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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. He wants treatment abroad just like 15 yrs ago.This time he will not be allowed he is on parole,the brown evenlopes continue and treatment in thailand is just as good ,he just have to pay for it
  2. He off on his travels in his plane it needed a run of a hour.Don,t think he is that liked as people in chiang mai voted orange last election.But he has his supporters up there
  3. It was a ad only.we all know thai customs and nothing like the film.tuk tuk and hotel seems abit of fun.Even if it shows a untrue view of thailand I think people will accept it as a fun ad.Have u seen thai commercials sometimes u don,t get what they are promoting until near the end.A storm in a tea cup and he wore the elephant trousers that all tourist are buying these days
  4. Where was she going on a plane for that ticket price 400k seems alot.Anyway she made a mountain out of a molehill on this story. Got the attention for it and did she pay for the ticket or someone else.Bottom line does anyone care just like the master and her husband harry.Boring wanabe
  5. Lights are always on my bike it is 18 yrs old a honda wave r.So a old one maybe not,also turning left at traffic lights was always allowed but do with caution is my view
  6. Back room boss for sure,I think he is still on monitor or parole once that is done the brown evenlopes continue he will be fine.He escaped prison and now is free to roam alittle. Next in line the sister or the red bull man,I,am free very soon too
  7. I agree if he thought he deserved sex with the mother so soon after the baby being born then he will be in for a bigger shock inside.he will be the one saying enough today please
  8. Would love to know the survey and where it was started.BKK is safe except if u upset a thai or lady from the bar.Never had a problem no matter what time i was about
  9. It worked except some at the top did not get a cut not sure about that. But a mistake for sure and it worked well being legal
  10. I can imagine he had to get revenge in a thai way.Thai wife maybe stitched him up good and proper.It happens with thai ladies and men too it seems.if farang he could not do anything except complain and get no where
  11. I imagine she is only the go between and she got caught.Got some baht for organising it and now she is in trouble.Silly thing to do in bkk and have your name attached to it
  12. He is a adult he has his reasons A family issue and i would leave it at that
  13. Very sad way to die,the amercian will have alot to think about in the bangkok hilton
  14. I understood the whole billboard prefectly my chinese is that good.why advertise when most probadly know it anyway
  15. I think he will find that singapore or hongkong are allready established for many years.Don,t forget china is another player so what he says may not happen
  16. Thais know how to swear to at farangs saying it is rude but she will use it when needed happens everywhere.The train was not full people have to get closer too allow more people in,that woman is not special and for her to have more space,she must let people crowd her and let others on the train too.Simple push up like everyone else does and more people can travel.what did she expect on a crowded train in bangkok
  17. Sorry to say subways or trains if full u have to get close and push until full.london new york anywhere.That is the rules and everyone would do the same,no point to fight or agrue
  18. I know a few expats who have a 99 yr lease otherwise they would not invest.They never own the property only a thai person.so how does it hurt the country.LOOK at cambodia the gov sold they soul or ex pm to the chinese down sth.everyone knows what happened after.It is just a way to protect the farang for his life knowing he will never own the land except the thai family or person.
  19. My friend has a elite card and it cost money. the 60 day visa plus land crossing and local office it not fair really to expats.They have 3 mths checks and a year check to give a new visa.it may cost more but they are full time residents and get other benefits.this visa it only good for 4mths at lest.So looking at it it seems 50/50 for either visa.Wait to when they want tax for when money is sent for expats only living there.what will tourist say if they are affected to on this.so either visa seems fair and everyone has to work around the rules
  20. The way thais are with ghost and death this hotel will have a curse or badluck with any thais that book into this hotel now for a long time.
  21. All I can say is rip in peace and who did either of you upset before.
  22. Will not happen he is no longer in power,would not say politics.Unless he upsets someone
  23. What ever happened it is done.They are gone back home and probadly banned for life or a long time.Case closed
  24. Very nice too and just think of all the relatives she will see for the first time.lets party and can u look after me now.Poor husband will have to work still and watch from the side as the family take a cut. NEED A NEW MOTORBIKE NO CAR SISTER AND MANY MORE WILL FOLLOW
  25. Talked about it and now they are putting it in place.Common knowledge for everyone mths ago
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