the BMW.s driving round.They have a few in cnx I have seen them parked up at immgration