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Posts posted by redparrot

  1. The Nation: RT @kendricwee: 8.28 pm saw manyl Reds trying to inch closer to soldiers' barricades with tyres, then bursts of gunfire, not sure if any hit...

    If they did get hit, who really cares. People that dumb shouldn't be in the gene pool anyway.

    The Nation: RT @DNN_NEWS: 20.23 Saladaeng falls darkness.Red has turned off the light to prevent possible sniper attack.

    This was Nattawuts surprise?

    Off topic. Nice avatar you have, looks peaceful :)

  2. Amazing, how this could have all been avoided if Elections would be held. :)

    Elections WERE held in 2007. They were offered for later this year. The terrorists didn't leave they just added more demands. I believe that Nov 14th has been taken off the table now so that means 2011 unless Abhisit gets generous again and offers them early, OR the coalition government that represents the MAJORITY of Thai citizens crumbles before then.

    Abhisit never set that election date in stone, did he? Neither did he register it with the Election Commission. Neither did he offer an exact date to dissolve parliament (which is required to register the election date). It was a "bait & switch" deal, nothing more. On top of that, he set a huge list of things that had to be done before elections could be held, such as changing the army general, passing bills in parliament and completing investigations into the April 10 clashes, which we all know would take 2+ years. It's nice to see some people fell for the bait & switch deal, others fortunately didn't.

  3. Thanks Harold, Pretty much what I've surmised, though you've got some added inside info. I'm the one who was aghast at seeing the large poster of Thaksin, in my northern Thai town, - a formal portrait of him dressed in royal robes. The poster was put up while he was still PM.

    Sorry, but I find that hard to believe. If it was true, I'm sure it would be used by the Democrats against Thaksin on every TV channel and newspaper.

  4. I have two points to make,

    1, Just because i am not thai or a resident doesnt mean i dont care, or that my worries or opinions are not valid. I live here and contribute to society. As for the FARANG tourists that you seem to dislike so much- they prop up the economy in this country, without them the economy will crash imo. So try to lose the bigotry

    2,i have travelled all over the country and i have seen first hand people being TOLD they will vote red or else.... i dont call this support. A lot of my friends are from outside bkk and are poor, they DONT support reds!! Yet some friends of mine in Pattaya who are Thai, and not poor DO support the reds. imho a large proportion of rural people do support red, BUT nowhere near the 50% you are claiming. How can the reds staying here in bkk be helping their families and their crops? The payments will stop as soon as their usefullness runs out, what then for the poorest of these people???? I'm sorry but the reds have to go, the only reds who will profit from this are not the normal truly poor people you are championing, this is all about money and power, not impoverished people from Issan

    Nice post...

    So, please let us just not mislead readers into believing that 50% of the Thai population supports the reds, what? 50%? That is almost close to 30 million Thais, is it? We have never seen this number anywhere near Ratchaparasong or Silom! No, not even in the countryside when they started to swarm in municipal buildings. So, yes, please lying is bad.

    I wonder what other big fat lies do reds believe.

    Neither have we seen 30 million "multi-colored" shirts. Does that mean that the government only has ...what ...5000 supporters that turned out at the last pro-government rally? What I'm trying to say is that not everyone that supports something will go onto the street. There are many "silent supporters" for both sides.

    If we are to believe your logic, that means there are many less Democrat supporters than red shirt supporters. Since the multi-colored shirts peaked at about 5000 at their biggest rally, and the red shirts at 100,000. So ...I'll believe your logic, but it means that there are 20 red shirts for every pink shirt. You tell me if you're wrong with your thinking or not.

  5. Back to square one. Puppet master Thaksin is calling the shots now. Openly and clearly. Cat is out of the bag, reds. This is ALL about Thaksin.

    Strangely enough, Thaksin seems to be the sole voice of common sense !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    He is the only one saying that the fighting should stop and lets get back to the negotiation table.

    Abhisit is just as bad as the bloodthirsty westerners on this forum who are openly supporting and salivating over a violent crackdown.

    I once thought Abhisit was a decent human being but I cant believe he has made such stupid decisions, this guy will go down in history

    as one of the most idiodic thai PMs ever.

    Thaksin's "common sense" message to Abhisit is SURRENDER everything to me.

    The only message has been dissolve parliament, hold elections. I can't ever recall Thaksin telling Abhisit to surrender power to him. You're in incredibly bad twister.

  6. Amazing, how this could have all been avoided if Elections would be held. :)

    it's the Elephant in da room!

    That those elections would not have been close to free and fair, unrigged,

    and that it would have likely elected some actual terrorists into the Parliament,

    with out the requisit 20 year waiting period to cool down,

    is the BIGGER elephant in the room.

    So the excuse for not holding elections is that they wouldn't be fair anyways, so they shouldn't be held at all? Which fortune teller is the source? That's the lamest excuse I've heard for holding on to power at all cost.

  7. Perhaps you can explain why the last 4 elections have been red majorities then ??

    It took a disbanding of the TRT, banning of its representatives, and a lot of backroom dealing and turn coats to make the coalition..

    Wonder if the Democrats will be barred from the next election because of their illegal contributions ???

    VOTE BUYING ! duh!

    Seriously? 20 million votes bought? You don't think Thais take money from both sides and then vote for whoever they want?

  8. Getting back to Sah Daeng, it must be obvious to everyone that :

    Seh Daeng attempted assassination plus the red guards being drugged all on the same night, the night before the army moves in..........

    Well its obvious who did it, however it is surprising that the "government" (the obvious candidate) would be so brazen as to do it and then just deny it, anyone who can work out 2+2=4 should be able to see within milliseconds what has happened here.

    If it was last week then the link would not be so obvious as to doing it just before the crackdown starts, that stinks of just complete contempt for the law, mind you, a coup is also complete contempt for the laws of a country - so it all links in really ?

    This might be the death nail in Abhisits reputation on the international stage, if it was not slaughtered already.

    I'd like to know how the army drugged the red guards.

    Until yesterday, the army supplied the water to the red shirts. Unbelievable? It's true.

  9. Getting back to Sah Daeng, it must be obvious to everyone that :

    Seh Daeng attempted assassination plus the red guards being drugged all on the same night, the night before the army moves in..........

    Well its obvious who did it, however it is surprising that the "government" (the obvious candidate) would be so brazen as to do it and then just deny it, anyone who can work out 2+2=4 should be able to see within milliseconds what has happened here.

    If it was last week then the link would not be so obvious as to doing it just before the crackdown starts, that stinks of just complete contempt for the law, mind you, a coup is also complete contempt for the laws of a country - so it all links in really ?

    This might be the death nail in Abhisits reputation on the international stage, if it was not slaughtered already.

    I'm quite sure everyone can put 1+1 together. It's a little too obvious, both the Seh Daeng assassination and the water poisoning happening hours after the army takes up positions around the red shirt camp.

  10. ThaiRath article on the water poisoning:


    I guess that's one way to get out of there before the bullets start flying. Fake water poisoning.

    Seriously, are you dense? The hospital staff identified it as water poisoning.

    And just how did the hospital test the water? Do you think it's possible to get lab results from the water back in a couple hours? Even in the US testing water for contaminants takes weeks, and hospitals don't do it. I can look it up if you want to continue this.

    Go ahead. Execute the messenger.

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