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Posts posted by truethailand

  1. The government is just digging a deeper hole for itself. Admit your soldiers did kill some civilians and journalist. The longer they wait to admit the truth the worst it will be on the government.

    I think they've already admitted that security forces killed the Japanese journalist and 3 people in the Wat.

    They have not admitted to anything.

    Tharit Pengdith, director general of the Department of Special Investigation, said the DSI had concluded its preliminary investigation and passed the results to the police but had not publicly disclosed the contents.

    "The investigation report is a sensitive issue to talk about or to confirm its authenticity," he said. "It's an official secret. To confirm the authenticity of the report sent to police would affect the rights of the people whose names were in it."

    He would neither confirm nor deny the authenticity of the two reports seen by Reuters but said police will now investigate the case of the three people believed to have been killed by troops at the temple, along with three others possibly killed by troops, including Muramoto.

    The results of the police investigation will be sent to the DSI and government prosecutors.

    If troops are found responsible for civilian deaths, families could sue for compensation. But authorities could also claim shootings were committed in the line of official duty.

    OK, they've said that 3 deaths in the Wat and the cameraman were possibly caused by the army, and have passed the cases to police to investigate further. They haven't denied it, but haven't come out with a definitive statement until the investigation has been completed.

    If recent judicial decisions are anything to go by, we already no the outcome.. farangs are entitled to an opinion but some on here have an unhealthy interest in certain threads. Is there 6-7 of you using the same ip address

  2. The results of this report will be a PR exercise. There were shots from both sides but the confrontation would never have taken place without the red thugs. So blame the deaths on the originators and not who finally pulled the trigger - even in close battle fear usually leads to friendly fire casualties. Even if the journalists were targeted they like the other unfortunate victims were are direct result of the violent confrontation and seizure and that lays the blame squarely on the reds. End of story.


  3. Yes that would be a staggering 1/6700th of Thailand.

    What do numbers have to do with it, they're all terrorists aren't they?

    If you say so it must be true. At least we know the numbers then ;)

    Not my opinion as you well know, just what I've been told on this forum, and there does seem to be some dispute about the fractions, could be 1/6290th, depends on who you use for official population figures,but hey, they're just numbers, the sentiment put forward is the same.

    I think the salaried members of the government propoganda machine are busy on here today

  4. This is reflected by the price of rice being offered to the farmer at 12.80 baht per kilo in Surin. This is a far cry from this time last years of 15.50 and where is the so called 20 baht projected due to the floods.:annoyed:

    The cartel of 30+ families who control all the rice in Thailand will still want their margins so the farmer must do without. How much longer will Thailand be dictating the world market price for rice?

  5. Breaking News. Channel News Asia

    A friend just told me that they are reporting about a document from the DSI, (not sure if leaked) that a number of the shootings in the temple on May 19th were people shot from above. The trajectory of the bullets in and out of the body and the caliber of ammunition pointed to the Thai special forces. Dont know anymore at this time. The document was given to Reuters. Can somebody verify this?

    Yes ... Breaking News ... from November 17.


    The deaths in four cases possibly involving security forces are: three deaths in Wat Pathum Wanaram,

    I know that situation but he told me that reuters have got a document with a full report. . From what he said it was not about possibility it was concrete evidence I dont know who they were talking to but he implied nothing will be done in Thailand, (army has a track recored when it comes to shooting protestors).. Thanks for the swift reply but then again I would not expect any less

  6. Breaking News. Channel News Asia

    A friend just told me that they are reporting about a document from the DSI, (not sure if leaked) that a number of the shootings in the temple on May 19th were people shot from above. The trajectory of the bullets in and out of the body and the caliber of ammunition pointed to the Thai special forces. Dont know anymore at this time. The document was given to Reuters. Can somebody verify this?

  7. <P>if you have time get your visa from Laos Consulate on Prachasomosorn Road (before 12.00). Ask for express service and you will get it back in 10 minutes (200 baht extra). Go straight to the Bus Station on Klang Mueang (near Kaen Inn) and the ticket office for the Thai-Laos international bus service is in the middle aisle at one end (first window on left). Then buy your ticket for the afternoon bus (15.15) and that will drop you off, eventually, at Vientiane Bus Station. From there get a tuk tuk to the 'Phone Pseuth Guesthouse' (550 baht per night) which is located within walking distance of most of the bars and restaurants. The tuk tuk drivers in Laos make bangkok tuk tuk drivers appear meek by comparison. Bus station to guesthouse, no more than 100 baht all in, haggle there is plenty of choice. If no takers walk away and one will break rank and take you for 100 baht.<BR>If you are on overstay its not a good idea to take the international bus because you will be detained why you pay the fine and the bus will not wait for you. My advice is take one of the early morning trains about 05.00 and 08.00 (please check) and they stop 600m from the bridge. After checking into Laos get a tuk tuk to the above guesthouse for about 200-250(no more). People in the hotel and in the bars will give you the way to get to the embassy and what to do. If you have any problems obtaining a visa you can ring a Mr Seng Banlusak(good English) 0206775733 and for about 2000 baht he will get your tourist visa and deliver it to your hotel next day. You can get your visa back same day for about 4500 baht negotiable. Know many who used him to avoid the queues, great service nice guy. If you need any further info please im me</P>

  8. Is it really necessary to put "PRO-THAKSIN GROUPS" in the sub-title and then in red on the OP? It's a bit obvious, isn't it?

    Not all reds are pro-Thaksin

    The problem seems to be that all the red leaders and the PTP are pro-Thaksin.

    So, in supporting the red leaders or the PTP, the red shirts are also supporting Thaksin.

    Cock and Bull boy. The poor have aligned to Thaksin bcos he is the only person to keep his promise to them after being elected, whatever his motives. Having seen years of fat arsed lazy Dems only sufacing out of BKK at election time with statements that go something like 'vote for us it will be different this time' so they did and the Dems retreated back to BKK and did nothing after winning the election. I have never agreed with his motives but he gave them what he promised. Their agenda is to get somebody to power who helps them, it could be anybody. Dont try to taint peoples struggle to escape poverty with a man on his own mission.

  9. What sort of person would describe the death of 91 and the disappearnce of 100's more as 'This time it appears that Thai people for the most part did not see the Reds as 'civilian' and thus accepted it as something painful that needed to happen' .

    I think probably someone who has a very clear political view but lacks the ability or willingness to process information that might lead to self questioning.It's actually a very common view among the Thai urban middle class.To an extent I sympathise with them as they are are no doubt alarmed and even frightened by the social and political re-alignment in prospect.What they might get some comfort from is that changes often take a long time to work through and the new political order will no doubt have plenty of representatives from the educated middle class.So I think some understanding is due.Although attitudes expressed may appear cruel and unfeeling it's all understandable.In due course they might even unhinge themselves from the greedy undemocratic amart with its distasteful feudalists, generals, and lazy business monopolists.

    Why a few foreigners think like this is more difficult to understand.

    I think thats want I wanted to say but anger did not permit me to be so understanding

  10. Abhisit must have one of the toughest PMs jobs in the world. Despite the odds against it, he has held this coalition of 7 parties together. But until there is a fundamental change in belief that EVERYONE is entitled to a share of the pie, nothing will change much, and the factions will remain. But somehow the Thai economy is still OK.

    It's not really such a tough job to hold onto. You just hand over the most lucrative ministries to the coalition party that is keeping you in power and turn a blind eye to whatever they do. All you have to do then is to do what you are told to do by the people who put you in power and the Courts will take care of the rest.

    10 / 10

  11. Thaksin has distances himself from the Reds - which is why the Red protests are drawing 400-500 instead of the 10,000+ who were paid to be there before. He decided to stop betting on the losing horse.

    I know we will never know this exactly...but it would be interesting so see how much Thaksin has spent with the reds since he was ousted. I can only imagine it is a huge sum...a lot of which ended up in the pockets of the red's leaders!

    Who funded all the yellow shirt protestor, they are the danger to the country moving forward

  12. What sort of person would describe the death of 91 and the disappearnce of 100's more as 'This time it appears that Thai people for the most part did not see the Reds as 'civilian' and thus accepted it as something painful that needed to happen' . Something painful that had to happen, a nurse in a temple and how many more were not armed. Violence is never acceptable but for comments like that an exception has to be made.

    I have had numerous discussions with middle class thais about equality and the worse response is silence but many reluctantly agree that Thailand needs to change. Could a person believeing it was necessary for 91 people to die persuade people in an Isaan village it was necessary. You can only be trying to wind people up with that statement

  13. From the OP:

    BANGKOK, 30 November 2010 (NNT)-Following the Constitution Court's ruling against the dissolution of the Democrat Party, many fear this will cause another political uprising in Thailand.

    Fearing the backlash of the Court's decision to drop the charge against the Democrat Party on grounds of technicality, which, many have said, will lead to more violence by anti-government activists; the red-shirt in particular, police and soldiers have been deployed to the Democrat Party Headquarters in Bang Sue district to ensure maximum security for its members.


    Can someone explain to me how 'political uprising' and 'more violence by anti-government activists; the red-shirt in particular' are related ?

    In most democratic countries political uprising can only be applauded (although personally I wonder about the 'tea baggers'). In a way it shows political engagement by the people. In Thailand that would/should mean peaceful protests along the roads of BKK with people fed up with current political parties and games, multi-color shirts as it were.

    To write "violence by anti-government activists; the red-shirt in particular" shows a prejudice on the side of the Nation. As you can clearly read in posts on other topics red-shirts are 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists'. Mind you having said that I'm not sure what other group(s) might want to get violent over the court decision.

    Well just look at their bloody history for crying out loud! They're certainly afraid this group will take up soem more senseless violence, as thats really the only language they seem to speak. There's really no way to call it bias, but just looking at the future based on past actions.

    If the Nation did support them, what would that say about the nation?

    Other int'l sources just don't have the insight into the culture and history here as the Nation might. Just look at Dan Rivers and some of the other reporters who reported on one side of the camp.

    If you consider that the state controlled media reporting in Thailand was a best one sided people like Mr Rivers should be applauded for showing the other side, especially when he stopped reporting to turn his camera onto two lines of army soldiers, One kneeling, firing continously at no higher than head height. Thai people in the main were only exposed to government contrived reporting. It was obvious that many international journos would show the story from the red side because all Thailands reporters (term used loosely) were on government orders. Just go to youtube and for every video you can show me in support of your argument I can show you 3 against your argument. (and any that are blocked are because they show things this government cant deny)

  14. All parties urged to accept court ruling on Democrat Party dissolution case


    Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban on Tuesday reaffirmed that no double standard practice has been applied to the Democrat dissolution case.

    deputy premier added he is confident that the court's consideration process is correct and independent.


    -- TNA 2010-11-30

    What nonsense is he spouting, "no double standard"...even fools know what is going on..

    Even fools know when to stop complaining about things they cannot prove and only imagine. Some posters here only seem bend on stirring up hatred against anything the government does, or against decisions they do not like.

    If you check the order of the posts in many previous threads its you and your lot who start the rhetoric and its me and my lot who respond. I have opinions and social beliefs do you have agendas and wage packets?

  15. Be careful with your words. You can go to jail with such comments about the court.

    Nailed it girl. Democracy Thai style. The institutions that can do no wrong cannot be talked about in discussion. Not saying in this particular case the judiciary are not correct The judiciary is beyond reproach and that is understandable when you look at the big picture. How is Thailand ever going forward with no freedom of speech. Forgot they dont want to go forward. The two things you need to run a country is control of the legal system and if that fails deadly force. Work the rest out yourself

  16. Abhsit haters will decry this, but the man is the best PM we've had in 10 years, and (while not perfect by a long shot), is a hell of a lot better to any PTP mouthbreather as PM (or Sanan, or Sanoh, or any of the other marshmellows).

    Oldest party keeps getting older. Look for house dissolution in April, and current coalition wins majority and is back until at least 2014. :jap:

    agree.......we all wish this, well those who use a signature and not a finger print

    Please explain the last sentence

  17. "Nikom does not have the right spirit. He forgot political etiquette and is intoxicated with money,'' Jirayu said.

    Loved that bit.

    He must have been drinking with the PTP sponsor K Thaksin.

    But the headline cant be right, havent the red supporters told us the PM is clinging to power by any means?

    I actually liked the first part of that quote.

    He doesn't have "the right spirit", which basically means, he didn't do what the boss wanted, he thought about something independently and he did what he thought was best for his electorate. Can't have that, can we?

    bit slow today only 2nd

  18. If you think so. For you to answer an anonymous comment within minutes of me posting (not the first time) suggests this is your 9-5 job. I mean to monitor political threads and promote one view over another. I am watching the watcher. Cant wait to see how quick you answer this one

    Within in a minute. Bad timing for you I guess. I just got back from lunch.

    Is there something wrong with responding to a response to my post? Haven't you used the "Watch Topic"?

    Watch Topic ummmmmmm I just love verbal sparring with you. It gives me the horn bcos I know what you are doing but dont worry you are not the only political watcher on here. Keep it coming I am just warming up boy lets make it entertaining for the neutrals

  19. Dont worry you are not alone some of your buddies are monotoring this thread

    As are yours. But at least they aren't making pointless comments ... not valid, but at least not pointless.

    Thats debatable . Cats out the bag

    Oh. Now pointless and meaningless.

    How come you only quoted the first bit of my last post. Are you advocating redistribution of wealth or just trying to appear neutral...cos its not working

  20. Dont worry you are not alone some of your buddies are monotoring this thread

    As are yours. But at least they aren't making pointless comments ... not valid, but at least not pointless.

    Thats debatable . Cats out the bag

    Oh. Now pointless and meaningless.

    If you think so. For you to answer an anonymous comment within minutes of me posting (not the first time) suggests this is your 9-5 job. I mean to monitor political threads and promote one view over another. I am watching the watcher. Cant wait to see how quick you answer this one

  21. When will the PTP learn that democracy is about the majority. If they can't get the majority to support their amendments, then they don't survive. You don't just throw a hissy fit and refuse to take part. They're like children.

    I liked the line about showing "a gesture of opposition". They are the opposition. They are working on being in opposition for a long time.

    What democracy? Half of the Senators that have a vote for charter amendment votes are appointed. So the democrat led government have a 3/4th majority in the Senate by default.

    So PT, and whatever parties support its coalition, would need more then 70% of the Representatives to pass an amendment bill. The Democrats - and its coalition members on the other hand only need 30%. So, democracy?

    Could you explain your math whereby you have this notion that 3/4 of the Senate is Democrat?

    Both elected and appointed Senators are non-partisan. The appointed Senators were chosen from a wide variety of backgrounds by the Senate Selection Committee. The Committee is established in Section 113, Part 3 and Chapter 6 of the Constitution. The Committee is composed of:

    * President of the Constitutional Court

    * Chairman of the Election Commission

    * Chairman of the State Audit Commission

    * A Judge in the Supreme Court of Justice holding office not lower in rank than Judge of the Supreme Court of Justice as entrusted by the general assembly of the Supreme Court of Justice.

    * A Judge of the Supreme Administrative Court as entrusted by the general assembly of judges of the Supreme Administrative Court.

    Are you saying that all members of the Committee are Democrats and all the Senators they selected are Democrat?

    "Thaksin Shinawatra is generating 4 to 5 Billion Baht in profits a year, and has in total 400 Billion Baht worth of total wealth" I can think of a few thais who earn a great deal more than that every year

  22. Dont worry you are not alone some of your buddies are monotoring this thread

    As are yours. But at least they aren't making pointless comments ... not valid, but at least not pointless.

    Thats debatable . Cats out the bag "The grass roots red shirts have some very valid issues" this statement is meaningless from a person who supports a government that has no intenetion of investing real money into poor areas. Are you supporting redistribution of wealth away from the few and into the grass roots of the NE. Didn't think so...

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