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Posts posted by zydeco



    I was part of the team who went to Phrae to search for the suspected Brown recluse. None were found. This spider is NOT in Thailand. Please make sure you know what you are talking about before speculating as it is causing quite a bit of totally unnecessary panic.


    As for them saying he was bitten by a tarantula that is a totally new theory - which is equally as untrue. There are several tarantula species in Thailand but their venom in pretty much not poisonous to us (I say pretty much as every person is different). However this man was NOT bitten by a tarantula either. 


    Were you part of government team?  Where did you report your findings?  Is this report available to the public?  Where can we access it?




    Do we REALLY need that?

    This smacks of someone who doesn't have an argument so thinks it is clever to ask for references....een though they have no idea of how either to use them or construct and argument.



    Of course we have to ask.  Is his report authoritative?  WHO sent him?  What are his credentials?  These are basic questions I would expect from anyone included in an official inspection.

  2. I was part of the team who went to Phrae to search for the suspected Brown recluse. None were found. This spider is NOT in Thailand. Please make sure you know what you are talking about before speculating as it is causing quite a bit of totally unnecessary panic.


    As for them saying he was bitten by a tarantula that is a totally new theory - which is equally as untrue. There are several tarantula species in Thailand but their venom in pretty much not poisonous to us (I say pretty much as every person is different). However this man was NOT bitten by a tarantula either. 


    Were you part of government team?  Where did you report your findings?  Is this report available to the public?  Where can we access it?

  3. So, what is your opinion of old farang with thai girls and the large age gap, bum guns vs. toilet paper, the price of eggs and what is your opinion on the word farang?????????????????????

    funnies right?

    or something wrongfacepalm.gif

    in my opinion love is love

    i don't know how replywai.gif

    my relationship is singlewhistling.gif

    No, not "funnies." Those are the core type questions addressed on the General Forum. Most in depth discussions usually take place on the food forums.

    • Like 1
  4. If the "children" are actually "refugees" seeking asylum from violence, then they should receive refuge in the first safe country they reach. That would be Mexico. Rwandan refugees were set up in refugee centers in Tanzania and Burundi, Syrian in Turkey, Cambodian in Thailand, Burmese in Thailand. No true refugee travels from Mexico's Guatemalan border to the US border in order to be a refugee. No true refugee travels all the way through a country that shares many cultural and linguistic similarities with your own in order to get to an entirely different place. Unless, of course, they are not true refugees but just people looking for free stuff.

    • Like 1
  5. The U.S. needs to work with the countries where the desperate kiddies are coming from to prevent this from happening in future. That seems to be happening now. The leaders are talking.

    Yes I think some will be sent back and some will be accepted based on their individual cases.

    According to this LA Times story, almost 40,000 of the "kiddies" are between 13 and 17. Only around 7500 are under 12. It doesn't stop the LA Times, of course, from running a scare headline that uses percentages to make the problem look bigger than it is. http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-illegal-immigration-unaccompanied-minors-20140724-story.html#page=1

    • Like 1
  6. Nigeria 'placed on red alert' over Ebola death


    Nigeria says it has put all entries into the country on red alert after confirming the death of a Liberian man who was carrying the Ebola virus.

    The man died after arriving at Lagos airport on Tuesday, in the first Ebola case in Africa's most populous country.






    This should be the World's top priority right now.


    If it spread in Lagos, then it's all over for that area of Africa.  The lack of sanitary conditions, huge population, dense living conditions, corrupt government services.  Maybe Thai immigration ought to tighten things even more than they are during this recent crackdown.  No flights where any passenger originates in West Africa.

    • Like 1
  7. Even my 5 year old knows that the rice pledging scheme was just a giant con to fleece the country of billions. Why can't they just say it. Unusual rice may ass. Unusual culture more like it.

    There is a Bob Wills' song, Take Me Back to Tulsa, with these lyrics: "The little bee sucks the blossom, the big bee gets the honey. The little man rears the cotton, the big man gets the money." Bob Wills should have visited Thailand.

  8. This will be an impossible situation, a catch 22. If you can't speak thai when questioned they will say they don't believe you are a a genuine student of Thai. But if you can speak thai they will say the same thing as that would mean you already know Thai and so don't need to learn it.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Except there are some vocational programs that teach in English. Schools for such things as audio and filmmaking.

  9. Thank God! Finally the rule of law in Thailand. I have been here 6 years and many years in other countries and never missed a filing for 90 day residency or renewal of my Retirement Visa and nobody else should be exempt as well. Every other country provides even stiffer penalties for overstays, like being Blacklisted. Play by the rules of law or suffer the penalties. We are a "guest" in Thailand so it is their rules and not ours. Don't like it, then move. Simple.

    Well, you're a good boy, aren't you? Wanna cookie? --I'm trying to read this thread for information, and it's so full of people like you bragging on themselves that it's getting tiresome. Give yourself a gold star or something and pipe down.

    • Like 2
  10. I tend to find this endless exchange between Israel and its Arab neighbors futile.  One side needs to win to stop it.  Hamas carries on like this because they know that eventually the US and other countries will step in to save them.  It happens every time.  What I don't understand is why so many people on ThaiVisa are buying into the images and reporting they're seeing on BBC and CNN.  Especially when just a few weeks ago those same networks (and in some cases, same reporters) were rightly being reviled as tools of PTP.  Why would anybody believe them now?  As for the children, it's beyond horrific but not so different from the Red Shirts waving babies in front of their barricades in 2010, when, again, many on this forum found that outrageous and properly so.  "Baby waving" has become something of a tactic on certain movement's behalf.  Baby waving goes on the US everytime illegal immigrants are forced out.  Frankly, for adults to hide behind children and use them as pawns in their own political games is the real war crime.

    • Like 1
  11. Never understood why they never gave him a performance Pontiac Firebird in his iconic series......sad.png

    But, it was good TV and he did his stuff great. Must be something special to pass on knowing half the planet knows who you were.......thumbsup.gif RIP guy.

    Excellent point. His 77 Firebird 350 was intentional. He was always supposed to be the unassuming, kind of bumbling PI who lived in a trailer, but somehow always got his guy. A lot like Columbo, but a little cooler. thumbsup.gif

    **whoa! just googled that and evidently he did use some Firebird 400s but they intentionally made them look like ordinary ones. Again, that was the image they wanted.



    Not sure, but I think I remember that the license plate for Rockford's car was 853-OKG. I'm a big Garner fan. Grew up in primary school watching Maverick and The Great Escape. Saw the short lived Nichols and The Skin Game in high school. Remember Rockford from college and graduate school. Rockford TV movies in the 90s. And Space Cowboys in the new century. He was around a long time. And, now, come to think of it, I'm not all that far behind myself.

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