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Posts posted by truethailand

  1. How the hell can the weapons go missing, surely they have an Armoury?

    actually this is my point...Have you ever seen these military amouries? Unless i was drunk and quite possibly I was they are like forts, solid walls with security everywhere, I smell another Thai RAT here and I fairly sure that no red, yellow or even the mysterious black shirt could not even get close to these places, there is NO WAY any right minded person should attend any of the up coming Red Shirt protests as i really do think this is another sick plan or a very sick government.....I like most others just hope and call for sanity to prevail but I am rapidily losing hope....again...sadly...

    Your opinion to which you are entitled. Sure a government / army conspiracy, like the theft a few months ago. Read Robert A.'s report, more of the same.

    On the other hand maybe it was some of those military leaning redwards, K. Jatuporn mentioned the other day they have some. Maybe just usual Thai entrepeneurs seeking a profit by selling stuff. Maybe another reason.

    Sorry, my crysal ball is on the blink again. Probably need to replace the batteries ;)

    Both opinions are very valid but both are extremely frightening. The army creating excuses to shoot without question or we would have to presume Army officers (cannot be foot soldiers alone) sending free samples to Jatuporn. Officers with little or no aleigance is a scary thought for those controlling the country. It may be coming home to roost, that when they laid out the rules of engagement, back in May that one day 'a shoot on sight' policy would come back to bite them on their behinds as the opposition may start playing by the same rules.

  2. and they want to build a Nuclear Power Plant.:wacko:

    The Isaan Farmers group, an extremist splinter group, of the red shirt movement are believed to be behind the disappearance of a number of uranium rods. When pressed on the issue Abhisit replied " We have to believe they have ill intentions and a 'dirty bomb' is possible. Our intelligence shows they have the tecnology down on the farm to make this a real threat"

  3. Here's a better photo of the now-convicted Red Shirt with his nice friend, the personable Sae Daeng...who also with him when he was arrested:


    Police arrest Youtuber K Thong

    The Nation - March 7, 2010

    Police yesterday arrested a man whose YouTube video had warned of bomb attacks and armed struggle in Bangkok.

    Phornwat Thongthanaboon, who is also known as "K Thong", was seated inside a military van that Army expert Maj-General Khattiya Sawasdipol had taken to the Crime Suppression Division to ask about arranging for Phornwat's surrender.



    In the same report at the end of the piece it said this

    "Khattiya told reporters that earlier in the day he had caught a man following him from Suvarnabhumi Airport. He said the man confessed that he worked for Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban. Khattiya confiscated the man’s mobile phone, two-way radio and driver’s licence.'

    I would be arming myself in the Palm Oil Baron was after me

  4. Here's a better photo of the now-convicted Red Shirt with his nice friend, the personable Sae Daeng...who also with him when he was arrested:


    Police arrest Youtuber K Thong

    The Nation - March 7, 2010

    Police yesterday arrested a man whose YouTube video had warned of bomb attacks and armed struggle in Bangkok.

    Phornwat Thongthanaboon, who is also known as "K Thong", was seated inside a military van that Army expert Maj-General Khattiya Sawasdipol had taken to the Crime Suppression Division to ask about arranging for Phornwat's surrender.



    Have you got any anti democrat photos on photobucket.com

  5. The headline should read:

    Democrat says Pol. Lt. Col.Thaksin claims reconciliation cannot be achieved without him coming back and doing his time.

    Works for me. It seems Abhisit is getting too much good press and the damned hamsters not getting the wished for traction. Cue for Noppadom and 'story time'.

    Don't know what this gobblededook means but the truth of what Thaksin says is self evident.There can't be true reconciliation without him paying a part.Doesn't mean he shouldn't serve time or have his assets restored (though this will presumably be part of the bargaining process).Personally I think for the good of the country he should formally undertake not to seek public office.Watch this space but I don't think much will happen on this front for a few years, ie until wounds on both sides have healed.

    actually things are going better in his absence. Economy improved as well. Reconciliation begins when he is gone and forgotten, or is no longer covered in the press.

    Wonder if they'll ever reveal all of his payments and support to the red shirts from abroad. Surely there are tons of other charges that could be brought against this heckler.

    Can we have a"Who funded the Muppets" aka yellows shirts for 6 months. I personally know of one man who paid 20,000 per month because if he did not he would be shunned from the "business loop". Why does nobody ask who funded thousands of people for 6 months. Who starts all the topics on here...oops forgot

  6. Stepenwolf --- your number count is wrong as is your assumption that Abhisit is "directly responsible", but hey, since "the majority" of Thai men have multiple wives in your observation (counting out the fact that women don't outnumber men by that margin) .. should suggest that perhaps your ideas and maths don't tend to match very often :)

    :whistling: Anything you say, sport, anything... :rolleyes:

    Ok, put it this way: my assumption is guessing and it's wrong. Ok, so now is clear he didn't order to the Army to open fire to protesters. Then i have to ask you what do you think-who did it if he didn't? Tell me what do you know or think, WHO said to open fire to the people? Make it simple as possible, please. :whistling:

    simple, the red were responsible

    they should not have been there

    no reds, no deaths, no problem.........

    if the reds where firing all these grenades and M16 how many soldiers died. Dont include the soldiers in April thats open to debate, something we wont get with this regime

  7. Stepenwolf --- your number count is wrong as is your assumption that Abhisit is "directly responsible", but hey, since "the majority" of Thai men have multiple wives in your observation (counting out the fact that women don't outnumber men by that margin) .. should suggest that perhaps your ideas and maths don't tend to match very often :)

    :whistling: Anything you say, sport, anything... :rolleyes:

    Ok, put it this way: my assumption is guessing and it's wrong. Ok, so now is clear he didn't order to the Army to open fire to protesters. Then i have to ask you what do you think-who did it if he didn't? Tell me what do you know or think, WHO said to open fire to the people? Make it simple as possible, please. :whistling:

    simple, the red were responsible

    they should not have been there

    no reds, no deaths, no problem.........

    The violence started in April when the army (army used loosely) tried to corner the reds and assinate a few leaders. As they were incapable one regiment fired a grenade into anothere regiment and all hell lets loose. It worries me that you cannot see the otherside of any argument. Is every thing said in defence of the reds a lie and evrything that the government media broadcast irrefutable proof. <snip>

  8. This is amazing, really.

    "Natthawut also called on Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to make a promise that his Democrat Party would accept the results of the next election even if the Democrat is beaten by the Pheu Thai."

    Any one in Thailand believe they will admit defeat? What a dream. A men who is responsible(directly) for the death of 90 civilians to admit defeat?

    Adding to the list of things that you know nothing about.

    i think you will find Mr Wolf is correct. "Mark" claimed recently that his government are in charge of the army. So as the leader of said government he must have agreed on any operational plan to disperse protestors. Potential fatality figures would have been banded around the table and deemed acceptable, so either somebody disregarded orders and shot to kill innocent people or he accepted fatalities of a level we may never be privvy to, he signed the death warrant of mainly innocent Thai nationals. Dont talk about black shirts, grenades etc because I will talk about dead journalists, dead nurses and wounded medics

  9. The former premier said such circumstances include a remedy for those affected by political violence, absolution of convicted politicians and activists from the crimes that he believes are political, and the establishment of a justice system that is truly free of political influence.

    Encyclopedia Britanica should list this in context

    as defining hypocrisy and also absurdity.

    Great post.

    Colour not important. They are coming...

  10. People arrested on terrorists charges, even if out on bail, cannot run as MP's from my understanding - can anyone clarify? Since when can a suspected terrorist run for parliament unless of course we have dropped to the levels of Jordan, Palestine, Libya and all the others. Is this report more grand-standing by Suthep, the Nation or whom?

    Don`t these people understand that most of the citizens of Thailand are sick to death with Red Shirts, and I am certain the leaders will find out when the election is over... Thailand is a booming economy thanks to the Thai people themselves and the present government which is working under Very strained and even more constrained conditions... Foreign investment would soon dry up if this government were to change... Rock on Abhisit, nothing like a Geordie in power.... but can they please subsidise the price of beer....

    What survey did you commission "Most people are sick of .." According to a good friend of mine, who was at the meeting this week, along with over 400 others, they are not sick of it and are more dtermined than ever. They may not be attending in Bangkok, mocked by fools here, but they are attending meetings in large numbers in their own villages. The movement for social equality is alive so get used to it.. It is not going away...ever.

    They are not talking about violence, they where talking about lack of investment in their region. Fools ignore and taint it with burning malls and a fugitive on the run but do so at your own peril.

  11. What a f..king waste of life..RIP But when money is placed above all things in this society what do you expect. Apart from the bereaved and friends the farangs care more than most thais. Only ever get on Nakon Chai Air, the rest are death traps. You cannot even shame the company owners into improving their safety record. Typical Thailand, nobody takes responsibility for their actions or their inactions.

  12. Wheres the individual accusing the reds of assault. Again you post &lt;deleted&gt; . Condems the violence against journalists. Thai indoctrinated media staff . Give me a link to one journalist alledging assault. If not shut up

    Interesting that you cannot accept a general accusation like from Channel-3 personel who were almost torched by red-shirts angry at the channels news.

    Since you put such very strict requirements to any link to be provided, the following you will probably not find acceptable either.

    "Chandler Vandergrift, a documentary-maker in his 20s working in Bangkok, suffered shrapnel injuries to his head, legs and arms after a grenade exploded less than 70 metres from him, said freelance photographer Nick Nostitz.


    Nostitz, a German photographer who witnessed the grenade attack that wounded Vandergrift, said it was thrown by a radical faction of the antigovernment "red shirt" protesters.

    Nostitz believed it was not aimed at the journalists but rather at army officers standing nearby, he said."


    Anyway, back to the OP "Thailand led by British oppressor" ;)

    As I said intentionally... you said it not aimed at the foreign journalist

  13. Selective quoting of my post. Read with the whole post explains my comments. Go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Stop playing games

    The selected comments of yours i responded to carry exactly the same meaning, whether read alone or as part of the whole post. Had taking them out corrupted their intended meaning, i wouldn't have done so.

    They dont carry the same meaning. I am trying to demonstarte I cannot speak for their behaviour just offer a suggestion as to why they would respond that way.

  14. Hospital Occupation... Snipers there by agreement with the hospital authorities. Emergency evacuation that was not required and nobody has taken the statements of the relatives of the removed patients..why. No explanation given to them.. PR excercise pre arranged. The 3 that died during the time of troubles where unrelated and I believe two were from cancer. Bangkok burning.. Central world was photogarphed under relaxed army control 45 minutes before it started burning.To my knowledge their is no statements on record from the Mall security staff...why. Do your homework and see how the owners fit into the framework. Not being encouraged, yes Ive seen the video. Lets be fair Jatuporn is no international orator like Tony Blair and his vocabulary may be limited. Figures of speech.

    Redshirts turned on journalists..show me one report on the internet from a foriegn journalist that states he was intentionally attacked by the red shirts.. Journalists attacked b red shirts were Thai journalists, who through no fault of their own, reported what they were told to report. YOu my friend have been fooled not me

  15. I wish for a sweeping social change to redistribute some of the wealth into the lower end of the economy. If that aligns me with the reds..carry on.

    It most certainly does not.

    Thugs in action, maybe people fighting for a worthy cause.

    Comments like this do.

    Selective quoting of my post. Read with the whole post explains my comments. Go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Stop playing games

  16. By the way, i can understand you dislike Taksin(no H)

    I don't dislike Taksin. I dislike Thaksin. The two different transliterated spellings refer to two different names with two different Thai spellings and two different Thai pronunciations.

    I'd encourage you to use the proper one in reference to Thaksin Shinawatra.


    And the relevance to the citizenship of Abhisit?..................or as mentioned previously do you just enjoy exploding your dislike of Thaksin in every thread, which continually detracts from your observations.

    He'll take his bat and ball home if you pick on him

  17. and shot medics, independant journos all unarmed... Do me a favour... go pull the ears off your teddy

    Didnt you see the pic of the journo (as you put it) injured by a red grenade posted on this forum today.

    Your memory is short.

    Far to short to remember all the things we, who were here, saw the reds do, if not in person then on TV every day.

    Send me a link to the page with the photo...please

    still blows my mind that there are red shirt supporters on this board. why do you need a link it wasn't that long ago, everyone saw these thugs in action. I don't have a teddy to pull any ears off of whatever that means?

    Ok you havent got a link, I always get asked, when I make statements, to provide the link. I am not a red shirt supporter, my parents instilled a conscience and an ability to consider all the facts before making a decision. I wish for a sweeping social change to redistribute some of the wealth into the lower end of the economy. If that aligns me with the reds..carry on. Thugs in action, maybe people fighting for a worthy cause. You like me may be fortunate enough not to live in poverty so we cannot for one minute understand what decades of suppression can do to a person, so cannot comment on their actions. Please think before you post again.

  18. and shot medics, independant journos all unarmed... Do me a favour... go pull the ears off your teddy

    Didnt you see the pic of the journo (as you put it) injured by a red grenade posted on this forum today.

    Your memory is short.

    Far to short to remember all the things we, who were here, saw the reds do, if not in person then on TV every day.

    Send me a link to the page with the photo...please

    Another wild statement sir. You dont know where I was, and what tv I watch but be sure it wasnt only Thai Tv because the coverage was so one sided. I watched coverage from CNA, CNN, AL JAZEERA BBC, YOUTUBE, unblocked sites with front line images, read foreign reports online etc. Consider all the evidence before making a statement. Dead nurses, journalists, medics paints a picture I for one cannot ignore. You obviously can

  19. and shot medics, independant journos all unarmed... Do me a favour... go pull the ears off your teddy

    Didnt you see the pic of the journo (as you put it) injured by a red grenade posted on this forum today.

    Your memory is short.

    Far to short to remember all the things we, who were here, saw the reds do, if not in person then on TV every day.

    Send me a link to the page with the photo...please

  20. 'crimes against humanity'!

    the man did everything possible to stop the loss of life and keep everything peaceful. its the red shirt leaders that are responsible for the blood.

    Yeah right, they shot they're self just to get thier 15 minutes of fame.:cheesy: :cheesy: :jerk:

    They are self? 15 minutes of fame had nothing to do with it but yes they did shoot at thier own people (men in black)

    and shot medics, independant journos all unarmed... Do me a favour... go pull the ears off your teddy

  21. you can hold them in jail forever.

    Excellent idea sir, they certainly deserve after what they did to this country.

    Dont worry about the PM's status, all will be revealed.

    Jatuporn will no doubt have the video to show his supporters.

    Assuming thats what he means by solid, or maybe he has it carved in stone.

    He has produced them (videos) before, but then again he has failed dismally at times.

    Let see what he turns up with today. Whatever it is...it is likely already been presented with the submission to the ICC. Another post will so few facts..only put downs

  22. Its not for us to decide the legality of the submission, greater honest men than us will do that. I quoted 4 sections, which according to the uncorroborated statements of Amsterdams witnesses, the case may procede. When the submission is made to the ICC the witnesses names will be known and not before, so dont mock the identity of because they are hidden by numbers, there is dark forces operating in Thailand and a few witnesses may take an unscheduled long term holiday in some bridge footings.

    Yes there was violence, but we need to know the sequence of events that brought about this violence. If state media is your main source of information you will not get a full picture for obvious reasons. The leaders are in jail awaiting trial.... cant have a trial without being charged first. 9 months in jail and no charges and all legal due to some purposterous Internal security law. Please tell me why The ICC will not look at this case

    The sequence of events isn't really relevant when you think about it. The was a video of when the shooting started on the night of April 10, and no one knew where it started. But the fact is, on that night, the red shirts had guns and grenades. The ICC will see that, and then look no further. :o

    And it's been pointed out to you before. (Selective memory?) The leaders HAVE been charged. http://www.nationmul...o-30131623.html (plenty of other links out there if you bother to look).

    You said: "...ICC will not look further." Where did you get that? And how come you know what they will do and how they will react? Are you such an expert or you just guess?

    Or that is just your wish? :rolleyes:

    Let me tell you how does it works.

    Do you really think they are in ICC shallow minded so that what they will see("...red shirt had guns and grenades") will impress them so to stop them in their investigation?

    How naive!

    ICC is a group of experts and they do NOT care Abhisit or any other in this mess! Notorious fact!

    They will go in details, for sure and if they accept that case to investigate-i would not be in Abhisit's shoes!

    Just if they accept the case.(I would like they accept.)

    Next, about your"explanation" to truethailand member, about charged or not. Yes they are charged but his point was that they could not(should not) be endlessly just charged and thanks to that fact, to be endlessly out of trial. That is the point!

    But i am afraid it is possible in Thailand, if Thailand don't have habeas corpus laws. As it was explained to me-

    "The detainment of the people suspected of terrorism is periodically reviewed by the courts where they decide to continue the detainment of the suspects or to grant bail or release them."

    IF, i said IF, you have judges under control of Government, if your country doesn't have habeas corpus law and if suspect is politic rival to you-you can hold them in jail forever.

    If it were possible to get the Thai Government in open court, the red shirt leaders know, this whole plutocracy will collapse as Thai people get to hear the real truth. To my knowledge every subject can be discussed in the ICC, so no one would be spared the wrath of the prosecutor. The fallout of such an event would be of Tsunami proportions

    If he is summoned he should fear not only the ICC but the men within. They will not want to go down with him

  23. Bangkok Pundit did a piece on this a week ago. As Abhisit was born in the UK and his parents werent diplomats then he is a British citizen, whether he likes it or not. No proof anywhere that he has ever revoked his citizenship. He has never denied it, except to say he paid overseas student fees when he studied at Oxford Uni. ( But this doesnt mean he isnt UK citizen, just that he didnt live permanently in the UK.)

    No Thai journalists are going to start bringing up the subject of where their leaders were born and whether they are still citizens of the UK or USA.

    You are right on both instances.

    If he cannot provide hard evidence that he renounced his British citizenship, he is a UK national. Unless his parents being both Thai registered him at birth with the Thai embassy in the UK.

    Then again, how difficult would it be for him to pull some strings and have a "miraculous official document" surface showing that he renounced UK citizenship or that he was registered at the Thai embassy at birth? :bah:

    As far as the members of the press; their inaction on the subject shows the limitations imposed by the powers that be.

    I would not enjoy to practice journalism in such environment.

    My two Bahts in for now.


    Amsterdam said on his website (no link) if Mr Abhisit has proof, that he should show us now and stop me in my tracks. Why has he not done it if he has proof. Head in sand aka Ostrich wait till this goes away. Its not going away quickly.

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