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Posts posted by nikkoid66

  1. even in the french prison, his life will be extremely difficult

    From what I have read on the subject French prisons make the Thai prison system look like a holday resort I am suprised the harshness of The French penal system has never been subjected to assauly by the civil rights movement, anyway hope he gets a long time to reflect on his sins.

    French prisons are not holiday resorts


  2. Unfortunately this exploitation of Thai women by foreigners is not uncommon. I am a foreigner living in the country and I, and at least 4 other foreigners, know that someone here (call him "X") has been drugging and raping young Thai women for years. Can we stop it? No. Will any of the girls report this to the police? No.

    I am no feminist (I have paid for sex in Patpong etc) but I cannot stand this abuse of women's human rights here. In my opinion (and in the law) everyone has the right to say 'yes' or 'no' to sex. In Patpong etc the girl (often) can decide if she goes with a man or not, but on the other hand if during a date the farang, such as "X", makes the girl drink strong alcoholic beverages or drugs (such as rohypnol, GHB etc) the girl has lost her choice. Her rights are violated.

    How can we stop this happening? Girls in Thailand are so trusting and so charming, it makes me want to cry when I hear what these bastards do to them.

    When a girl go in the street to pay her rent... I'm not sure she really have the choice to say yes or no. Give them an education and a minimum wedge like in Europe and you will have empty streets in Patong, Walking Street and Nana Plaza! Sorry if I broke you feeling for the next time you pay for sex :blink:

  3. I dont know if i should start worrying now!

    Due to go to Bangkok and Pattaya for 5 weeks, starting at the end of October, with my wife and our newborn son.

    After reading all the stories coming out recently and just watching the video above i am seriously considering my options as i do not want to endangermy wife or child. Should i go or cancel, big decision.

    OR do i cancell the Pattaya part and go elsewhere, not Phuket or Phi Phi due to the oil spillage...oh deer.

    Such a shame, such a wonderfull country and they are dividing themselves and are going to drive away one of their biggest economic industries, tourism.

    Probability of more troubles in Thailand is there so it is possibly safer to take your family holiday somewhere else. Having yourself or your loved ones become statistics in Thailand is not a desirable option.

    Have a good holiday :jap:

    A deadly explosion on Walking Street would make the Bath and Thai stocks falling :whistling:

    Maybe these grenades were thrown there by an expat who is upset by the strong Bath.

  4. I've tried to post the ways i live here but it is always pulled or closed. Again I personally think Thailand is strickly a playground.

    Thailand is smart it extracts money. No investment to speak of. No land owner ship. Only extract and no recourse. For the normanl retired guy or gal.

    1. Play by there rules.

    2. Don't get invested here.

    3. Look out for yourself. Not a thai female or anyone else.

    Play the women like they play you. It is so easy. Avoid good girls. You will only hurt them.

    Play the players. There are literely thousands of them here.

    When the economy is right go home. Keep a home and car back home and no payments.

    Just good business.

    I see no problem with Thailand and don't care if it drops to 1-1. I won't be here i will be playing in another country.

    Why does anyone gripe here. It is pointless. Why do you care about something that you have no say in. Retirement is to be enjoyed daily. When it is not it is time to look elsewhere.

    I mostly agree.

    I wanted to add that even with USD/Bath = 10/1 tourist would still come here, since it would still be a good value for the money.

    That's probably what whoever makes the Bath strong are thinking.

  5. ... if you are at Wallen, your lessons will not be lost and you can continue thru Skype. Not sure if it is experimental or not, but our class is only a few people so there is space for more.

    So your Skype lessons have more than one person in the class?

    Yes, usually between 3-5 students and the teacher.

  6. You can learn Thai via Skype anywhere. Even Pattaya ;-)

    I'm doing Skype lessons with Wallen thru Skype. I have checked their Pattaya lessons, I didn't liked it.

    But I am VERY satisfied with my Thai lessons thru Skype. The Teacher is very good, funny and very patient. She explains very well.

    But I also practice every day, alone or with my Thai friends, I take my book and talk to them, they correct me and suggest new words and sentences.

    I learn very quick that way. But only lessons is not enough you need to practice with the Thai around you. Having a Thai girlfriend who is nice enough to help you a bit can help a lot, you can meet their friends and try to understand what they say, step by step, your brain switches and you start to understand the meaning of the conversations. Speaking comes after.

    If you want to join us, contact me in private and I will give you the Skype contact I have... if you are at Wallen, your lessons will not be lost and you can continue thru Skype. Not sure if it is experimental or not, but our class is only a few people so there is space for more.

  7. I just realized that no one is speaking about love, true love.

    True love strikes at all age, and is rare enough to put very different people (physically) together.

    A young woman in her 30's have already got 10 or more boyfriends, all gone with another girl for different reason. If she finds a nice farang older than her for 10-20 years, very sweet and warm, who cares about her and her kid, who bring her an happy smile on her face everyday, bring some security and another income in the house, why she would not fall in love with him and be a perfect wife?

    I think life is not worth living without love. In Thailand where you must work very hard to get a decent life, love is even harder to find. When you catch it, you won't let it go and the age will not be an obstacle.

  8. IF ? any of you out there are interested in Thai statistics...and subjects that "might" be censored on Thai Visa and you really want to know how things work in South East Asia....go to this link below and read some "Amazing Thailand" facts and figures....i.e. 60% of tourists to Thailand are men....and not all from Europe or the States. Some of the stats are disturbing when you realise how many Thai women are in Japan, with out of date visas ???



    Very interesting reading. Thanks lonewolf90

  9. The International Monetary Fund figures are of course unaudited, there is even strong rumors the USA gold figures are bogus. I don't know where you got that a country can not print more the 10 times the gold it physically holds especially when its unaudited?

    After studying financial markets, stocks and precious metals for the last 25 years your knowledge just takes my breath away - thanks scoop! :lol:

    It is called Fractional reserve banking and is fixed at x10 since the creation of the FED in 1913. It is for the USA, the topic is about the USD, I don't know about the others countries but my guess us that at least UK and EUR does the same, as they have the same base.


    Actually the fractional reserve ratio established by the FED is %10, that means they can make x10 time more paper than the reserve they have (or they say they have).

    More info about this number is here: http://www.lewrockwe...thbard/frb.html or anywhere the FED history is exposed.

    "you got that a country can not print more the 10 times "

    Sorry my mistake, Countries do not print the money, it is done by the FED and the countries pay interests on that loan.

    Sorry for the :offtopic: parenthesis...

  10. Nikkoid66 I would like to know when you come up with your predictions, USD worth 1 cent on the dollar? 1 Baht = 5 USD? Do you actually think about these figures before you throw them out there?

    I see you edited your statement on Thai gold reserves (you said they had large amounts) which was good because that statement also was total bullocks. The Dec 2009 IMF reports has Thailand listed as owning 84 tonnes (placed #33 & held 2% of forex reserves), the UK has 5 million less population and holds 310 tonnes (placed #17 & held15% of forex reserves).

    I am not American and agree the US will go thru some harder times before it rights itself and gets back on positive financial footings. It is in China and the worlds best interest for that not to happen, you didn't see them abandon Greece, Argentina, Pakistan or Russia (after the collapse of USSR).

    I agree that 1-5 is a pretty negative figure, can be more than that. But collapse means it will not loose 30% of its value but much much more... I do not pretend to be absolutely right, but I think it is going to happen anytime soon, I have records, too long to explain here to be right, but of course this cannot be %100 sure.

    - The Federal Reserve has no audit of any kind, it is a private company, actually no one knows exactly how much gold they have, same for UK.

    - The quantity of gold cannot be compared the way you did it for each country. Each country must not print more than x10 what they have in in stock in Gold. So to calculate how secure is a currency you need to take in account the number of bills/coins in circulation and their value. Thailand with no doubt is more conservative than any Euro/US country or states. That's why the Bath is a very good placement, it is not diluted like other currencies.

    - Because the banks issued too much US and EURO, the banks have created too much fake/paper money, they need to raise their interest rates in order to drain more value for the money from the citizen, but because it is not good for the economy, the gov use taxes to drain this money out of our pocket. The result of this is a lower buying power in these country and it will last until the balance between the true gold reserve and the money in circulation is back to normal.

    - But there is a problem, the gov need cash to work, if the banks do not issue enough cash the gov cannot pay (see Greece). As a result, the gov need to take loan to the banks to get the cash, and the banks are making more money from the interest rates that are in fact paid by the citizen thru their taxes. It is a tax pump that sucks the wealth of the people in order to increase the reserves of the country to match the number of paper money they made...

    This process is sucking all wealth of middle class and poor people in the US and EUR and the collapse will come when people will not be able to sustain the taxes and will stop paying them (because of unemployment, bankuptcy etc...), or when a panic will happen and people will try to get their cash from the banks.

  11. Is it time to send large sums of foreign currency into Thailand (assuming you have large sums) or is it better to wait for 2, 6, 12, 18 months until the Dollar regains some of its relative value?

    Yes it is time. The USD will not gain any momentum anytime soon...The US economy is a lot worse than what the gov tell to the people... The USD will have a huge decline, everyone knows that, but no one knows when it will happen exactly. Chances are that the USD will go down to 1 bath = 5 USD when it will happen. Take note of this post, put it on a sticker and come back here when it will happen.:hit-the-fan:

    "some of its relative value? " : what do you mean by this? the USD is artificially maintained high, its relative value is something like 0,01 of what is now...

  12. . And especially so because most Thai women look much younger than they are. Add to that the self righteous, bigoted majority in North America and Europe and you have your answer.

    You forget to mention that lot of our friends and relative home are jealous of us. If we are with a woman that is 10 years younger than you, and looks like a stunner in her 20's, you have all the women upset, and the men jealous. They will suppose lot of crazy things to justify their own couple and feel better than you...like "maybe I am fat, but I will not bring aids at home." or "I'm lucky to have a wife that looks old and fat, at least I don't have to pay her haha".

    In reality women think "it's been 10 years I can't wear such short dresses, tomorrow I exercise to loose this weight" and men "give me the the phone number of her sister! Don't tell anything to my wife!"

  13. and yuo gett annoyed by what people write on an anonomous forum.......................you need help.........no wonder yr hubby went for a thai girl, they so sweet and kind , they just want a man to love:lol: :lol: :lol: , never mind he belongs to another:lol: :lol:

    Yup, quite right. So I repeat my relevant post :

    "My ex-hubby INSISTED that his new g'f didn't come from a bar, until I pointed out that (at the time) he'd told me the masseuse he brought to our house, and he moved in with, used to work in a bar......

    Amazingly, I found out that my ex-hubby was still telling everyone in England that his g'f was not a bar girl .....:lol:

    He wasn't stupid enough to think anyone at home would have any time for a woman he'd met in a bar. But, no problem - just deny it...:rolleyes:"

    I made an even more relevant point earlier, but can't be bothered to look for it.

    Again, I have to agree, Thai women are so sweet and kind.....:lol:. One of us has no idea of reality, pissed as I am, its not me!

    Thai women would not go with old men, they are not different from any woman in the world. They like handsome men of their age.

    But desperate and bar girls will do it for money.

    Guess why your ex-husband was trusting you more? Maybe because his young girlfriend was not the angel he pretended she was...:o

    Again, no Thai girlfriend would stay with an old man unless money is involved... period.

    So your argument is not valid for the majority of Thai girls, who are be nature trustful with their lover, like any woman in love. If his gf was 10+- of his age and was educated he would certainly have given power of attorney to her.

    Actually I know a similar story, I told in another thread that I know a nurse that took care of an old man until he died, she did the cremation and sold his apartment and sent everything in Germany. She was paid as a nurse period. But the man gave her all power to settle with his money over his family in Germany. Apparently he trusted her more than anyone else...

  14. There is a huge transfer of wealth from the West to the East.

    And it is just the beginning. The bankers are ripping people in the West off all their property and their money and they transfer the benefit in the Eastern countries.

    Asian and specially Thailand have good Gold reserve, so they have a good buffer to control the value of their currency.

    West have borrowed too much and cannot make any more paper money... They have to lower the number of bills in circulation in order to lower the credit again, that means more inflation..and weaker currencies.

    Our economies are in contraction, it is something controlled by the central banks, they are on a trend of 10 years where they lower the credit, produce a lot of money and the economy expand, then they stall like a plane and need to raise the credit and limit the money in circulation so that the economy contract itself until they can start the cycle again.... every 10 years or so.

    The situation is going to be worse. It has started 3-4 years ago and I don't see it change for the next 7-10 years.

  15. Sorry if I upset you Raven

    It's just that white guys assume it's socially OK to go into a bar in Thailand with prostitutes working there and it isn't. You wouldn't really do that in your own country and respectable Thai men don't casually do it here.

    Could you please name any bar or club that has no prostitutes at all on the premises?

    Beer Garden (hum...) . No one ever asked money there. Girls are looking around for a nice guy... if you are not nice enough, maybe you have to pay?:bah:

  16. And in order to stay strait to the point of this thread, here is how a bargirl would have said it

    ผมเรียนภาษาไทย ทำไมคุณทึกทักเอาว่าผมเป็นไอ้โง่..

    Too long for Thai person to say, try

    kit Chan ngo law


    chan ngo kit yang nie

    ;) thanks yes much shorter...I did a word by word translation...that's why

  17. Do a Re Run,Put a bit of Soap with Razor Blades pressed into it in yer back pocket.:blink:

    Risky, imagine you find no one and you forget, then you put you hand in your own pocket and you bloody hurt yourself... What will you say to the doctor when he will ask you "why did you put razorblades into your ass pocket?:D

  18. How is it done?

    The OP mentioned that only the 1000 baht bills were gone and the smaller still there. I was pickpocketed once on a baht bus awhile back (different thread). Again, only the large bills were missing. I keep all of them together in my wallet. How to they sort out which bills to take -- why even take the time to sort it out instead of taking it all?

    Some mystery here...:blink:

    I think they pick the ones that stick together and do not bother about the smaller ones. This is very smart because you do not realize immediately that you have been robbed as your wallet is not completely empty.

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