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Posts posted by zydeco

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Just keep you execution impeccable - 11 years overstay, 1 post count, that can be sort of a TV record.

    There are a lot of guys who just sit back and relax here. The guy I knew who cleared his 10 year overstay has been in Thailand since the 1960s. He's in his mid 80s and virtually never leaves home. He wouldn't have even bothered with clearing his overstay had not his bank refused to give him a new bank book unless he had a valid visa. He has some ancient bank account where he only gets his social security routed through to a Thai bank and can only withdraw it with a bank book. He uses the book once a month. This new book will probably last him the rest of his life. So, he may go back on overstay.

    Yah! Exactly the kind of Hardened Criminal and Riff Raft we want to get out of this country with this Crack Down.

    Imagine the Crime!

    Some Old Foggy just sitting back and relaxing when he comes here, and not worrying about his next Visa and Report Period, and yet still trying to take his money out of his Bank Account without a Proper Visa. So he could be spending it here Illegally, because he Overstayed.

    I hope they find 20,000 more just like him in Pattaya, so they can take away there Condos, and put it up for sale, so when the housing market crashes, and no investor wants to invest anymore, I can find much cheaper place to buy or rent. There is already too many places for sale but still very overpriced here. .

    Please remember and use the irony button before a lot of replies go right off the edge.

  2. While I am glad you could clear things up and were able to come back in OP, I find it rather distasteful. I am not Thai and I am not from a western country. And, admittedly, I am only presuming that you are a westerner. But, all you have done (and some are doing still) is abuse the courtesy afforded to you by a country. It needs to be said that Thais (and my countrymen for that matter) don't get the same favours from western countries, as you guys do, when it comes to visas. If they were to overstay or break any visa rules in most of the western countries, they would most likely never be allowed to enter that country again.

    It is a whole lot different than a Mexican trying to stay illegally in the US or a Burmese staying illegally in Thailand. I personally find no excuse to be good enough, TBH.

    In the US, it is common, yes--common, for people from Asia to arrive as tourists or students and when their visa expires for them simply to disappear into the economy. In many states, including California, these now illegal aliens can get driver's licenses, bank accounts, even HOME LOANS, all public utilities, and even a taxpayer ID number so that they can receive the Earned Income Tax Credit, which is not a credit but an outright grant of money the US government gives to people who don't make over a minimum amount. And, yes, there is free emergency room treatment, primary and secondary education, and, even, in some states, in-state university tuition breaks. Not to mention that big giant prize dangling out at the end of this golden road called Amnesty, which will likely get 20-30 million illegals residence or citizenship rights.

    • Like 2
  3. The Missouri State Police captain now in charge is also black, a small detail the BBC story apparently did not think important enough to include. So, we now have a black Hwy Patrol officer in charge at the scene, a black US Attorney General, Holder, directing the feds, and a black US president issuing Solomonic announcements from the Rose Garden. The OJ jurors are now in charge of everything. I'm sure justice is assured.

  4. uummmmm how does this work as a passport is only valid for 10 years? Did you get a new one sent to thailand with on overstay on it already?

    Should have been a better troll post this, i'd have gone for 9 years and 7 months.

    The overstay begins from the moment your last valid visa or extension ran out. It isn't stamped in your passport. And Americans, at least, can get their passports renewed here in Thailand. Some people probably haven't even had passports--they just went off the grid years and years ago.

  5. Just keep you execution impeccable - 11 years overstay, 1 post count, that can be sort of a TV record.

    There are a lot of guys who just sit back and relax here. The guy I knew who cleared his 10 year overstay has been in Thailand since the 1960s. He's in his mid 80s and virtually never leaves home. He wouldn't have even bothered with clearing his overstay had not his bank refused to give him a new bank book unless he had a valid visa. He has some ancient bank account where he only gets his social security routed through to a Thai bank and can only withdraw it with a bank book. He uses the book once a month. This new book will probably last him the rest of his life. So, he may go back on overstay.

    • Like 2
  6. Just to add my thoughts to the proceedings unless it's very late or very early why on earth would you want to take a taxi anywhere from central Bangkok? I always use the skytrain as far as it will take me in whatever direction I want to go, & if that doesn't get me there I then take a bus, Song kraw or, wait for it... a taxi to get me the rest of the way. Much quicker, cheaper & if you do need to go farther, no problems with city centre taxis, once you're out of there the taxis are all to happy to take you where you want to go, with the meter on, so ok you might get a little squished in the skytrain at rush hour but it's still got air con & will get you out of the city centre in a fraction of the time that a taxi will take...

    Because you might be carrying a lot of things with you that wouldn't fit on a BTS, bus, or van ride.

    • Like 1
    1. When I get a good driver that takes me by the meter without asking he gets a good tip . I tell them good job , good tip .thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

    Yesterday, when I was refused by a taxi for a 100 baht trip, I went to the guy right behind him (had seen them all huddled in a group) and he took me right away. On arrival at my destination, I intentionally gave him a 50 baht tip and told him to tell the guy in front of him what he missed. And, no, this was not at shift change.

  7. The problem is exacerbated by the habit of passengers opening the front door to tell drivers their destination. This gives drivers the easy option of declining. I don't know why people just don't get in the back and then tell the driver where they want to go ( probably because of fear of being kicked out with menace? ).

    Or hacked to death with a machete.

    I am in no way condoning what you are referring to but that's only been reported once, when a passenger disputed the metered fare on arrival at the destination and threw a coffee cup in the driver's face. As you know.

    Why try to scaremonger?

    It's more than just the one samurai taxi driver. Just in the last few days, there was this: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/749843-bangkok-cab-driver-admits-robbing-american-tourists-at-gunpoint/

    They work over Thais, too, not just foreigners. The taxis in downtown Bangkok appear to be the most menacing. The guys in my suburb are usually much more mellow.

  8. CTW is a nightmare. For Thais and non-Thais. I don't even know why the taxis pull up through the drive, they don't seem to take anybody anyway. Paragon is much better--but the line for taxis is huge. BTW, I just got refused yesterday at the taxi line at Central Pinklao. Central Pinklao! The guy refused a 100 baht trip from there to Phutthamonthon. Well, the new Central Salaya is now open. Don't need Pinklao anymore anyway.

  9.  . ..What I loved about the country was the culture, the Buddhist way of life, the respect, the discipline, the integrity, the kindness. The amazing food, the welcome ness of the locals. The way you feel amazingly safe in a foreign speaking country. The climate, the scenery. The way the locals make you feel welcome in foreign paradise. How arrogance and greed isn't welcome. How respect and dignity will get your friends, and money doesn't rule everything like it does in the western world. How most people have being able to discover who they really are from the spirituality and culture of the country. . . .



    Pursue your dream and have fun.  But as others have said, don't ship everything over yet.  Spend a little more than two weeks before committing to "paradise."  Get some firsthand experience with the bureaucracy, police, landlords, and, especially the taxi drivers.  You are in the first stage of culture shock.  Read up on the subsequent stages.  All this doesn't mean that you cannot eventually move here and enjoy elements of what you describe, above.  One last piece of advice: follow all the rules, laws, and regulations.  It's easy enough to trip up over them unintentionally.  But the people who come here and think Thailand is some free-for-all devoid of personal responsibility and an obligation to follow the country's rules are the ones that eventually find themselves in a mess.

    • Like 1




     "Happy long term successful marriages, and age has nothing to do with it "  and you are over 80 and your wife is 40 years younger. OK I will ask is there any  42 year old farang men that would be happy with a 82 year old Thai wife ?  I guess none





    Just to point out, if I were 80, any marriage would have a good chance of lasting my remaining lifetime.





      My reply / question was " if you was a 42 year old farang would you be happy with a 82 year old Thai wife ?.    Now do you understand ?



    Like  Joan Rivers?


    The three evenings started innocently enough: The cardiologist says he and a woman who introduced herself as a nursing student went to dinner and, on one occasion, a concert at Madison Square Garden.

    They ended, he says, in a drug-induced blur.


    Dr. Zyad Younan alleges his companion, Karina Pascucci, and three other women drugged him into a semi-conscious state and charged more than $135,000 to his credit card at the behest of the well-known New York City strip club Scores. 


    The above is the West to me.  Is Dr Zyad envious of me? 


    The West is not honest enough for me anymore.  A nursing student OMG.  They got the guy for almost 5 million baht.  I admit I've been drugged and robbed in Pattaya but never close to 5 million baht.



    It's NYC.  What do you expect?  Are any of those people even American citizens?

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