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Posts posted by zydeco

  1. Nurse Ratched / Hickox... could be confined by law - if rampant political correctness which is also spreading does not get in the way ... She could be found guilty of failure to comply with Public Health Laws of the State of Maine... relative to the right to the state to confine and isolate anyone suspected of carrying a deadly communicable disease. Such public health laws have been on the books in every state for nearly a hundred years dating back before Typhoid Mary... She could be charge with failure to comply when a court issues a compliance order based on those laws ... One is just not allowed to go about potentially endangering others.

    These laws in every state authorize the issuance of a warrant for arrest. This was done in Dallas only a few weeks ago when a homeless guy who had been exposed to Mr. Duncan in the ambulance and later disappeared. The Public Health Warrant was Issued - he was found - he was arrested - he was confined and isolated.

    Sorry that so many people have no idea about Public Health Law....

    Back in the day when working for the Texas Department of Health I served an Arrest Warrant on a fellow in Dallas who was knowingly spreading syphilis to others ... He was taken into custody - given a choice of taking treatment or go to county jail - he took treatment and didn't skip any..

    Unfortunately, Maine's governor appears to be a wuss.

  2. I'm putting my money in George Bush Jnr, Jebs son as the next Bush for the Whitehouse. Mexican mother, GOP royalty, the perfect cross over candidate. Nice guy to boot.

    P. Bush is pure mediocre. He had a court order put on him at one point to stop terrorizing an old girlfriend. Bush v. Clinton is a matchup made in Hell, as far as I'm concerned. I cannot imagine two people I would like less than Jeb and Hillary.

    • Like 1
  3. The thing about this nurse is that if you have ever been in a hospital, you know her. Or you have had contract with her. The arrogant, inflexible, know-it-all who ignores every request--because she has more important things to do--or who disregards whatever you might have to say about your own condition. I have seen this nurse in several hospitals. Kaci has attitude. It's there in her body posture, her language, her voice, and her strident demands. And on top of all of that, she is a political activist.

    • Like 1
  4. And Russia had a successful launch this morning which has just docked with the ISS... Bit embarrassing really, these contractors seem to be cutting corners against cost, just lucky no lives have been lost, the launch site was well engulfed with fuel and flame, hope all personnel were ok.

    From the current Nasa administrator at the top, all the way to the bottom--the wrong stuff.

  5. Would NASA ever contract a company with such a reputation?

    This isn't the same old mission oriented NASA. We as a country are going backwards to Vanguard, it appears.

    Correction, going backwards to a Soviet engine (NK-33) designed for "the ill-fated Soviet N-1 rocket moon shot". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NK-33

    Yea, outsourcing a lot of Russian junk. I've seen several stories throughout the press over the past few years warning about this reliance on Russian rocket engines.

  6. This article from Mashable today probably explains the reasons... coffee1.gif

    Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, trashed Orbital Sciences for using outdated Russian engines during a 2012 Wired interview:

    One of our competitors, Orbital Sciences, has a contract to resupply the International Space Station, and their rocket honestly sounds like the punch line to a joke. It uses Russian rocket engines that were made in the ’60s. I don’t mean their design is from the ’60s—I mean they start with engines that were literally made in the ’60s and, like, packed away in Siberia somewhere.

    Would NASA ever contract a company with such a reputation?

    This isn't the same old mission oriented NASA. We as a country are going backwards to Vanguard, it appears.

  7. On one hand, the Ebola epidemic is so serious that the entire world must send tens (hundreds?) of billions of dollars immediately to West Africa in order to protect ourselves. And send in every available physician and health care worker in the West who can get to the Ebola zone. Also send in the military and navy ships at every port. Can't hold back. Must give everything. Now.

    On the other hand, Ebola is no big deal, almost impossible to be transmitted. No need for quarantines. Just a temp check every now and then. Go ahead and go bowling, ride the subway, dine out, and go for a run.

    Which one is it?

    • Like 1
  8. Don't know if this means anything, but the nurse, it appears, has a connection with the CDC. http://www.linkedin.com/pub/kaci-hickox/30/793/7b8

    You aren't suggesting that a Nurse with links to CDC would be exploiting that connection to defend the CDC's policy of not employing Quarantine - are you? Well - you should because it seems obvious that she would -- and perhaps even encouraged to do so my people within the CDC ... political CYA as it may be...

    Nothing much today is beyond a political angle.

    I am now worried about the veracity of the claims. The article is all from one side. And it was helped to be written, according to the article, by a Dallas Morning News reporter (the one who has been appearing on CNN) who also used to be an employee of the CDC. This was a conflict of interest not revealed in the article. A huge violation of journalistic ethics.

  9. <deleted> ?blink.png

    Another doctor who treated Ebola came through JFK
    A physician who treated dying Ebola patients in Liberia flew in to JFK on Thursday night — and stayed at an airport hotel, a source told The Post.


    obama Admin / CDC mull a quarantine program for returning West African Aid Workers...

    I definitely believe they should be quarantined and treated as well as possible. They have done a service to control Ebola in our stead. Perhaps quarantine centers - with very nice accommodations can be devised and even stipends and expenses paid for the 21 days... There is not that many of them in any given month and making it easy to stay in quarantine will show proper respect. They are doing more than I am willing to do and I have the time and enough level of expertise to help... These returning aid workers have taken the call - have gone - and taken great risks. There can be a balance to deal with them more than fairly and protect the public at the same time.


    Here is a link to a published statement from the recently quarantined nurse. It just went online at the DMN this morning and there are already over 2000 replies in the comments. http://www.dallasnews.com/ebola/headlines/20141025-uta-grad-isolated-at-new-jersey-hospital-as-part-of-ebola-quarantine.ece

  10. New York, New Jersey Set Up Mandatory Quarantine Requirement Amid Ebola Threat

    Christie: New Policy Has Already Been Used At Newark Liberty International Airport October 24, 2014 10:20 PM

    NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP)In the wake of the first confirmed Ebola virus case in New York City, the states of New York and New Jersey have set up a new screening system that goes above and beyond the guidelines already set up by federal officials. The guidelines have already been used for a traveler returning from West Africa who developed a fever Friday night.


    And this has caused CNN to go crazy. Anderson Cooper is smirking. Gupta thinks he is the only scientist in America. And the president of the World Bank has been on to tell us that a quarantine on travelers from West Africa would be bad for their self esteem. NY/NJ saw the mess this caused in Dallas and reacted properly. As is, the voluntary actions of this doctor to serve in West Africa will be negated by the cost and conditions he is putting on NYC. Better to keep the Ebola associated out of the US and provide the money that would be going to treatment of Ebola in the US to treatment of Ebola in West Africa.

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  11. They should implement an intermediate quarantine on health-care workers that are responsible for treating ebola patients.

    Move the patients into isolation immediately, preferably away from city centres - i.e. buy a rural warehouse and install hospital equipment. Restrict the number of those that caring for the patient (not 70 per patient). The medical staff goes through some sort of intermediate quarantine (i.e. quarantined for at least 2 weeks after the end of treatment - then allowed to continue monitoring at home). Pay the health care workers that volunteer for it pay for quarantine and danger pay.

    Many health workers are devoted to their profession. But if you make them work under those conditions (self imposed quarantine while treating ebola and official quarantine afterwards) most will not do it. You can't pay them enough. They will walk. BTW, does this include the physicians? I'll guarantee you that the number willing to work like that will be miniscule. You'll need to draft them into the military and order them to go.

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