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Posts posted by redparrot

  1. School cancelled today, kids to scared to come in!! Business is at a standstill. Whilst the reds are here who is looking after their crops and their families???? Sukhumvit is not a nice place to be at the moment been through twice today and i would describe it as very tense, and potentially chaotic. This should have been dealt with weeks ago! I am all for getting rid of the hardcore reds, they are little more than terrorists, angling for the best deal. But i feel for the people they have duped with their rhetoric!! I can only see this going horribly wrong and leading to bloodshed on a large scale, which is sad because i do love this country!!! No end in sight!

    Which school, mine wasn't closed (went to school half asleep)

    Ohh well, atleast theres only two more weeks left before summer (assuming i pass the exams or else it would be two more weeks before death-figuratively ofcourse)

    Anyways, at least the gov't is keeping the pressure on and actually doing what they said they were going to do (not like a few days ago when they said they were going to cut supply to the reds). Hopefully this will end before summer and I can finally go out and watch some movies.

    Why can't you go watch movies now? Not 18 yet? :)

  2. The government says NO election after saying yes.

    They kill a Thai General who was pro Red.

    They do so next to a Wall Street Journal reporter during the interview.

    They are trying to scare the media out.


    Assassinations can go both ways.

    Might I suggest a new movie?

    "Bangkok REALLY Dangerous"

    We can have sex, violence, assasinations, sex, reds killing, SEX, yellows killing, sex, and the fall of a regime with more SEX!

    The government said offered the reds elections, and the reds said No.

    What kind of idiot would believe this government and regime?

    Look around, this place is full of them :)

  3. The government says NO election after saying yes.

    They kill a Thai General who was pro Red.

    They do so next to a Wall Street Journal reporter during the interview.

    They are trying to scare the media out.


    Assassinations can go both ways.

    Might I suggest a new movie?

    "Bangkok REALLY Dangerous"

    We can have sex, violence, assasinations, sex, reds killing, SEX, yellows killing, sex, and the fall of a regime with more SEX!

    The government said offered the reds elections, and the reds said No.

    The government offered elections with half a dozen "IFs", the red said yes. Look it up, it's on every news source.

  4. Wonder how Sondhi's resignation as NPP leader comes into all this? He doesnt do anything without a reason.

    He resigned so that he can once again lead the mighty yellow PAD. He wouldn't want to be accused of any conflicts, so he first resigned from the party that he founded, as both chairman and member, now he'll lead the PAD once again and when he has achieved his political objectives, he'll go back and will re-join his party and assume the position of chairman once again.

    This way nobody will be able to say that he did it for his own political benefit. :D

    Don't forget he got a bullet in the head too and was very lucky to be alive

    Apparently that didn't teach him anything. :)

  5. Wonder how Sondhi's resignation as NPP leader comes into all this? He doesnt do anything without a reason.

    He resigned so that he can once again lead the mighty yellow PAD. He wouldn't want to be accused of any conflicts, so he first resigned from the party that he founded, as both chairman and member, now he'll lead the PAD once again and when he has achieved his political objectives, he'll go back and will re-join his party and assume the position of chairman once again.

    This way nobody will be able to say that he did it for his own political benefit. :)

    But why? Are the PAD readying to attack the reds if the government halt the operation? Does he see it necessary to show yellow strength so when the reds get crushed and the leaders jailed he has more bargaining power against the very real possibility that government aware of doublke standard accusations will start getting tough on the PAD leaders? Or will the resurrection of the PAD be used to raise awareness for NPP who have idappeared in what hasnt been their fight? Or is there some other reason?

    Well, he has called on Abhisit to resign. Looks like he might lead the PAD into a demonstration against the government (perhaps together with UDD?) and when Abhisit is gone, the PAD and UDD will fight it out to see who takes control of Thailand. A civil war always needs 2 sides ..and it looks like Thailand now has 3 sides. The government, the PAD and the UDD.

  6. Journalist Shot?

    I see no Green Arm Band or anything such as a camera to indicate he is a journalist. I also see no blood at all which makes me believe he got shot with a rubber bullet.

    His name is Nelson Rand. He's a journalist with France 24. He was earning his living doing what many other journalists are forced to do. He was taken to Chula Hospital. He had rifle bullet wounds to his foot, wrist and abdomen.

    And who the hel_l are you? Some keyboard jockey sitting at home moaning.

    He is an idiot is what he is. I saw another version of this where he speaks and he sounded like an American ... not French.

    Why does someone that works for a French company have to "sound French"? If I work for a Thai company, am I supposed to "sound Thai"? Hello! Brain cells! Wake up!

    Nelson Rand has lived in Southeast Asia for over ten years. He has worked as a freelance journalist, which has taken him to some of the most remote and little known conflict areas of the region, a subeditor for The Nation newspaper, and a political contractor for the Embassy of Canada in Thailand. He has a Master's Degree in Asia Pacific Policy Studies and a Bachelor's Degree in Asian Studies, both from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He currently resides in Bangkok. Conflict is his first book.
  7. Wonder how Sondhi's resignation as NPP leader comes into all this? He doesnt do anything without a reason.

    He resigned so that he can once again lead the mighty yellow PAD. He wouldn't want to be accused of any conflicts, so he first resigned from the party that he founded, as both chairman and member, now he'll lead the PAD once again and when he has achieved his political objectives, he'll go back and will re-join his party and assume the position of chairman once again.

    This way nobody will be able to say that he did it for his own political benefit. :)

  8. You are totally and utterly wrong. The only time that a soldier (sniper) would shoot anybody in the head would be during a war

    or possibly during the current State of Emergency if he could prove it was an act of self defence. If he could not show that he acted in self defence he would be charged with murder.

    Could you also tell me when the trial that convicted Major General Khattiya of treason was held?

    Major General Khattiya was unarmed and in the middle of an interview with a reporter. He was also standing quite near a group of policemen. The fact that the sniper aimed at his head is proof that he intended to kill the Major General and if found will be charged with murder. Likewise, the people who ordered the killing will also be charged with murder irrespective of their position in society. As the whole area is surrounded by the military it seems very improbable that the sniper was not a member of the armed forces.

    As with the killings on 10th April the SDI (who are working as part of CRES!) say that they will carry out the investigation.

    (I have used the word murder and not the term attempted murder as it is unlikely that anybody could survive being shot through the top of the head with a 7.64mm bullet).

    Don't security forces (police/army) around the world sometimes take out criminals using snipers?

    Can you show me some examples from around the world? Take out 'criminals' while the 'criminals' talking to a reporter,

    If the security forces have done this it is murder, nothing else. Nothing to justify or to apologize.

    And what crime Seh Deang have done so far?

    The entire process was in line with international standards and Democratic law. He was accused of a crime and then executed in the middle of the capital while reporters from around the world were watching and witnessing the proper execution.

    I don't see why everyone is making a big fuss over this. Get over it. You guys clearly have no understanding about how Democracy works. Forget about courts, judges and evidence. That's for anarchists. True Democracies don't work like that.

  9. Sondhi Limthongkul Resigns as New Politics Party Leader

    Sondhi Limthongkul appears on ASTV for the first time in months. He's announced his decision to step down as leader of the New Politics Party. He explained that he needed to take up the post as New Politics Party to allow the party to be establish. He estimates that the New Politics Party could get as many as 50 seats.

    50 seats where? In jail? :)

  10. Amazing, how this could have all been avoided if Elections would be held. :)

    Elections WERE held in 2007. They were offered for later this year. The terrorists didn't leave they just added more demands. I believe that Nov 14th has been taken off the table now so that means 2011 unless Abhisit gets generous again and offers them early, OR the coalition government that represents the MAJORITY of Thai citizens crumbles before then.

    Abhisit never set that election date in stone, did he? Neither did he register it with the Election Commission. Neither did he offer an exact date to dissolve parliament (which is required to register the election date). It was a "bait & switch" deal, nothing more. On top of that, he set a huge list of things that had to be done before elections could be held, such as changing the army general, passing bills in parliament and completing investigations into the April 10 clashes, which we all know would take 2+ years. It's nice to see some people fell for the bait & switch deal, others fortunately didn't.


    Red silliness?

    He stated clearly when he would have an election. The law states clearly when parliament must be dissolved before an election. Abhisit confirmed that. The law mandates when and how things are to be reported to the EC. Your "huge list" of things does not exist on the roadmap. No mention of "changing the army general" but that happens in October. There was no mention of "completing investigations into the April 10 clashes" at all.

    So ... basically just more lies.

    Obviously, you shouldn't talk about things you don't know anything about. Here are the roadmap points for you, as outlined by Abhisit, directly from the government website:


  11. I was talking to my wife earlier who monitors some Thai web boards. She says only now are most Thais waking up to the fact that this whole uprising has been engineered by Thaksin. I thought it would have been readily apparent to a third grader months ago but apparently not so. She says they're pretty mad about it too. Really? Finally?

    Wow, thanks for that piece of information. Very informative!

  12. Thaksin and his friends and partners may be distant as it appear these days, but I am sure he still is behind all these problem by funding these thugs

    You mean, no Thaksin, no problem, Thailand is back to what it was a few years back?

    Easy, do a "Sae Deng"...

    Sorry to bust your bubble, but I think the red movement is moving beyond Thaksin. He's like the car's 5th wheel. If it falls off, the car will keep rolling. The government and red shirts need to go back to negotiating or this will turn very ugly, very fast.

  13. Anybody living close to Victory? I live in Din Daeng and coming home at 6pm on a motorcycle taxi there were gunshots and people running next to the traffic lights at Century Park Hotel. I got off the motorcycle ready to run with them but the traffic started moving, so I was able to complete the journey with chocolate stains in my pants! Amazing how many onlooking apparent civilians there were all wanting to see a piece of the action.

    I always thought I was quite far away from it, just shows - nowhere's safe....

    There has been fighting reported a while ago at Din Daeng.

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