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  1. I have a wise card and keep Thai baht and Uk pounds in my account. I pay for most things with wise now. I added my wise card to my wallet on my phone which has NFC and now just hold the phone to the checkout scanner to pay for whatever I am purchasing. Occasionally I have to put the card in and add my pin. I always pay in Thai baht and avoid transaction fees.
  2. Married my Thai wife 19 years ago next month. Best thing I have ever done in my life and absolutely no regrets whatsoever. We do our best to take care of each other and family and have a very happy life. I still do the things I want to do but avoid doing things that may upset my wife, never had a serious argument and we get on great together. Long may it last.
  3. As people have already said the coolers that require ice are next to useless, I had one a few years ago and got rid of it quickly. I now have a proper 12,000 btu portable TCL unit in our bedroom that’s vented through the window using a kit supplied with the unit. We have had it two years now and it works great blowing cold air over the bed, although a little noisy due to the compressor in the room it’s not been a problem, we have been in a lot of hotel rooms with more noisy air conditioning units. It’s not big enough for the size of the room but great for cooling the room a couple of hours before we go to bed. We only use it for 2 or 3 months of the year when it get very hot as we live fairly high up in the hills and usually sleep with all the windows open and let the wind blow through.
  4. Don’t rise to the bait guys, he is only trying to wind people up and probably laughs at your responses.
  5. I had it done about 8 years ago at Bangkok Hospital in Korat, cost just over 10,000 baht. No medication only a sedative, awake all the time, no pain whatsoever and watched it on a big tv screen with the doctor explaining to me the infected areas of my colon. No waiting around only to empty my bowels after having to drink a litre of liquid they gave me, never saw another patient and was in and out the hospital in less than 4 hours.
  6. I got genital warts a few years ago, got treated at Bangkok Hospital in Pattaya. Laser treatment done in about 20 minutes, no pain and not very expensive, cannot remember how much. Laser burns cleared up very quickly. No problems since.
  7. Worked perfectly for me yesterday, money from Uk bank to Bangkok bank in 5 seconds.
  8. Centara Koh Chang is a very nice resort on the beach at klong prao with two swimming pools and a nice restaurant. Breakfast has a massive choice and one of the few places with proper bacon lol. Stayed there a few times now, we like it very much, just stayed there a few weeks ago. Enjoy your holiday.
  9. You will also need to get a resident certificate which get from the same office as tm30, I think it’s free and only takes a few minutes at Korat immigration. Certificate should be stapled in your passport. It’s done in the small office across from the main building.
  10. Hi did my 90 day on line report this morning. Bit awkward for a start because the advert comes up in the middle of the page, tapped the outside of add and it went away then went onto box that says 90 day. Completed the details and got an automated generated email straight back saying successful request.
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