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Posts posted by nikkoid66

  1. Lack of education: to kill bed bugs, put the mattress in the sun. They will die all very quick.

    That's very simple in a tropical country there should not have any bed bugs because of that.

    In Europe, they are almost impossible to kill except with heat, so in the winter: good luck!

    >50 degree, they die. Use a hairdryer is more efficient than sprays.

  2. Taksin is the G.Bush of Thailand. Fully supported by the bank industry so that if he gets elected, he will give easy credit to all and get an economic boom.

    That the first step.

    But see what is happening to Greece. Same will happen to Thailand. The banks now are so powerfull that they bankrupt entire countries!

    The banks will charge interest that will need to be paid in taxes, the country will go deep into debt, and the banks will rip off all the people from their property, and everything they got before with their credit cards.

    A large inflation will achieve to destroy Thailand economy.

    Maybe we should support this guy. The Thai Bath will do down to 0 after the banks will have pumped all the money. Thai will be more poor but Farang will get good exchange rate!

  3. Current conditions and weather forecast, province by province:


    Just one note about Thaivisa weather: it is almost always wrong. I don't know where you pickup these info, but rain was announced yesterday, today, and the next day in Pattaya and we have a beautiful weather.

    Everytime I check Thaivisa weather it is totally off, while when I check the Thai official meteo center here: http://www2.tmd.go.th/program/nwp_pro/UMtoGrADS/ they are always right.

  4. I have 3BB 590 baths / month. 5Mb with US or Europe in download, 500kb/s in upload, ping <50ms. Very stable so far.

    I got the same internet contract in View Talay 6 and the speed was not so good, (around 1-2 MB/s) ping at 200ms, Cando internet (View Talay internet specific was doing better)

    After I went to a house Soi Kopai, Internet was doing 4MB/120kb/s good ping at 50ms.

    So here is the best speed so far.

    Small note about internet and 3BB, I am an Internet professional and I tested their 10MB,6MB and even Indie (gaming) contract. SAME SAME, same ping, same speed. They do not change anything if you pay 590 or 2000 bath/month. A friend have their new 20Mb/s contract and I did some tests : 7Mb/720kb/s... not worth the money in my opinion.

  5. ure brave to stay there ! , i would stay there if it was 5 k a month


    Check out the fire system Hose's not connected, wrong size's, no water preasure, ECT, ECT, then you will know. Please Buddha there's not a fire otherwise it's a jump job. Have a friend that has a condo on one of the upper floor's, My Thai wife won't even go up there.

    I have checked-in and I am very happy so far.

    Sorry Boater but the Markland is old maybe, but they renovated the lobby that is looking gorgeous, if you are on the Walking Street side you have an unobtured view that is better than what you can have at Amari or Holiday Inn, the management is very nice compared to other buildings like View Talays series, the water pressure is VERY strong, they are checking the fire alarm on regular basis, it is very quiet around, no disco at night and in the day no renovation.

    Maybe you don't want people to know, so that the price stay that low!





  6. Pattaya is having the same problem like Florida. The house are overpriced by x3 time or more. Where I live every house is for sale for less than they bought the house 2 years ago.

    Stay away from buying until it reaches the bottom (in 10 year?)

    If I compare Florida and Pattaya, the housing price is lower in Florida than in Pattaya. Also in Paris suburb you can find small house for the same as in Pattaya. There is something wrong here.

    - you do not own the land.

    - you have to bring huge cash to buy (no bank will loan to a farang)

    - prices are too high.

    - construction quality is really bad, just check the electric, in Europe or USA we use use triphase, here it is monophase. They also uses low cost building material from China and foundation and not strong enough your house will fail after 5 years.

    Conclusion, the bank/builders are doing the same business as they did in the USA, they ask big upfront $$ in the hope you will fail on your payments and they will get the house (and keep the cash).

  7. Hi, I am about to rent 6 month at Mark Land on North Pattaya beach road. It is a quite old hotel but the location is top-notch and the rent price with a great view on walking street side is only 15k/month.

    Now my question, they ask me 3000 baths to be able to use 3BB from my room. I pay 590 bath/month with 3BB and I have been satisfied by them wherever I moved before. but I think 3000 baths to plug something is a rip off. View Talay 6 was charging 1500 baths and I though it was already expensive.

    They also propose Happy net, but I never heard about it. Anyone can give me a their feedback about the internet in this building?<br>

  8. next time perhaps consider the property and neighborhood more carefully before renting?<br>

    In fact when we arrived it was ok, but the house in front bring 4 dogs all of a sudden, one who is barking constantly every night. We try to explain and they yakyak the dog sometime, but this dog is crazy (only 2 legs and acting like stupid)

    Then a guy bought the house at the corner, he is fan of custom cars with big disco and is testing his system every week end.

    Then the Farang on the side came back from Norway with a kid and the kid has hysterical moment when he cry like when you kill a pig, and the father is beating his Thai wife while breaking stuff in the house.

    And now, because of the disco problem, the guy at the left buy a 10,000 Watts system and as soon as the disco guy use his subwoofer's car to shake our windows, the Thai opponent put his sound at max with old Thai classics!

    The guy behind us decided to live and all the house around are for sale 50% of their buying price... if someone is interested?

    Btw if someone is looking for a place to make parties and make noise, it is the perfect place, no one will complain here. Rent is cheap, house is beautiful. I am doing computing, it is very hard to work (or sleep) with such a neighbourg!<img class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":bah:" src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/bah.gif"><br><br>

  9. Hi,

    I have a one year contract in a house with 2 months deposit, but the noise is so bad I cannot sleep or work (6 dogs in the house oposit this house barking at all hour, on fan of custom car playing disco in the day to the point to make your window shake, one kid crying hysterical all the time... etc...)

    I have made video and I want to leave the house. The contract say nothing about canceling the contract and the owner want of course to keep 2 months deposit if I leave.

    Is there a way so that I do not loose my deposit? Any law about it?

  10. I live in Pattaya and I am in a street where there is no problem.

    The reason is very simple:


    Actually some people (me for one) would consider that a street with dogs is a huge problem in itself. Personally I would rather take my chances with being burgled than have noisy, dirty dogs living around me and making my life a daily hell. I put dogs well and truly on a par with drunks and people who play loud music all the time: none have any merit and the less I see and hear of them the happier I am.

    I am not a dog lover, actually I hate stupid dogs which are barking all the time. But the dogs we have here are nice and are barking only when necessary. I must be lucky.

  11. I live in Pattaya and I am in a street where there is no problem.

    The reason is very simple:


    Yes there are a lot of dogs in Thailand and that's for a reason.

    Our neighbors have 5 little dogs, we give food to one nice dog who is sleeping on the road in front of our house, around, many dogs in the houses and many other dogs are passing by.

    On day the boyfriend of my girlfriend daughter tried to enter in the house because he forgot something, the dogs made such a mess that everybody had a look and he had to run.


    I used to complain a lot about Thai dogs. Now I keep the bones when I eat ribs to reward them for doing their job in our street, so that it is very safe place.

    Now about having 20k Eur in a safe is very stupid. Open an account to a bank and get a debit cart. 20k Euro = 800.000 baths!!! Lot of people would kill for such a bunch of money here.

  12. We have a few thousand students learning Thai and also English at our schools and we have been helping then with ED visas. We did not see any students having problems holding ED visas. In any case Walen takes good care of our students so if you have something you need to know about an ED visa just contact us.

    Walen School - most reliable ED visa support


    Please register


    Oups, sooo sorry, Walen, Walen, I will write it 100 times.


    Yes I did these lessons on Skype and we are now 5 student in this virtual classroom. Kru Nat is an amazing teacher, but I am sure others are good too. The other students are very nice and funny, we learn hard but without the pain... I will continue, do again the book 1 (I am a bad student with a small brain :( ) and for the 3rd year will try the exam for the book 2... I do not speak fluent Thai yet, but I can deal with numbers, can understand some small things and speak some basic sentences. I can build a sentence from scratch - most farang just use pre-made sentence where they do not know where is the subject, verb, how to speak in the future etc... I can almost spell most words. I think it is a good result for 10 months only in Thailand. It took me years to learn English at school.

    For the negative part, because it is the subject. You are studying. That mean some homework and some efforts to speak, understand and learn. Not everyone are motivated enough.

    About the unlimited stay with ED visa, I am not sure it is what anyone want, when you speak Thai, and you are old enough, a retirement visa is better. But for several years, you end up speaking Thai, and have a no-braining visa. I agree that for the administrative part, Walen has been very efficient for the visa so far. The only problem is to not forget to go to the emigration every 3 months!

  13. The cost per year is almost 35,000 Baht inclusive of immigration reports....3000 baht a month or $100/seventy pounds....that certainly is a very negative aspect especially if someone is on a budget or pension....
    $100 a month, are you joking? You get 16 hours of Thai lessons. I think it is pretty good price. Other visa give you nothing. In Thailand you cannot have 0 knowledge of Thai. Driving from Pattaya to Laos is about 10 hours drive out and 10 hours drive in. Most boring experience ever, doing that every 3 months is a PITA. If the driver is bad (most drivers are bad in Thailand) you get sick or incomfortable for 10 hours, you have risk of accident on the busy Thai hi-way etc... I am better laying down on the pool.
  14. Why would the Walen visa be the "best Visa you can get in Thailand"? Why would it be any better than any other school 1 year ED visa?

    I don't know, who said that? The only thing I know is that I am very satisfied by this school, and when you go to the emigration you have premium treatment (not wait, go strait in front of the line). Other Farang looks at you like &lt;deleted&gt;! Lol, I never waited even when the office was full and people waiting outside.

    My meaning is that ED visa is the best, not Wallen. ED is good because it gives you opportunity to meet people, learn Thai and you do not have to go out from Thailand all the time. I haven't tested other schools.

    Since this thread is about "negatives", what if you want to travel in (or out?) of Thailand several times a year?

    You need to fill a paper with the emigration everytime you want to go out. And that's it.

    You will miss classes. Do the schools allow you to make them up?

    Well they do not allow you to do it too offen, but I had to do it several time and they didn't complain. Now if you never come to the class, this will upset them. If you do not want to learn Thai, choose another Visa, they are here to teach you Thai, if you spit on Thai they will probably cancel your Visa or do not do you paperwork. It is the same in every school in the world.

    But as I said, K. Arthur went back in UK this Christmas for 2 weeks and it was ok. They understand that we have a family.

  15. I have an ED visa with Wallen and I think it is the best Visa you can get in Thailand.

    - I work from Skype for my lessons (2h on Wednesday, 2 hours on Friday), so basically you can learn anywhere as soon as you have a good internet connection

    - I do not have the go out from Thailand for 14 months or so.

    - costs 25.000 / year plus 1900 every quarter. (how much you will pay every 2 months to go to the border and come back?)

    - you learn Thai.

    The only problems are:

    - you need to be close to a School, because they do you immigration papers. I am in Pattaya, but could be in Chiang May or BK with Wallen.

    - you have to attend to the lessons because the immigration will test you after the 2-3rd visa extension. Showing them your books might be enough though.

    - you have to spend 4 hours / week with Kru Nat (teacher Nat) who is the funniest and the sweetest person on earth, but sometime she sings which can be a very painful experience.

    Contact me in private if you want to have the Wallen team Skype, and ask them questions.

    We are starting back the book 1 at page 1 in one week or so, so maybe you can join us.

  16. People here seem to see only the dark side of every story.

    She's trying to pay back, isn't it a positive point?

    She say's she cant pay, doesn't she?

    Keep in mind there are planty of countries where not being able to pay back can result in imprisonment. If she can't pay back it means there's a dark side to the story. Personally, I dont have any loans other than what I ramp up monthly using my AMEX card, but I have hunch even AMEX would smile if I first didn't pay a then called them up and asked them to see the bright side "at least I'm TRYING to pay back, isn't that a positive point..!"


    Note that I confirm that she pays and will pay... she just truggle a lot to pay back and I think that when you f.ck a girl for free and get a lot from her like this guy did (use her as your secretary without paying her etc...) then you could lend money at no interest rate, as a friend.

    These are my values.

  17. He can only use the law to force her to pay if he has a contract. The contract cannot state interest of more than 15%pa or 1.25%pm – the court will reduce any higher amount in the contract to this figure. My personal view is that 5%pm is too high (though very common) and that 3%pm is fair, though still considered too high by Thai law.

    Actually she loan 50,000 and pays 12500/month for 5 month.

    She has a contract.

    I had the feeling this is quite bogus because a tourist should not loan money and specially not at more than 40% / year.

    I tried to asked him to put the interest at %0 so that she can payback immediately, but no luck :(

  18. My Girlfriend's ex-boyfriend has lent some money to her at an excessive rate (5%/month).

    This guy is a farang, he has a tourist visa and is asking for the money she cannot payback.

    Actually she need to pay him back almost all her salary every month and the guy don't want to negociate anything...he just want the money back and is very upset.

    What should I do?

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