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Posts posted by zydeco


    If the pilot was a muslim it would of been called a terrorist attack without any questions asked, but since hes a german wasp, no way can it be a terrorist attack. Its just a deliberate crash now smile.png

    How do you know it wasn't terrorism? Could be another Anders Breivik. At least now that we have the name, people can start digging into this guy and discover his motivations. People usually don't commit suicide by taking another 149 people with them. BTW, the Wall Street Journal, which has an article up on this, was sitting on the news. They already have background info on the perp and the story was posted simultaneously with the opening of the press conference.

  2. Press conference: the co pilot ( german nationality ) was alone in the cockpit, he was still alive ( breath sounds ) and never responded the controllers and the big knocks on the door

    as soon as the commandant left the cockpit, he actionned the autopilot to lower the plane

    so, suicide or terrorism ? it was a deliberate action, not an accident

    At least this clears the good name of the chief pilot. Did they give names?

  3. in Yemen the President flees and Saudi Arabia strikes: good

    In Ukraine the President flees and Russia strikes: evil

    According to whom? I haven't seen anybody put things in those terms. Personally, I'm just going to sit and watch. No use in taking sides with any of them. If Iran and its allies and Saudi Arabia and its allies both emerge weaker and the Saudis more dependent on outside forces, then all the better. Hard to say, btw, whether more people will die as a result of Saudi intervention or as a result of doing nothing.

  4. deafening silence from the authorities...

    what they do know the public wants to know too:

    - what did the interceptor's pilot see, if anything?

    - what has been heard so far on the CVR's tape?

    - what are the names of the pilots?

    calls to not speculate are uncalled for as long as the authorities don't inform the public in a timely manner.

    Can I ask you why you think they should be forced to publish out of context information until they are satisfied that they have a complete account of what happened?

    The bigger question is why are the media cooperating in the information blackout? It's one thing for governments to suppress info. They do it all the time. But reporters should ask questions, and if the governments refuse to give answers, then the reporters should go out, work their sources, and find answers. Because that is what reporters are SUPPOSED TO DO!

    It might be a bigger question, but it's not relevant.

    We aren't dealing with the FAA here, who are essentially in the airline and manufacturers' pockets.

    The facts will come out in this case but, as in every single air crash investigation, they will take their time and make sure they have their facts straight.

    As opposed to some of the witless journalists and reporters I have seen since this plane went down.

    A press free of the shackles of government is about the most relevant thing there is. If a room full of people keep asking for something as basic to this story as the pilots' names and governments and companies refuse to give it, that is not context, not getting facts straight. That is suppression. (And, no, it doesn't have anything directly to do with speculation about somebody's religion. It might. But it could also be information worth having about the pilots' mental state, financial arrears, blackmail, or any number of issues that governments and companies like to cover up.) Take their time? Is that measured in cosmological time or geologic time? I'm sure the French "investigators" would prefer either over a human timescale.

    • Like 1
  5. We know the names of the pilots?

    Even though the question was asked one million times by journalists of European press ...no answer for the time being.

    And when Malaysian Air and the Malaysian government didn't give up everything they knew immediately, the press and social media (including TVF) tore into them like a ravenous wolves. Now, not hardly a peep. Something is really strange, here.

  6. deafening silence from the authorities...

    what they do know the public wants to know too:

    - what did the interceptor's pilot see, if anything?

    - what has been heard so far on the CVR's tape?

    - what are the names of the pilots?

    calls to not speculate are uncalled for as long as the authorities don't inform the public in a timely manner.

    Can I ask you why you think they should be forced to publish out of context information until they are satisfied that they have a complete account of what happened?

    The bigger question is why are the media cooperating in the information blackout? It's one thing for governments to suppress info. They do it all the time. But reporters should ask questions, and if the governments refuse to give answers, then the reporters should go out, work their sources, and find answers. Because that is what reporters are SUPPOSED TO DO!

  7. Ravaged by flood, Tops Sukhumvit 19 remains closed (PHOTOS)

    By Coconuts Bangkok


    BANGKOK: -- A Tops Supermarket located on the basement level of Robinson Sukhumvit remains closed after the whole place was trashed by a flash flood Tuesday.

    Central Food Retail said today they plan to reopen the market, but only after it has been sufficiently cleaned, inspected and determined to be safe.

    Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/03/26/ravaged-flood-tops-sukhumvit-19-remains-closed-photos


    -- Coconuts Bangkok 2015-03-26

    And absolutely no discount for flood damaged items. In fact, they'll probably raise the price.

  8. Wow, a PM who can predict storms 2 weeks in advance! Compare that to the last PM who couldn't predict a flood after the rain had fallen and was working its way down the river system.

    These storms (another one in my area of Bangkok this evening) have been in the forecast for over a week, maybe two. In fact, they were late in coming. They were initially predicted for Saturday or Sunday. The general is right to call out these boobs for being unprepared. This is fundamental to a society. Livable conditions. The boobs should pay.

    • Like 1
  9. Ever seen re-runs of the A-Team? Knightrider?

    Oh gawd, when you were a kid it was the best thing ever. As an adult? Not so much. laugh.png

    I remember seeing The Time Machine when I was 11 years old. When I see it now, it's not all that bad, until the second half of the season. Some things do last. But X-Files didn't even make it to season 5. I loved the first two seasons, and then too many stale stories.

  10. Already on Tuesday, Germanwings had reported "occasional flight disruptions within its route network" as pilots were too shocked to fly following the news of the crash of an A320 Germanwings jet.

    It's one thing to insist on a pause out of respect for the dead. But if these pilots are in mental shock and cannot work because of it, then that is not reassuring. The last thing you want is people who freeze up at the controls during a crisis.

  11. BTW, the air in the potato chip bags is probably doing you a favor. It cushions the contents, which would probably be all crumbs without the air bags. And it probably costs them money to puff up the bags, because they can't fit as many bags on the shelves as the could without. That's probably the entire reason for doing it. With no air in the bags, the store clerks would likely cram as many as they could on a shelf and crush everything to smithereens.

    • Like 2
  12. ..........Thai products?.......I have no need to buy Thai made products. They might be cheaper than well known brand items, but the dependability, and the quality of workmanship is very debatable. Ive bought an oven, a good size one, the oven walls are about 1/2 inches thick, with no insulation between the outer and inside walls. The glass door has a 1/8 gap on all four sides. A very crudely made product made by "GillMaster" 2300 baht. A Thai brand blender 900baht....Junk.........Thai Toaster......300baht.....junk. Water hose 240 baht.....junk. and countless other items junk. Now I only buy items made by well known brands.

    It seems most of the products made in Thailand are out of cheap recycled plastic that does not hold up good in hot weather, or are so cheaply made, the thin plastic breaks. I have no confidence in anything made in Thailand any more.

    Could it also be there are no testing Laboratories that check products out for the consumer, and give ratings on quality, service, and dependability? The only popularity of Thai products are the cheap prices. There isn't any quality, or guarantee, or replacement if broken. Its Sucker beware purchase!

    If Thailand wants to boost the popularity of Made in Thailand, they need to overhaul its work force by a mandatory quality control staff. Put their products through a ridged testing ground. Compare quality brands of similar products. Match or exceed quality of time and wear. Then lower the price below the competitor's price plus import tax. I Know, Thailand products can exceed other brands, but the desire to just manufacture and sell without regards to quality is just not there. For workers its just a punch in the clock, and punch out at the end of the day, day in and day out seven days a week. I look at, "Made in Thailand" the same as what we use to get out of Twain, in the 50's and 60's, cheap plastic toy's. It's time to get out of the Third world manufacturing, and enter the market with quality products.

    When it comes to electronics, it doesn't matter which brand you buy. They all tend to break. I used to buy top brand stuff, but it caught fire, burned out, or just plain broke in short order. Now, I just buy the cheapest thing out there. I'm going to need to buy it again anyway. Toasters, stoves, ovens, coffee makers, DVD players, fans, computers, TVs, printers, air conditioners? All junk. The only thing reliable over five years has been the refrigerator.

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