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Posts posted by redparrot

  1. Amazing int it.

    No PAD in jail.

    Talk about double standards

    Sentenced for breaking SOE

    Tough break ... few less terrorists roaming the street for a few months .. no biggie

    Uhm, the PAD violated state of emergency too. Are they in jail? Nope. On the contrary, one of their leaders got the job as Foreign Minister. What a joke.

  2. Hahaha!!!! Look at the DOUBLE STANDARDS at work here. It was just on the news that 27 red shirt protesters have been sentenced to 6 monhts in prison TODAY. They were arrested YESTERDAY. And what about the yellow shirts that took over the government house for 8 months and took the 2 airports hostage for 10 days? They're still not sentenced after 2 YEARS ..and one of their leaders is even the government's foreign minister!!!! I think this just tops it all, sorry.

  3. Some people here are twisting and turning the story. At one point you guys claim that the van was speeding towards the army and they shot the van, killing the boy. Then you say that he was standing OUTSIDE besides the van. Was he inside or outside? Speeding or standing? Sorry, your twisting is getting ridiculous. If he was killed while the van was speeding towards the army, he couldn't have been "standing outside besides the van".

    twisting the story?, man, that's rich coming from you.

    aren't you the same guy that announced that Deputy Prime Minister Suthep had been shot in the head during the night?

    I didn't announce it. Someone else posted it first and I replied saying I heard it too. Get your facts straight.

  4. anyone inside of the red camp cannot be counted as a civilian I thought we covered that?

    Says who? An anonymous forum poster? Go amend the constitution with that new paragraph, quick!

    Troops to enter rally site if violence persists

    Looks like tonight they will start the "final massacre". I hope the world media is there to witness what will happen to all the women, children and elderly.

  5. Some people here are twisting and turning the story. At one point you guys claim that the van was speeding towards the army and they shot the van, killing the boy. Then you say that he was standing OUTSIDE besides the van. Was he inside or outside? Speeding or standing? Sorry, your twisting is getting ridiculous. If he was killed while the van was speeding towards the army, he couldn't have been "standing outside besides the van".

  6. If you fight with the army you are likely to get shot, and if you make the decision to fight an army you should not complain if you do get shot.

    Dont see why thats so difficult for the reds to understand.

    The 10-year old boy that got shot in the stomach was fighting the army? Give me a break. He was shot while his parents were driving in a speeding car, probably trying to get their family to safety as fast as possible. Instead, the soldiers opened fire on the car. There is no excuse. Stop looking for one.

    Tragedies happen in wars. Who started this war? Thaksin and the reds. Credit where credit is due.

    Oh really? I thought it happened when the yellow shirts overthrew a democratically elected government. Sorry, I must have been wrong then.

  7. If you fight with the army you are likely to get shot, and if you make the decision to fight an army you should not complain if you do get shot.

    Dont see why thats so difficult for the reds to understand.

    The 10-year old boy that got shot in the stomach was fighting the army? Give me a break. He was shot while his parents were driving in a speeding car, probably trying to get their family to safety as fast as possible. Instead, the soldiers opened fire on the car. There is no excuse. Stop looking for one.

  8. :Dthe latest is thai people who come to the red shirt rallies ,will be paid 200,000 bhat to come and

    die! this information was provided by wife who is thai.

    so i guess the red shirts should advertise " get paid to die in t's war with thailand!"


    I'm pretty sure this is another one of those "my wife heard it from her uncle who heard it from his neighbour while he was playing cards down at the rice mill, who was told by a policeman who heard it from his wife's friend who has been told by a cousin..."

  9. Russell,

    You are now walking a very shaky ground, claiming on a public forum that I have sent you a sexually offensive message via PM, which true to form is an Utter Lie.

    Not a lie mate, ive saved it and will forward it on if i have to, to prove it.

    Sorry mate, but you really shouldn't have sent it in the first place.

    cum on, please Russell lets see it

    its about the only subject that you have ever posted that is of any interest at all........

    Not on me please. :)

  10. Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

    If none , no need to reply .


    Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

    Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

    Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

    17 deads civilians so far .

    Great show Abhisit ...

    All that proves is the reds have killed these 17 people stealthy because you don't even have one video or picture of a soldier killing anybody.

    Idiotic arguments and asking to prove a negative can only be met with more idiocy.

    Sorry, but you have the idiotic argument here. There have been 17 civilians killed and 0 soldiers killed. In total over 100 civilians are injured and the army spokesman on TV just reported 1 injured soldier. Just look at the balance. It says it all about who's killing who.

  11. The Thai news coverage of this has been nothing short of absolutely awful. But you probably can't blame them, since they're probably on orders from the government to keep it to an absolute minimum, in order to keep the general population stupid and clueless. Just like they're shooting on foreign reporters that are trying to show to the world what's really happening.

  12. Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

    If none , no need to reply .


    Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

    Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

    Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

    17 deads civilians so far .

    Great show Abhisit ...

    Would you go and take a photo and video of someone who WILL shoot you if you do?

    Why so many photos of soldiers shooting? Cause people dare to take photos and videos of them, knowing they won't get killed for it.

    Then again even if the redshirt blew your head off, you'd still deny they use any weapons beyond footclappers...

    Are you going to tell that to the dead reporters? Yes, reporters died last night in the army fire.

  13. This is a photo of a ten year old boy shot last night, a sober reminder to all those praying for a crackdown what it eventually leads to.


    This is a article on the shooting unfortunately in Thai


    It's also a sober reminder to the drunk drivers speeding towards army checkpoints with kids in the car.

    Get the women and children out of there!

    Later reports are the child was a bystander.. Not in the car..

    Army shooting wildly.. clipped 2 people OUTSIDE the vehicle !!

    Why was a ten year old boy near a war zone after midnight? Whoever his parents are, they are irresponsible.

    I don't know where you guys come from, but where I come from, the one that shoots and kills is the one responsible. The army is shooting around wild and blind without even having a clear target. That's not what the army should be doing, I'm sorry. Either they have a clear target or they stop shooting.

  14. Dozens of taxis blocked the Din Daeng exit of the elevated expressway at 5:30 am Saturday.

    The taxi drivers, who support the red-shirt movement, fear that troops would be deployed to crack down on the red-shirt protesters at the Din Daeng Intersection, using the expressway.

    Protesters stopped burning tyres at Din Daeng intersection but tension remained high as protesters and troops continued to confront each other there.

    Meanwhile, police set up a checkpoint at the Victory Monument.

    The Nation

    It took me 5 1/2 hours to get home last night... I'm glad it's not a work day.

    Who's running tactics for the red shirts now that Seh Daeng is ...well, pretty much dead? Maybe he wasn't the "brain" after all. Well, obviously he wasn't.

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