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Posts posted by zydeco

  1. Obvious. Singapore and Malaysia use English. Thailand can't compete with that. BTW, Malaysia appears to be in real trouble right now. Money has become a problem and research institutes are actually not renewing contracts. As for Elsevier, btw, they have become something of a problem themselves, a monopoly that many people in the sciences actually think is retarding the dissemination of knowledge because of the exorbitant prices they put on journals or online journal access. And the fact that they have fostered a very incestuous peer review process that is also stifling.

    As far as I know Elsevier is a Dutch company and I use their services too as they are also on the forefront of Dutch tax law information. They are quite expensive.. but if you want to keep updated they are the one.

    Your remark on English is spot on.. Thais are in general not good at English.. though one would imagine many researchers would have to be good to access the information that is available already.

    I urge you to google up "Elsevier monopoly." Much more than just expense and costs are at issue, here. The peer review process is fatally infected. As for Thais, many are much more creative and imaginative than they are usually given credit for. But discipline is lacking and English, even at the two top universities in the country is poor, especially among admin and assoc. and full professors. Students' English is actually better.

  2. Obvious. Singapore and Malaysia use English. Thailand can't compete with that. BTW, Malaysia appears to be in real trouble right now. Money has become a problem and research institutes are actually not renewing contracts. As for Elsevier, btw, they have become something of a problem themselves, a monopoly that many people in the sciences actually think is retarding the dissemination of knowledge because of the exorbitant prices they put on journals or online journal access. And the fact that they have fostered a very incestuous peer review process that is also stifling.

    • Like 2
  3. By foreigners, I hope he means experts in aircraft maintenance and pilot and ground personnel training. Even so I wonder if Thais are detail oriented enough to benefit from the training.

    I will say that the pilots did an excellent job of getting the depressurized plane down quickly and landed the other day. Kudos. But how did that 737 lose cabin pressure due to an "engine" when both engines can deliver air for cabin pressure? There is complete redundancy in the system, so was one side already faulty and they flew on just one with no backup? This is a very rare occurrence and why are they so quiet?


    By "foreigners," I wonder if he means "Chinese."

    • Like 2
  4. Also Thursday, Germany announced the creation of an expert task force to examine what went wrong and consider whether changes are needed regarding cockpit doors, how pilots pass medical evaluations and how companies recognize psychological problems in employees.

    Many German laws and regulations revolve about being not like Hitler. So, can't violate the privacy of a maniac. That would be like being a Nazi! Better to let some lunatic obliterate 150 people into the side of a mountain than let somebody think you might be like Hitler. Stupid German government and stupid Germans who support this. I hope it bankrupts and destroys Lufthansa.

    • Like 2
  5. Just another form of Face.

    Our products can kill you, our food can poison you, but, hey, you can't tell anybody, or we'll have you thrown in prison!

    I agree totally. I just do not understand most of Thai thinking. Maybe the "owners" of Thailand can explain Thai version of defamation. The accurate meaning is:

    a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone's words or actions

    So if I say I used xyz and got sick..... how is that defamation (maybe not the best example)?

    This country is certainly bizarre in so many ways.

    I think you just might have defamed Thailand.

  6. If it lets me see Phyllis Logan again I'm all for it. I've had a crush on her for 30 years or more since the days of "Lovejoy".

    Lovejoy was an imaginative, unique series, especially the first three years. Never liked any of these Edwardian costume dramas, however. If they're going to spend money on costumes, then do it on pirates! Black Sails!

  7. How do they know he didn't have a freak medical event?

    I just read something on the German magazine FOCUS


    It gives new information about the co-pilot. Here an excerpt translated from the German text:

    A note at the Federal Aviation Authority in the files of Lubitz indicates massive psychological problems. The file contains the code "SIC". This abbreviation stands for a "special, exemplary regular medical examination". This means in plain text, Lubitz therefore had to undergo regular monitoring by a physician. The man had to attend one session even before the tragedy last Tuesday in "special, exemplary regular medical" care. The "SIC" note is also found in the pilot's license of Andreas Lubitz.

    I'm curious if those in charge at Lufthansa / German Wings and their "Psychologists" will ever be held responsible and brought to justice for their incompetence.

    Reminds me on the slogan of Air Asia: "Now everyone can fly" and that's what seems to be the problem here. After all, people in Germany who smoked hashish before driving a car, get their driver license revoked but mentally ill pilots obviously have no problems to keep their airline transport pilot license ...

    It sure does appear that Lufthansa left a suicidal depressive maniac alone in the cockpit at the controls of a passenger jet. Wonder who they are going to blame it all on?

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  8. If Lubitz did suffer a mental breakdown, as indicated in the above posts, then this makes the matter all the more serious for the German airline industry. He should have washed out at that point. What sort of people are German airlines putting into the skies? It also makes me wonder if American and other airlines are giving a pass these days to unstable people, too. In this day and age, after all, it is better to put the lives of hundreds at risk than hurt the feelings or job opportunity of a single individual.

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  9. I'm beginning to suspect that all is not well inside the German airline industry. First, you have a group of Germanwings pilots refuse to fly their planes after this crash. Adolf Galland, they're not. And, now, the keys to a plane with 149 people on it being given over to a 28 year old just two years out of the company flight school. Soft, soft, soft. Not exactly the same sort of stuff that went into Ernst Udet, who had the decency to do himself in while alone. These Germans seem emotionally fragile, sloppy, and downright weak.

    Germans emotionally fragile

    I think not

    Are you some sort of retard?

    Many people have lost their lives

    I usually don't need to explain this sort of thing to people who have at least a minimal understanding of the English language, and it gets boring doing so. "These" is an adjective modifying "Germans" in my sentence. Hence, I did not refer to Germans as a people or nation but to antecedent, "these Germans" at Germanwings. Apparently, it is not only "these Germans" who are emotionally fragile.

  10. I'm beginning to suspect that all is not well inside the German airline industry. First, you have a group of Germanwings pilots refuse to fly their planes after this crash. Adolf Galland, they're not. And, now, the keys to a plane with 149 people on it being given over to a 28 year old just two years out of the company flight school. Soft, soft, soft. Not exactly the same sort of stuff that went into Ernst Udet, who had the decency to do himself in while alone. These Germans seem emotionally fragile, sloppy, and downright weak.

    What a load of nonsense!!

    So because of one nutcase you classify all German pilots as emotionally fragile??

    Are you German....................................coffee1.gif

    No, not just because of ONE pilot. Can't you READ!!!!! I referred to an entire group of German pilots wetting their pants in the aftermath of this crash and refusing to fly.

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