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Posts posted by nikkoid66

  1. Baboona Hotel is a perfect place. Beautiful view from the sea view rooms, great breakfast, 5 min away from Walking street with bath bus, between the very hot Soi 6 and soi 7, on the beach.

    I stayed there 10 days, internet was good and working all the time, complimentary. You can check on tripadvisor, this is where I got them, lot of good reviews.


  2. 50 percent of marriageable ( whatever that means) women have been involved in the P4P business. Where do you get figures like this ? That is absolute rubbish. Maybe 5 percent or 10 at the most.

    I'm with Marky on this, you need to get out of the tourist areas, learn Thai and see for yourself what is really happening.

    I would say 50% was quite a conservative estimate.

    Saying that 50% or more women in Thailand have been involved in the P4P business is assuming that 50% of the Thai women are actually attractive enough to do it.

    If you live in Thailand, just go out in the street and check around you, how many women are looking attractive? Just a few.

    However, because the buying power of some people in Thailand is so low, the money you can make doing P4P is more attractive than in Europe. If short time was paid 10k EUR there, you would find a lot more girls ready to jump into it. It is not a cultural thing, it is a human problem. If you pay enough, you can get almost anything from anybody, anywhere in the world, not only in Thailand.

  3. If I were you, I'd mail it to the Royal Bureau, Chief of Police for that locality, Ministry of Tourism with a letter with Thai translation. A Thai contact will no doubt suggest other people/places to send it to. The most important thing to tell them is that you copying this in to various media agencies out of disgust.

    I would send to the media outlets first and let the Ministry know after the fact.

    Well honestly I'm not sure I will keep this video online, some friends told me I may have some trouble if I do, they track all IP and I do not want to have any trouble... I am in a foreign country, who knows who is that guy on the picture, maybe someone very powerful? He had the biggest ruby I have every seen and a lot of gold on him.

  4. The guy working for the Tourist Police, was he dressed in a uniform or did he claim to be off duty?

    No he was in an uniform, he was a great guy, I trusted him 100%.

    this "Tourist Policeman" was he in uniform with a badge & Gun. If not he may just have been a Tourist Police Volunteer posing as a policeman. All true Tourist police must carry gun when in uniform and no non policeman would risk carrying a gun in holster in public, a very serious offense.

    Yeah I think he was a Volunteer, he didn't had a gun, I think I noticed it was written Volunteer on his badge.

  5. Well said. In nearly all cases, when I've asked a bar girl why they do it for a job, the reply I get is "Don't like it but have to". A lot of them are very conscious that they're looked down on by the rest of Thai society. I know one girl who, in the morning when she departs, covers herself up with a jacket, removes all her make up and changes into flat soled shoes for the trip home on the sky train. What does that tell you? It tells you that they're aware that what they're doing is no good but financial pressure from their families, mainly, pushes them into it. Does anyone seriously think that a poorly educated girl, from the Nth East, can get by, in this day and age in Thailand on the rubbish wages that factories and building sites pay? The answer of course is no. Before we codemn people as being evil for what they do let's open our narrow minds and look at the bigger picture <deleted>.

    There are jobs in Pattaya (Bangkok I suppose too). It is not like in Europe. If you look for a job you can find, 8k to 12k bath/month, working 12h/day with one day off / month in the worse case. It is not an easy life for sure.

    Selling your body is a choice. A lazy choice. One year in the University for English lessons costs 5000 baths. iPhone 30 000 Baths... Life give you choices.

  6. Get a grip!

    Hihi, Sarah, are you a (real) girl? :ermm:

    you just cant buy love!

    True. Lot of people in Pattaya see the old men with little girls, hand in hand and feel "I do not need to get emotionally involved".

    But if you fall, you get sick, loose your job, are depressed because you loose someone in your life, the girl you pay will go with someone else at the worse time, she will not help and she will not care, it is just a comedy....

    Thai woman (most of them) are dedicated and will clean your s.hit if you have surgery, if they love you. they can love very deep. It is in their culture, just go see some Thai movie, they are born in a Traditional country, where love is highly valuated and where if you change partners a lot, you are considered like a whore.

    It is always complicated to be with someone and to surrender, give you heard and share everything. But if one day you need any help, where ever you live in the world, you realize that without love, the life is empty, and money cannot fill this emptyness.

    (sigh: I am in a poetic mood this morning!)

  7. The Royal Palace never close , you just have to walk in from the main entrance, every day there are nicely dressed people outside the palace waiting to scam a tourist. Just ignore them.

    Rhaaaa, I'm not sure now... I would rather spend my time in the Royal Palace. But this lesson didn't cost me anything and was finally a good experience. Next time I will be more careful. But if you cannot trust the tourist police, who you can trust?

  8. Scams like this have been going on for years in Bangkok, and I'm sure everyone in the tourism ministry knows about them. It's not illegal to sell jewellery at any price the buyer is willing to pay.

    Too bad you didn't film the tourist police officer though.

    Which royal temple is this? There are several in Bangkok.

    I was trying to visit the Royal Palace but it was closed. The policemen saw me disappointed and told me that I should visit the Royal temple that is only open once a year (today) and also told me that I should just after visit the Royal factory as it is only open for 1 day in 33 years to the public. He wrote that on a paper and give it to me, then gave instruction to drive me to a tuktuk.

    At this time I didn't filmed because I was very thanks full that this policemen helped me and very excited by this unique opportunity.

    Honestly I didn't feel that it was a scam until I arrived to the 'Factory', where I realized that something was fishy, the place was very hidden with dark glasses, no 'Royal Factory' name on it, like a sex shop from outside and all the clients were arriving with Taxi. Nothing royal, and nobody in the shop could confirm me anything the guy told me about the fact that this place is only open for wholesellers except this specific day in 33 years... That's when I realized that maybe it was a scam.

    Later I browsed the web and found that a lot of people have been screwed and sometime spent a lot of money because of this scam... I can understand why.

  9. Uh I don't know about that. Still can't build a 176 meter house in the states for $48,000 Including labor. Comparing McDonalds to Mcdonalds maybe. Florida is hella expensive to live in right now especially if you got a mortgage to pay & no job to pay it. Land is a better bargain in Maui Hawaii but you still can't build anywhere near as cheap . $10.00 per day labor compared to ball park $50.00 an hour $400.00 per day & that does not the include the contractors fee either.

    Sorry but I know many very nice house for $100k in the USA that you can rent +$1000 / month.

    In Thailand if you buy a house the same price, how much are you going to rent it? $500 / month? Return on investment is sh.it here.

    Also in the USA you own the ground, in Thailand you only own the walls...good luck if you want to invest in Thailand.

  10. I just realized that no one is speaking about love, true love.

    True love strikes at all age, and is rare enough to put very different people (physically) together.

    A young woman in her 30's have already got 10 or more boyfriends, all gone with another girl for different reason. If she finds a nice farang older than her for 10-20 years, very sweet and warm, who cares about her and her kid, who bring her an happy smile on her face everyday, bring some security and another income in the house, why she would not fall in love with him and be a perfect wife?


    Most of the girls I have met in their 30s at in the 1000-3000 former lovers range.

    You must be meeting really ugly girls, if they have only had that few customers boyfriends.

    HAha, I hope you are joking.

    I am very good at knowing the persons and talking with girls, you cannot beat me at this.

    I can tell that most of the girls (not bar girls) I know had 3 or 4 boyfriends in their 20's.

    Most regular girls are looking for a husband, and they are very shy externally (which does not means they are shy in the bed!). Beautiful girls have an ego and won't go with a farang with a dick in the head, you can be sure of that, or an uneducated Thai...

    I have a concrete example of one girl, she is 28 and got 3 boyfriends total. She is stunning, when we go disco everyone is looking at her, very pale skin, small nose, and an ass to get you a boner instantly, 1.75m by all standard she is considered like at top model for the Thai. She got her first boyfriend at 19 and they stayed 5 years together, then they broke up and she stayed with nobody one year, then another boyfriend 2 years and now her boyfriend is a network engenier.

    Now if you talk like an ass, girls like these will not even respond to you or accept a drink from you. I have seen that before. They can tell who is an asshol_e in the disco in an instant and you have no chance to pass thru the screening process ever.

    Stick with your prostitutes if you want, but if you consider meeting with real nice girls, then be nice and respectful with them, act like a gentlemen, and you will see another face of Thailand.

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