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Posts posted by zydeco

  1. The French seem to be taking a tougher position than Obama.


    France Takes Toughest Line at Iran Nuclear Talks
    Negotiations move closer to March 31 cutoff without a breakthrough
    Updated March 20, 2015 5:40 p.m. ET
    LAUSANNE, Switzerland—France is again adopting the toughest line against Iran in negotiations aimed at curbing Tehran’s nuclear program, potentially placing Paris at odds with the Obama administration as a diplomatic deadline to forge an agreement approaches at month-end.
    President Barack Obama called French President François Hollande on Friday to discuss the Iran diplomacy and try to unify their positions. The presidents “reaffirmed their commitment” to a deal “while noting that Iran must take steps to resolve several remaining issues,” the White House said.
    French diplomats have been publicly pressing the U.S. and other world powers not to give ground on key elements—particularly the speed of lifting United Nations sanctions and the pledge to constrain Iran’s nuclear research work—ahead of the March 31 target.

    With Obama at the helm, we have seen the Freedom Fries, and the Freedom Fries are us.

    • Like 2
  2. Just to throw a little interest on this purchase.


    Obamas may be buying ‘Magnum, P.I.’ home in Hawaii
    The three-acre beachfront estate was purchased this week in a mysterious transaction involving a prominent Obama friend and one of his major donors.
    By NICK GASS and DAVID NATHER 3/19/15 2:32 PM EDT Updated 3/20/15 2:06 PM EDT
    When he’s done being president, could Barack Obama grow a mustache, don a Hawaiian shirt, and start driving a red Ferrari?
    Obama loves Hawaii – the land of his childhood, the place where he can retreat to spectacular beaches and shaved ice — and his presidential vacations there have become a ritual. But now, Hawaii residents are wondering if they could see him actually taking up residence there again, and in one of the island’s most famous properties, no less: the “Magnum, P.I.” house.
    Story Continued Below

    Well, there goes the neighborhood. It's going to be hell for the people living around the place. Imagine the secret service checkpoints, the control of the air space, coast guard stationed off the beaches. The neighbors won't be able to so much as fly a kite there. This is what happens when you pave paradise and put in a parking lot.

    • Like 1
  3. This is the same anti-American conspiracy theorist who a short while back was writing article after article about how Russia was going to lead the way and destroy the US. Now that the Russian economy is in shambles, he's latching on to China. All that Chinese financial clout? Backed by the world's worst pollution, massive corruption, ghost cities, tofu bridges, buildings, and overapasses, and a middle in class in a debt trap that is pushing them to oblivion. Yeah, China's the answer alright.

    Ah, nothing hurts more than the truth. USD is a walking dead. Just matter of time when even the US will dump USD.

    Tofu bridges? Tofu bridges must be pretty good because they rank pretty high on this list:


    Do you know that Chinese build bridges in the US, San Francisco of all the places:


    Comparing middle class in China and US is the best example of your ignorance. Chinese are savers, Americans spenders.

    There simply is NO comparison (Chinese household debt is 17% vs 136% in the US, or 266% if national debt taken into account):


    Ignorant and proud of it!

    Anybody that wants to know the truth can simply google up "tofu construction." In the US, a bridge collapsed a few years ago because it was over 50 years old. This made headline news, because these sort of events are extremely rare in America. It also caused soul searching and public infrastructure initiatives. In China, on the other hand, newly constructed high rise buildings fall on their side, entire lanes of bridges drop to the ground during construction. And whenever there is an earthquake, the devastation is thorough because of shoddy, cheap, corruption riven construction. http://chinadigitaltimes.net/2014/08/strong-earthquake-china-vs-u-s/

    • Like 1
  4. Welcome to the thread champ. Read post #106. A veto proof bipartisan 360 members of Congress has written a letter to Iran waiving off anything Obama might do. They said that they would do the deciding.

    Looks like your Dems have thrown your lame duck under the bus because they'd like to get reelected.

    After all of the moaning about 44 Repubs writing a letter, now over 300 more in bipartisan fashion have done the same.

    Even your Dems can now see what Obama is. Why can't you?


    Not referring to anyone in particular, of course, but the sort of people who are now flooding social media and message boards about this fit very firmly into one of two categories. First, there is the anarcho-capitalist libertarians who finally see their big chance to "unmask" the vast international Jewish banker conspiracy. Second, there are the Leftist fanatics who have allied themselves with the likes of the PLO and their successors since the 1960s. This is their big chance to dress up their dreams of crushing a strong American ally. With the Left, it's mainly about the US losing face.

    fit very firmly into one of two categories.

    Which only serves to remind us there are two categories of people in the world, those who dichotomize and those who don't. wink.png

    Then there are those such as Bibi Netanyahu who dichotomize, personalize, JohnKerryize.

    Bibi was against it before he wuz for it and spoke for it before he declared he is against it before he said he's always been for it.

    Rebuffs, "anarcho-capitalist libertarians" and also the "Leftist fanatics" notwithstanding. clap2.gif

    And here we have the fallacy of essences, as David Hackett Fischer described it in 1970.

  5. $8.7 million seems awfully cheap for that place. One room shacks in Honolulu go for $500,000 or more. Something doesn't smell right.

    It does seem very cheap....it's waterfront, right?

    Mind you, it's not downtown Honolulu.

    Perhaps the neighbours are undesirable.

    Bear in mind that Waimanalo is a mini-ghetto. The secessionist movement in Hawaii is based in Waimanalo and most of the town is similar to Waianae-Nanakuli on the leeward coast. In other words, mostly poor, homesteaders, who are mixed-race Hawaiians.

    It's not Kailua-Lanikai where the haoles live. The Paul Mitchell estate in Lanikai I think is valued at $30 million and is the most expensive residential property in Hawaii. Although this Waimanalo property is beachfront, the neighborhoods to the east (Kailua-Lanikai) and to the southwest (Hawaii Kai) have higher valuations because of the communities, access to decent retail stores, better roads and schools.

    So I surmised correctly?

    Zydeco's "fishy smell" (in connection to Obama, I guess), was unfounded?

    Keep your paranoid guessing to yourself, please. As it happens, I'm a big fan of the show. That's the entire reason I went into the thread.

    • Like 1
  6. Wrong. US trade sanctions can apply to you no matter where your country is headquartered or located. The price they pay for doing business with Iran will be that they cannot do business with the US. Only "small players" rely on US trade? Nut stuff.

    Keeping in mind the word "rely", can you name a few big players who rely on US trade?

    China. Without the US, China closes shop. And "rely" means dependent on. And here is a British bank that pretty quickly figured out just how dependent it was on being on the good side of US sanctions. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/analysis-and-features/paying-the-price-for-sanctions-the-customers-with-iranian-links-being-ditched-by-british-banks-9679692.html

    China. Do you really believe that without US trade China closes shop? I don't......but nevertheless....any others?

    Keeping in mind the trade off...loss of US trade vs gain of Iran trade and oil purchases.

    Figure in the Iranian borse.

    Without the US market, China would collapse overnight--taking with them a lot of subsidiary producrers, such as Thailand. They are already on course for a crash of enormous magnitude. The only thing China has to control the US is debt--pieces of paper. Were the two nations to enter into a conflict, those pieces of paper become worthless and China is left holding the bag.

    • Like 2
  7. Here is the statement from the link to the AIPAC claim, accompanied by the link:

    AIPAC asked the White House to accept the sincerity of Netanyahu’s commitment to a two-state solution, saying in a written statement “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu strongly and clearly reaffirmed his commitment to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”


    AIPAC used the world "rebuff" on the basis of its absurd claim made in the linked statement that Netanyahu is sincere and that he supports a Palestinian state. Strange for AIPAC to say that given Netanyahu said he's against a Palestinian state.

    Netanyahu said he's now opposed the a Palestinian state but in favor of a two-state solution.

    tt seems to be the case that there are people who read AIPAC's (linked) statement without any consideration of the facts on the ground.

    Welcome to the thread champ. Read post #106. A veto proof bipartisan 360 members of Congress has written a letter to Iran waiving off anything Obama might do. They said that they would do the deciding.

    Looks like your Dems have thrown your lame duck under the bus because they'd like to get reelected.

    After all of the moaning about 44 Repubs writing a letter, now over 300 more in bipartisan fashion have done the same.

    Even your Dems can now see what Obama is. Why can't you?


    Not referring to anyone in particular, of course, but the sort of people who are now flooding social media and message boards about this fit very firmly into one of two categories. First, there is the anarcho-capitalist libertarians who finally see their big chance to "unmask" the vast international Jewish banker conspiracy. Second, there are the Leftist fanatics who have allied themselves with the likes of the PLO and their successors since the 1960s. This is their big chance to dress up their dreams of crushing a strong American ally. With the Left, it's mainly about the US losing face.

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