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Posts posted by truethailand

  1. CRES financial blacklist include Thaksin, family members, relatives and some pro-Thaksin politicians as well as Seh Daeng. /via @tulsathit

    now know why they left yesterday, probably tipped off

    This should have been done months ago especially on Thaksin , now they should freeze all his and the familys overseas accounts and thet will slow him down , as for the leaders freeze all there assets have them put on terrorist watch lists in

    case they escape.

    See how far these reds go with out funding . :)

    The analysts on CNA believe the Reds are receiving funds from Thai Army Generals aligned to Thaksin. If this is true what will happen if the army actually manage to surround the encampment. It may be possible that the Thaksin generals will call out their army. Not worth thinking about

    as far as I know, all the supporting money are bought in from someone else in CASH !

    anyway, this is an effective measure yet it may take sometimes for true result.

  2. It's strange how the international media always seem to leave out the 'Thaksin link' when they report on this. It's such an important piece in the puzzle that to me it even feels suspicious that they don't mention this, almost like he's greased a few palms in the west (oh it does happen!). Instead they talk about the 'rural poor' versus the 'elite', and associate the word democracy with the very people who ruin the very idea by happily selling their vote fot the price of a couple of beers!

    I think that the bbc/cnn and the rest of these 'non-biased' organisations should get to the real truth which is far more interesting than the story which they're currently reporting.

    Why don't they ask the red shirts how much they're getting paid? Ask them why they think Thaksin is so great and what he could do for the country should he return. Ask them how they think that Thaksin, as a convicted criminal, could possibly plan to be taken seriously by the international community, should he manage to bully his way back into office.

    Ask them why they are using women and children as a human shield.

    Ask them why they risk their lives for a greedy evil billionaire?

    Why can't the press get an interview with Thaksin? A few well placed questions will simply destroy him.

    Why don't the international media do their job rather than appearing to be the heroes in the danger zone, reporting alongside the red-shirt 'freedom fighters'?

    My point? It appears that Thaksin has more than just a few red-shirts in his back pocket!!!

    :) Excellent post!

    Couldn't agree more..

    Couldn't agree less.

    Does independant reporting not fit your beliefs.

  3. A very old and wise friend once said to me that the only reason the poor exist, is to support the rich. This is nowhere more evident than in the LOS.

    Virtually every piece of reporting, every editorial from outside of Thailand in 'Farangland', they never fail to include a brief summary of why all this chaos is happening on the streets of Bangkok. it is a battle between the 'rural poor' from the Nth and Nth East and the Thai Elite who populate trendy downtown areas in bangkok. Down in my native country, Australia, the failed PM, Kevin Rudd, has been using this socialist rhetoric since he first campaigned for the job. 'Australian Working Families'.

    It's all BS.

    When Taksin was PM did I see all the Isaan Girls abandon the selling of their bodies in the Bars of Pattaya and stream home en masse to their poor villages, secure in the knowlege of a better and brighter future? Did I see the 1000's of Taxis, driven by battling Isaan fathers desert the streets of Bangkok and follow them?

    Former PM taksin believes that out of chaos will come order, his order, he will return as the Messiah and save the country from Civil War and economic ruin. And that would be fine if it were true. But it is not.

    This is just another struggle and battle for power, money, influence and control. The Poor. or more aptly the Pawns, are just the expendable players in a game of political chess. A game that has been underway since Siam became Thailand.

    What can be said that hasn't already been said.

    Diogenes would have been quite at home in the LOS.

    Check your history and see who was responsible for changing Siams name its very interesting. He was from the so called elite

  4. Some gruesome pictures but still no photographs of Reds firing any weapons outside the barricades yesterday or today.. Why when the world has press camped with both sides

    Last reports I heard is that the press is not in the red encampment and has no wish to go in there even when red leaders assured their safety.

    My guess is none of them trust the reds and none want to be another hostage marched on their stage.

    Source of your info please. Clutching straws comes to mind

    Can't help you with the defects of your mind but for links to this ... simply check out the earlier news posts on ThaiVisa.

    You know and I know there is no video links to reds firing weapons outside the barricades on this or any other thread. Admittedly they have them but inside the encampment. I see concrete,cheap fireworks, molotov etc but nothing that rubber bullets wont correct.

  5. Of course thats what he meant . Do you think he would post it otherwise ?.

    I was arrested with my gf , she was rapped by army officers , do you believe me ?

    Well you should not ...

    Problem with his creation is that so far i did not see any red with firearms in any video of yesterday/today

    (anybody has a link ?)

    Must be soldiers shooting in the air and missing :)

    Here we go again !!!

    It would be fair to ask all posters to stop saying that the reds are firing M16s and M79 grenades until a video link is available. If you keep posting it is maybe a sign of your vunerability to not think for yourself and just listen to propaganda. Photos and video of soldiers shooting thais but no photos or video of the reds shooting anybody. Let see a pro government response to that

    The army is operating under internationally accepted protocols. They are not randomnly targeting civilians. They are engaged in self defense. Whether the red terrorist is armed with a gun or only with a bamboo stick is irrelevant in this case.

    Everyone knows the score. Stand down, stop threatening the soldiers, and there will be no more shooting. Continue the insurrection in any way that threatens the soldiers trying to squeeze off the zone, and you will be shot with live ammunition.

    Those are the rules. Everyone knows it. There is not an international group anywhere who will look unfavourably on it, as they all use the same rules.

    It is time for the reds to abandon their insurrection and go home.

    B-llshit I have seen footage of civillians posted on here shot through the head by what appears to be snipers and not a gun insight. Are they threetening soldiers

    Still looking for my video link..anybody

  6. Some gruesome pictures but still no photographs of Reds firing any weapons outside the barricades yesterday or today.. Why when the world has press camped with both sides

    Last reports I heard is that the press is not in the red encampment and has no wish to go in there even when red leaders assured their safety.

    My guess is none of them trust the reds and none want to be another hostage marched on their stage.

    My guess is that the press dont want to be shot at , which is no risk if they stay on the side of the soldiers

    and a great risk if they go inside the red camp .

    Simple ...

    Yours words...your guessing

  7. Some gruesome pictures but still no photographs of Reds firing any weapons outside the barricades yesterday or today.. Why when the world has press camped with both sides

    Last reports I heard is that the press is not in the red encampment and has no wish to go in there even when red leaders assured their safety.

    My guess is none of them trust the reds and none want to be another hostage marched on their stage.

    Source of your info please. Clutching straws comes to mind

  8. Was just about to go take a shower to the outside toilet, when I noticed a lot of sharp pieces on the floor. Well, looking around it wasn't hard to spot the culprit.

    This shot came from the southern side, through the concrete wall and tiling and still cracked the tiles on the other side's wall.

    The height comparison of the holes is near identical, and being on 5th floor that would mean that it was shot from a fair distance, not just under the house.

    FYI: the red stage is south, soldiers are under the house and towards the north, so there's really not much secret as to which side of the conflict this came from.

    EDIT: Order of photos: from inside, wall that was hit; opposite wall; from outside; bullet

    That's not nice!!!

    Just to understand it right,

    you mean the shot came from the red shirts, right?

    I am not the brightest.

    Of course thats what he meant . Do you think he would post it otherwise ?.

    I was arrested with my gf , she was rapped by army officers , do you believe me ?

    Well you should not ...

    Problem with his creation is that so far i did not see any red with firearms in any video of yesterday/today

    (anybody has a link ?)

    Must be soldiers shooting in the air and missing :)

    Here we go again !!!

    It would be fair to ask all posters to stop saying that the reds are firing M16s and M79 grenades until a video link is available. If you keep posting it is maybe a sign of your vunerability to not think for yourself and just listen to propaganda. Photos and video of soldiers shooting thais but no photos or video of the reds shooting anybody. Let see a pro government response to that

  9. I just went up to Rajprasong if anyone starts an eyewitness thread...have a few pics from the phone as well.

    Yes eye witness accounts from obsesses people who have no issues with breaking the law would be a great source of information.

    From: http://nationsstate.blogspot.com/2010/05/c...in-bangkok.html

    Note: This shot was taken while trapped in the middle of a raging gunfight between the military on the BTS pedestrian bridge on Silom road and unseen, but certainly active, red shirt guards shooting M-16 (which i saw but could not photograph the night before right after Seh Deang was shot inside the red barricades) or other war rifles. There were countless thunderous explosions which reverberated and shook the buildings and might have been M79 grenades.

    Bold for focus.

    Some gruesome pictures but still no photographs of Reds firing any weapons outside the barricades yesterday or today.. Why when the world has press camped with both sides

  10. It said if the protesters survive past Sunday, the red-shirt movement would win the war against the government.

    Wow. That sounds like they might be laying the ground work so that whoever is still standing on Monday can declare victory and go home without losing face.

    If so, that would be a great thing. I don't care how we get the reds out, as long as they leave and their leaders are severely punished for what they have done.

    Only after Sondhi and his motley crew get arrested.

  11. CNA reporting now that their reporter just witnessed a demonstrator being executed (is that the right phrase) by the army whilst setting fire to a tyre. Shoot to kill, shoot anybody just shoot them all. We now face decades of insurgency.

    Link ???

    Just watched the report on Channel News Asia and there was a lifeless body lying in the street and then it showed another man, not dead maybe wounded, and a person trying to drag him back

  12. Din Daeng gone red again.

    Udon Thani Town Hall under seige.

    Convoys of Reds blocked from entering Bangkok about to get feisty!

    Sure they got this contained at Rajprasong?

    Another red cheerleader happy that things are about to get more violent :)

    Nobody wants dead bodies just an end to this. The only thing is that most of the posters on here will be shattered and disallusioned when the reds take control. Men dont run a live ammo with a sling shot for 500 baht a day. That happens bcos of years of being down trodden and seeing their parents with nothing after a lifetime of toil. The army needs to stand back now b4 they too get massacred.

  13. =====================================================================

    An injured person with a weapon is more dangerous than one that can retreat and run away

    I agree if the have a white flag becareful

    But we learnt the hard way that it could be a trap during the Vietnam way

    Its easy for all you computer savy louches to tell young soldiers what to do when they face a violent mob

    But as I can say

    "Been there done that"

    I have the right to say they are doing the best that the circumstance put them under

    If you want to know the real problem with politics in Thailand when it comes to the masses ... simply ask Thais under 40 year old what they know about the Vietnam War or ask all what they can tell you about WW I or II. I am not saying to ask them details of any sort but find out if they even know these things took place.

    This a very true point. I can remember teaching a class of 20 something middle class Thais (this was about 10 years ago) and not one of them had heard of Pol Pot. Not a clue who he was!

    What's the saying about people who don't know history being doomed to repeat it? Not saying that we're back in Cambodia 1975 quite yet - but the footage

    could have straight out Phnom Penh 1974, or Lebanon in 1977, or Bosnia 1991. Stuff like this is the harbinger of civil war.

    They dont teach them any history bcos then they may ask about their own. And thats anything but glorious. Ask young Chinese kids in Beijing about Tiammen Square and they have no idea. Similar mob controlling this country for the last 200 years

  14. Where are you loudmouths who were posting 2 months ago that this thing would be over quickly and easily?

    Where are you Thai paid posters who post Thai government propaganda and lies here?

    Oh--you are still here.

    But I told you to be careful because you might be on the wrong side. If the Reds win and find out you were posting pro regime hate posts, they will lock you up or worse.

    But about the fight.

    I read a Thai military leader say in an interview that there are at least 500 Thai military dressed in Black inside the buildings all around the War zone. They are heavily armed and prepared to use real bullets with even some artillery support.

    There could be as many as a few thousand more outside the area.

    So now my opinion.

    I think it would be suicide to try and take out the Men in Black with just a few thousand troops. They have the defensive position at the Shopping center and likely the attacking pro government army would find itself being attacked from behind and from the sides as other Blacks moved in for the kill.

    Can you imagine the next morning after a few thousand Thai army were killed and wounded?

    The regime would cave.


    Do the election.

    Remove the power from all other than elected officials--a new Constitution.


    Likely is the regime will fight until it is forced to surrender at which time its very survival as an institution will be very doubtful.

    Can you bet on the sided in London boys?

    I bet on the Reds.

    The fat lady has not sung yet. Cannot believe that anybody goes to a gunfight with a bamboo pole and burning tyres. There must be military units loyal to Thaksin...when are they going to enter the fray. Sounds reasonable to draw the soldiers in and then you have them surrounded. Give them the chance to lay down arms if not armageddon breaks loose. Not a pretty scenario and one nobody wants.

    Love or hate the guy Seh Daeng has combat experience and he is not the only military guy on the red side. The final party has not begun yet so either stay neutral or choose your allegiance carefully

  15. Have just watched Redshirts spokesman Sean Boonpracong (ironically wearing a white shirt) being interviewed on Al Jazeera. He was like a little boy, smiling, smirking and acting like a naughty adolescent. The Al Jazeera called his bluff and said something like, "given the circumstances and number of people killed, it's strange that you should be laughing about this". Sean just smiked and squirmed some more, with a pathetic answer that totally avoided the point. He could not explain either, why the "peaceful Reds" were coming out of their barricades and throwing projectiles and firing slingshots at the troops.

    If this is the guy that Reds hold up to the world as their spokesman, then their credibility and any drip of sympathy that may have remained, will not have evaporated totally. They are heading for embarassing oblivion I'm afraid now. Failed to see the wide open chance they had to give in with a shred of credibility and now want to fight to the end. Apart from their cowardly leaders, who will slip away at the crucial moments, leaving their drones to take the rap. Sad, v. sad. :)

    If gambling was legal in Thailand I would wager that this government is heading for embarrassing oblivion. Lets see what is what at 09.00 tomorrow. Should be fun at swampy watching Prem, Chuan Leek Pai and Abhisit at check in....Thats if they have not already seen the writing on the wall and caught a red eye flight

  16. Wonder how Sondhi's resignation as NPP leader comes into all this? He doesnt do anything without a reason.

    He resigned so that he can once again lead the mighty yellow PAD. He wouldn't want to be accused of any conflicts, so he first resigned from the party that he founded, as both chairman and member, now he'll lead the PAD once again and when he has achieved his political objectives, he'll go back and will re-join his party and assume the position of chairman once again.

    This way nobody will be able to say that he did it for his own political benefit. :)

    Don't forget he got a bullet in the head too and was very lucky to be alive

    same people who ordered sondhi's shooting also ordered Seh daengs.

  17. Am utterly appalled at the reds. They had such sympathy a month and a half ago, now they are just a bunch of criminals working for their master Thaksin to the detriment of the entire nation. Disgusting.

    OK. However, I can't understand any civilized person having any sympathy for them at all after Pattaya Asean and Black Songkran.

    The only ones that have sympathy for them are the reds themselves - like their fan club here - time for negotiation is over and I hope the government realizes that the only way to win this is to go full out and destroy them once and for all

    Choose your words very carefully, this is a long way from over. A few hardcore soldiers are not the majority and once a general cops one in the head, from an Isaan conscript, it will be army fighting army. Every Democrat politician will carry a price on their head for the rest of their natural. I am not a member of any fan club I just want to see a fairer redistribution of the wealth. No problem with the rich just dont like to see people live in poverty

  18. Yes people should choose their own fate, however being paid to vote and/or to protest in the name of democracy is a perversion.

    The true perversion is when both sides buy equally but only one is condemned for it

    Great comment. Who paid for all the old teachers and government workers to block the airport and government house for 5 months.

    This is the worst possible outcome of a completely botched effort to deal with a political crisis. Abhisit should resign now.

    Anapoong's snipers have created a Thai Martin Luther King. The reds will go crazy for weeks and for years you will have violence in Bangkok. Car bombs, political murders -all respect for any form of athority is over. For what? A few more months in the govenment so the current generals can stuff their pockets MORE!

    All you idiots who have bought the government propaganda about the reds being terrorists, you got what you want. A real Red crack down. Let's see how you enjoy the new Thailand, watching over your sholder all the time.

    And all they wanted was fair elections. Shame you you!

    its the men stuffing the money into the pockets of the generals that need the bullet

  19. Yes people should choose their own fate, however being paid to vote and/or to protest in the name of democracy is a perversion.

    The true perversion is when both sides buy equally but only one is condemned for it

    Great comment. As anybody asked why sooty(abhisit) and sweep(large head Suthep) have not made no comment about the assassination attempt. Do they not have conclusive proof who fired the gun. Funny that he was on tv 30 mins after somebody fired some grenades into innocent people, proclaiming he knew it came from the red camp. These people are so <deleted> arrogant. Their arrogance makes them believe we believe everything they say.

  20. What lengths won't the reds go to to provoke violence?

    What lengths will the elite of this country go to to provoke a reaction to give the army an excuse to go in. Well in a nutshell it back fired and nobody in the camp is firing back. Trouble now is Abhisit and his merry men have enrolled some more of Seh Daengs colleagues to the red cause. Once one army unit turns it is all over and then who do you think will have a bullseye in the middle of his head. Run now run fast.

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