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Posts posted by zydeco

  1. Calling Hillary "Granny" used as an obvious intended denigrating insult is very SEXIST.

    How many presidents have been grandfathers? Never heard one of them being insulted with snarky accusations of being Gramps.

    Hillary derangement syndrome victims keep at it. That kind of sexist rhetoric is going to backfire big time and energize the majority out there which doesn't go for that regressive garbage.

    And this is a taste of the campaign to come. Dare to criticize the old crone, and you're "sexist," despite the fact that similar and much worse language was used against Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984. Well, got news for you, bub, granny she is, and granny she'll be. She and Uncle Billy make the Clampetts look downright sophisticated.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Hilary isn't exciting.

    Hillary doesn't excite.

    Another reason she's going to win.

    Americans did excitement when they first elected Obama.

    Time for a change.

    Time for something old, more dull, and more American midwestern, instead of Hawaiian-Chicagoan-Kenyan.

    Hillary is decrepit.

    Hillary is corrupt.

    Hillary is the last gasp of the aging, coming to terms with their mortality feminist harpies of the 60s and 70s.

    Their last chance to emasculate American society.

    Oh, and Hillary apparently is still the world's champion newbie, one time commodities trader.

    so, let me get this right, ....you don't like her? BTW, this isn't so much about some individuals trying to find as much subjective dirt on her as possible. It's about getting the best possible candidate to become leader of the world's most robust economy (and strongest military) for the subsequent 4 or 8 years.

    And Granny Clinton is NOT that person.

  3. I'm not a Rubio supporter--he favors the illegal alien amnesty. But I do admit that a debate b/w him and Hillary Clinton would be devastating for her. I doubt she has the health and stamina to stay on her feet for a 90 minute debate. What is she going to demand for the debate format? Sofas? Rubio will make Clinton look ancient and tired.

    • Like 1
  4. Hilary isn't exciting.

    Hillary doesn't excite.

    Another reason she's going to win.

    Americans did excitement when they first elected Obama.

    Time for a change.

    Time for something old, more dull, and more American midwestern, instead of Hawaiian-Chicagoan-Kenyan.

    Hillary is decrepit.

    Hillary is corrupt.

    Hillary is the last gasp of the aging, coming to terms with their mortality feminist harpies of the 60s and 70s.

    Their last chance to emasculate American society.

    Oh, and Hillary apparently is still the world's champion newbie, one time commodities trader.

  5. Just a guess, but it sounds like Thailand came up with zip from the Russians and Chinese. No money for Thailand. Probably only offered them a deal on the military version of day old bread.

    You might be correct. That's why Thailand needs a general election pretty soon. Once we see an election, then Thailand will be back in with the West. Without an election, Thailand might be eating day old bread for years to come.

    That's why Thailand must have an election. The issue of Thaksin coming back into power is no big deal compared to America and Europe refusing to have full links with Thailand.

    Almost every person under 35 in Thailand is aligned with, if not addicted to, Western culture, especially American culture. Even in the small, remote villages--thanks to smartphones, TV, and Facebook. Suddenly trying to make them live like Chinese is the one thing that could cause a civil war here.

  6. Turkey's secular flirtation with the West is in the process of dissipating into its more traditional role, where it sees itself as the dominant power in the Middle East and thus seeks allies that will further that cause. A new Sick Man this time swooning after the Russian lullaby, which will gobble them up, because the Ottomans were long in the crosshairs of the Tsars.

    • Like 1
  7. So the people that brought you Chernobyl want to build a nuclear power plant in Thailand, a country that can't keep its obsolete trains on their tracks.

    Where does it say that in the OP?

    It does say this though.



    DM : It is a decision, a choice to be made. Obviously, nuclear energy requires utmost attention. It's an issue that is taken very seriously after Fukushima. I'll tell you, first, that it's viewed very seriously in Russia, especially in the aftermath of the 1986 accident in Chernobyl. Second, the reactors we currently use are based on different principles. And third, this is perhaps the least expensive energy source, no matter how you look at it."

    My God, sometimes people on this forum are dense beyond all imagining.

  8. A virtual impossible task in Thailand. Who will monitor every small family shop in Thailand, and how?

    Thais do not split on each other, they keep out of each other's business; and it's not like parents are particularly bothered of not.

    No family or parent would report a shop for selling singles, and to under 18s.

    That would be like reporting your neighbour's kids for not wearing a helmet - It aint gonna happen.

    This is simply a case in which the people at the top have no understanding of the scale at which most of the Thai economy operates for the vast majority of people.

    • Like 1
  9. And not forget that later on the USA supported the Khmer Rouge....

    As did China and Thailand. And China far more than the US. And don't forget the president who gave the Khmer Rouge support and backing was none other than that champion of human rights, Jimmy Carter. Usually, the American haters slobber all over Carter but always conveniently forget that he was the one who backed the Khmer Rouge.

  10. During Russia's 120 years relationship with Thailand, let's not forget the respectful communist insurgency in Thailand lasting from 1965 to 1983. While superficially Russia is now more of an oilgarchy led by billionaires like Putin than a communist nation, Putin's revival of the soviet imperialism is no less threatening to the world democracies. Of course the government of Thailand now being an oligarchy instead of a democracy makes a partnership between the Junta-led government and Russia more politically palatable.

    Unfortunately, the People of Thailand who have lost their sovereignty to the Junta have no say in any of the Junta's foreign partnerships. But no doubt we will begin to see "surveys" showing a super majority of those polled favor Russian and Chinese security and economic partnerships. Be Happy Everyone.wai2.gif

    You can blame the EU and US too.. for going for the stick approach instead of the carrot.. no one party to blame here.. maybe blame Thaksin for getting his name on the amnesty list.. without it.. no junta in power.

    But it was just stupid of the EU and US to think that Thailand would not look around.

    What stick? The cut off of a few million dollars in military aid, while keeping everything else intact? You'll know the stick when it lands, because that will mean a travel ban, a cut off of Thai exports to the US, no more Cobra Gold at all, and a ban Thai companies doing business in the US, along with Thai banks.

    Quite a few hard words mate... can't say that the EU or US were real diplomatic about the coup. Thing is this was their good right.. just as its Thailands good right to look elsewhere.. personally I think its a mistake of Thailand.. but nothing unexpected.

    rob, I just don't believe that the US or Europe has been all that harsh. The words have actually been minimal. And the actions have been non-existent. It is the Thais who are completely over-reacting. Had they simply ridden this out, things would have been okay. As it is right now, the Thai government is virtually begging the US government to whack them with a big stick. And I agree with you, this move by the Thai generals and The Nation to propagandize on behalf of two militaristic dictatorships in Russia and China is a disaster.

  11. During Russia's 120 years relationship with Thailand, let's not forget the respectful communist insurgency in Thailand lasting from 1965 to 1983. While superficially Russia is now more of an oilgarchy led by billionaires like Putin than a communist nation, Putin's revival of the soviet imperialism is no less threatening to the world democracies. Of course the government of Thailand now being an oligarchy instead of a democracy makes a partnership between the Junta-led government and Russia more politically palatable.

    Unfortunately, the People of Thailand who have lost their sovereignty to the Junta have no say in any of the Junta's foreign partnerships. But no doubt we will begin to see "surveys" showing a super majority of those polled favor Russian and Chinese security and economic partnerships. Be Happy Everyone.wai2.gif

    You can blame the EU and US too.. for going for the stick approach instead of the carrot.. no one party to blame here.. maybe blame Thaksin for getting his name on the amnesty list.. without it.. no junta in power.

    But it was just stupid of the EU and US to think that Thailand would not look around.

    What stick? The cut off of a few million dollars in military aid, while keeping everything else intact? You'll know the stick when it lands, because that will mean a travel ban, a cut off of Thai exports to the US, no more Cobra Gold at all, and a ban Thai companies doing business in the US, along with Thai banks.

    • Like 2
  12. Democracy is a hard thing for the Thais in my family to swallow. Political corruption has been extreme. I live in what is a red shirt area. After all the killing, they are all happy with the current situation. They make me welcome and all of the authorities, (police, army and govt officials) have gone out of their way to welcome me. Give the unelected man a bit of time. Something had to be done to stop the mayhem. It is a shame that the US has criticised so much that Thailand needs to rush to China and Russia to get some support. China (except some of their tourists) I have no worries with. Russia, well I will just say that I have negative views about this Country.

    It is too much to see people continue to blame the US for Thailand "rush[ing] to China and Russia." The US had no choice, because of US law terminating aid to countries where the government comes to power in a coup. People continue to compare the situation to Egypt, but that is an invalid comparison because of what the generals did. If you remember in the immediate aftermath of the coup, it was speculated that if the Thai government, LIKE EGYPT, just avoided calling the coup a coup, then the US could muddle through the situation. And what did Thailand do? The junta not only came out and called it a coup but actually established a coup council. That was either the world's most intentional act to drive away the US or a staggering show of ignorance of US foreign policy and law. This Thai government is not playing one side off against the other. It clearly prefers the Soviets, er, uh, Russians and the Chinese. And that is their decision. I don't think the US should interfere or try and dissuade them. I do think the US should protect its own interests. And if that means cancelling all military, economic, and defense contacts with Thailand, including trade allowances to export to the US, then so be it. I believe in both Thai and US sovereignty.

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