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Posts posted by nikkoid66

  1. What is the problem in Phuket? Every week we hear something horrible happen and farang lost their life. Millions of people visit Paris, London, or Tunis, or even Pattaya and we do not read so many horrible news.

    Thailand must clean up Phuket or it will become a real thread to the tourism and the loss in tourism will be bigger than the money made by the local mafias...

    BK need to step up, and send police to control that every place is safe. Embassies should ask tour to avoid Phuket until the order and law is restored.

    Nikko ( http://fb.com/gopattaya )

  2. Thaksin is best friend of Dick Sheney and part of the same clique. His sister uses the same tactics to reduce Thailand to slavery by the debt. The more debt, the more money for the banks and for them. And when they people will be ruined, they will raid on their properties and their land. Thailand will be theirs the same as America is now owned by corporates.

    End of the story. Everything is very simple.

    For the ones who complain about raising price, it is basic economy. The more debt, the more inflation. The more Thaksin sister borrow to the banks, the more the prices go up... ask to the people in Greece.

  3. I cannot believe farangs can live with 30k / month a decent life in Thailand. I have seen many farang living in small condo in Pattaya that even my friend Thais woul describe as poor.

    You do not come in Thailand to live like a poor Thai don't you?

    So here is my Pattaya spending... I have a girlfriend, we go out from time to time in Farang restaurant, I do not drink.

    - rent 15,000

    - electric 2,500 (aircon 24/7, computers)

    - water+TV+phone: 1,500

    - scooters, gas etc... 1,000

    - internet: 1,000

    - food and stuff (7/11, coke, cakes yougurths, toilet paper etc...) : 25,000, I try to keep under 5000 / week but there is always something. My GF cook home every day.

    - visa (spread on one year) : 2,000

    - girlfriend familly kid : 10,000

    - misc : buy the new iPad, buy Tv, movies etc... farang alway buy some electrics/electronic stuff: 5,000 / months spread on 1 year

    Total: 63,000

    If you want to go in holliday, rent a car, count around 12,000 for the car, 5000 for the gas and 15,000 for the food and small hotel rent. Total close to 30,000 for 10 days of holliday visiting Thailand.

    With your 30,000 baths, you will live in an insecure way, broke, without holliday, in a small place. If you get sick what will happen?

    I would not do it.

    Everything less than 60k in a place like Hua Hin, Pattaya or Phuket is not farang life style. Sure you can rent a 24sqm room with no aircon, and eat fried rice every day, but do you come in Thailand for that?

  4. Not too many French guys hanging around in Bangkok. Does anyone know the numbers on French residents in Thailand?

    I am French and I am happy to live in Thailand. Hollande is just a sucker, eating in the same soup with the FMI, the BCE, and all the ruined countries who are seeking for gold to backup their currency once the Euro will crash. Flamby as we call him (to laught at his attitude like a jelly face) is another agent of the current loosers who are sucking our wallets thru taxes in an organized economic meltdown.

    I am in Thailand and happy to be here. I feel more free here than I have ever been in France, no armed band in the Metro in Thailand, no radars and automatic fines every corners, no need to have 2 alcho-test in your car even if you never drink like me or you are fined as if you were drunk, no %19 taxes on everything, no +%20 of inflation, no propaganda to protect the bankers.

    France is actually the only country who have banks involved in the huge Liborgate that is not procecuting the banks... UK, USA, Germany, Norway etc... does. Credit Agricole and BNP can sleep good, they can steal people money, nothing will do done against them, France has become the land where bankers can do whatever they want.

    Next in line after Spain... it is very sad to see a great country falling apart that fast because of people like Hollande, Sarkozy and other's stupid morons.

  5. I have travelled all over the world and Thailand airport is very impressive compared with England, France, or even LA Airport. Saying that it is the worse airport in Asia shows that the writer of this article is not a journalist or he has something personnal against someone working at this airport.

    This article is biased and full of wrong statement, like the food is bad, everything fall apart, toilets too small etc... it is not true. Everytime I take this airport everything is working correctly, and I think it is looking very beautiful compared with most airports in the world.

    As for waiting at the customs, try to land in Miami and good luck with the wait!

    Seriously, this article is wrong in so many points that it is not worth reading, the intent is just to scare people to come in Thailand maybe?

    • Like 1
  6. This week I took my bedding to the laundry and was asked to pay 270 bath for a blanket and a bed cover, just for cleaning?! I clean 3 time and can buy new one for the same price!

    Thailand has no respect for tourists and farang. It is getting worse by the day, I cannot recall the number of place where price asked are laughtable like restaurants who charge 120 bath for a fried rice, price of condo doubled in one year etc...Tuk tuk is just the most visible part of the iceberg. It is in all place that we are now screwed and robbed.

    Want fried chicken? 60 bahts? Thai ask just after you 30 bahts... that's how it is working now in Phuket and Pattaya.

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  7. Very sad story to say the least. But no need to panic. Everytime one take taxi or scooter have greater chance to die in a road accident. Drawing is happening a lot more often than poisonning in Thailand.

    These 2 nice ladies met the wrong people at the wrong place. It is really bad luck and sad to die like this. Police needs to find what happened and show that they are up to their job.

    But no need create a paranoia, last year +20 Millions of tourists visited Thailand, how many got poisonned?

  8. [As for general expenses, Thailand is no longer cheap (if you actually want to 'live' and not exist that is) I cannot get by on less than 120k a month.

    Rent - 30k

    Bills - 10k

    School fees - 10k

    Wifes debts - 15k

    Housekeeping money/Food/ toiletries/clothes/gasoline etc...30k

    General stuff - Going out..beers/restaurants etc...30k..

    Plus mosy months something obscure will come that needs paying for - Car insurance/Healt insurance...weekend away....something gets broken...etc etc..

    You have an expensive living here. I can live in Pattaya for 60k/month with a girlfriend.

    Rent-15k (condo with great view on the golf of Pattaya)

    Bills- 5k : 2 telephones, Internet, Water, Electric

    School- 10k a year (not a month)

    Girlfriend - 8k (after negociation and better knowledge of what costs to live in Essean)

    Food and other expenses: 15k. Food is not cheap but girlfriend cook very well)

    and of course extras.

    What I can say it that it is never enough. Have to fight with Thais because they think you have unlimited income all the time.

    Familly calling to ask money now gets nothing, only grand ma and her son who are her close familly, for the rest, they are Thai, they can have a business here.

    I have seen many farang living in 5000 bath condo without aircon... many stay here until the end. Glad you figured out and came with the right decision.

  9. Today I forget to buy lime at the market (around 5 bath each and that's very expensive read here: http://www.pattayamail.com/travel/high-lime-prices-give-shoppers-sour-aftertaste-10615 )

    So I go to Best supermarkets corner Naklua/Pattaya Nua.

    I take a bag of 10 and at the cashier the lady ask me to pay 130 baths!!!

    I asked her to repeat 3 time I was consterned.

    If you need to buy anything, avoid Best. If the customer do not say anything, they will continue to screw people like they do now.

    If the Best supermarket boss read this: shame on you. I want my money back. I will not buy anything there anymore.

  10. If this person groppe his wife, then something is wrong. Thai do not accept these kind of situation. Your friend should not accept it as well. Either she stop seeing and talking to this guy, or he finish with his lady. Many beautiful ladies are waiting for farangs, your friend have a lot of choices. Thai ladies who are honest and respectful would never accept such an attitude in front of them. It means they see short time for sex and do not even try to hide in front of the farang which is the ultimate lack of respect. Thai would kill the Tom for that. Farang are considered stupid if they accept that.

    I would personnally stay away from these kind of ladies "if you want to boom boom with your gik, then ask him money, I do not take care a bad girl.? Bam! Finished. Good lesson for the lady.

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