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Posts posted by zydeco

  1. Here is how I see it. The big problem is that there is a white or mostly white police force in a town that is majority black. If the town had a black police force, these cops would probably still kill or f-up that pos Michael Brown. There would be no riots and no need for the race-baiters Sharpton and Jackson.

    I'd say a black police force or a force of significantly more black officers could and would do a better job in Ferguson than the present one has done.

    Apparently the Missouri governor thinks the same as he's put the State Highway Patrol, which does criminal work and assists local police, on the ground in Ferguson, led by an able and respected commander of police.

    How the Man in Charge of Ferguson Security Approaches Protesters


    In the days since Missouri Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson took charge of a volatile situation that threatened to turn ugly, tragic or both, his calm-yet-commanding presence has captured international attention.

    But when it comes to keeping the peace in the St. Louis suburb where a white police officer shot and killed an unarmed black teen, Johnson knows his neighbors’ opinions are what matter most.

    “The people of our community need to hear what I’m saying,” Johnson, who is black, said at the start of one daily press briefing, urging local residents standing behind an enormous media contingent to come closer to the podium. “They’ve got questions, and I invited them here.”


    The protestors in this photo are wearing red. That tells me, they belong to the Bloods street gang or at the very least affiliate with them. These people are nothing more than thugs and a menace to society.

    Clearly, Capt. Ron's Hug-a-Thug approach hasn't worked. Now, the National Guard is going in. It looks like the Ferguson police chief knew what he was doing when you ordered his police to the scene in riot gear and armored vehicles. It only took Capt. Ron and the governor almost a week to learn the right lesson.

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  2. When the details are all revealed, only then we can really understand what happened, but the police are dragging their feet on this - why?

    What we do know is the police continually refused to provide details of what happened to an enraged public causing suspicion and mistrust. They then release the video of Brown carrying out a criminal act, against the wishes of the DOJ - who know this will only inflame people and they were right.

    Interesting. In one sentence JP complains about the police "dragging their feet" on giving the public details. Then, in the next sentence, he complains about the police giving out details that he doesn't want to hear.

  3. So much for having his arms and hands in the air when he was shot. Just try holding up your arm with four bullet wounds in it. And the head shot being the last shot fits in with the story from witnesses that Brown was bum rushing the policemen when the policeman fired on him. It's spelled E-X-O-N-E-R-A-T-I-O-N.

    It is spelled trigger happy USA cops again.

    They were not fired from closed range and he was unarmed, why shoot 6 times?

    Because five shots didn't stop him??? Why get your knickers in an uproar?

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  4. So much for having his arms and hands in the air when he was shot. Just try holding up your arm with four bullet wounds in it. And the head shot being the last shot fits in with the story from witnesses that Brown was bum rushing the policemen when the policeman fired on him. It's spelled E-X-O-N-E-R-A-T-I-O-N.

    OR the officer was attempting a headshot as the victim was turning with hands raiswd, rapid fire .... maybe spelled E-X-E-C-U-T-I-O-N. (?)

    Couldn't be turning, because all the shots were from the front. And last head shot was consistent, according to the autopsy report, with someone tipping their head forward. He was going to head butt the cop. Clear as an azure sky at dawn.

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  5. The entire Michael Brown defense has evaporated. The other thread with the autopsy report has the report (commissioned by the Brown family) saying that there were four wounds in one arm and two in the head, with the last shot likely being the highest head shot. It would almost be impossible for somebody with four bullets in one arm to raise that arm in surrender, as CNN and the protesters have been claiming. The entry of the last bullet at the top of the head was also said to be consistent with the head tipped forward. In other words, Michael Brown was bum rushing the policeman like he was about to sack a qb. The facts are pretty clear now, but the feds and the media will still crusade for the criminal. Just wait and see.

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  6. Now, there is going to be a THIRD autopsy, following the local authorities and the private one obtained by the Brown family. Keep on performing autopsies until you get the results you need to hang the police. Oh, and this autopsy is being conducted by Eric Holder, who earlier tried to withhold the video of Mike Brown robbing the Asian store and its clerk.

    Brian Fallon, a Justice Department spokesman, said the department would also consider the results of the first, state-conducted autopsy. There was no indication that federal investigators saw any problems with the local examination. The family has also had a private autopsy conducted.


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  7. Anyone who thinks the U.S. is still the great land of liberty and freedom it once was 30 years ago or more is delusional or just plain stupid. Protestors ramsacking and plundering Missouri businesses is plain wrong but understandable given the increased number of police shootings and further reinforced by trained snipers lining up unarmed protestors in their sights.

    When I was a kid in the 1960s, there were no riots or protests and everyone got along just fine. Those were the good old days. whistling.gif


    And there was a rail road track that ran through the town and some people lived on one side of the track and others on the other side and they didn't cross where they didn't belong. They had drinking fountains for people of different races, and bathrooms, and schools.

    They also had a big problem with things like Polio.

    It seems nice, when filtered through the lenses of time, but there were plenty of problems then too.

    Problems? You mean Eddie Haskell?

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  8. Not only did $harpton criticize the release of the video that showed the "unarmed teenager" to be a "strongarmed robber," but the federal government is in on the conspiracy to cover up information about Brown as well. According to the NYTimes:

    The Justice Department asked the Ferguson Police Department not to release the video because of concerns that “it would roil the community further,” a United States law enforcement official said on Saturday. The Ferguson department released the video on Friday and the Justice official said it “occurred over the objection of federal authorities.” The official said a copy of the video had been in possession of federal investigators, as well, “and there were never any plans by the federal investigators to release that copy.”


    Some have said that Capt Ron on his Hug-a-Thug march through Ferguson was accompanied by Bloods with their faces covered by bandanas and wearing a St. Louis Cardinals baseball cap, the cap being a gang symbol for that particular nighborhood and, coincidentally or not, what Michael Brown was wearing when he robbed the food mart.

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  9. Some did last night. They have had enough of this stupidity.

    With the governor's newly appointed Missouri state police captain now in charge [aka Captain Hugs], the police might turn their weapons on the business owners. Here is what Capt. Hugs has said, "State Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson, in charge of security for the town, praised local citizens who tried to stop the looting of several businesses early Saturday. He said law enforcement would not be heavy-handed in enforcing the curfew. "We won't enforce it with trucks, we won't enforce it with tear gas," he said." http://edition.cnn.com/2014/08/16/us/missouri-teen-shooting/index.html?hpt=hp_t1

    Yes, he PRAISED the locals who moved in to try and stop the looting AFTER the looters had left. And, basically, Capt. Hugs just said he has no intention of enforcing the newly applied curfew. Seems to me that Capt. Hugs is more of an accomplice than a law enforcement officer.

  10. No doubt it would be best for allegations to wait until all the facts are revealed.  But the media didn't do that.  As usual, they took sides immediately.  And the story they told is unraveling.  Now, I suspect (merely suspect, mind you) that the media has already sniffed out  the truth about  this story and is concealing things.  That would explain why CNN has knocked it off their headlines and de-emphasized it and why the BBC is outright lying--just a few minutes  ago they   said  that  all was quiet in Ferguson  and had been since  the  black Missouri state policeman took charge.  All  this ignoring the latest round  of looting that took place while the Missouri state police just stood there and watched.  I'm only guessing but I AM guessing that the media knows the evidence will work against their Gentle Giant story, so they have abandoned the story and are looking for a way out.

  11. Eye witness interview with the other man that was with Mike Brown at the time of the incident...

    If this testimony is true, then the cop should be brought up on manslaughter charges at a minimum...


    Not very credible, because this guy was revealed as an accomplice in the grocery store robbery and assault that the "Gentle Giant" committed right before he was shot.

  12. Looks like michael wasn't the poster child he has been portrayed as. Let's see when the big picture is released but from these pics if I was the store clerk I would have been in fear of my life.


    Well, that certainly explains why the story has disappeared from the "headlines" on CNN. It's now all Iraq and Ukraine.

    Go to Russia Today rt.com or Aljazeera aljazeera.com. The 'vegetable soup' acronym Main Stream News isn't worth reading unless you want to know what to know what the US and UK governments want you to know.

    No. Michael wasn't a poster child. But the issue is two fold. The inordinate use of deadly force used in situations where unarmed individuals are being shot - and this is not an isolated incident; and the militarization of the police across America. These fools are hitting the US streets looking more like US Army rangers hunting 'Taliban Insurgents' then police that are hired to 'Protect and Serve' the populace. The governor brought in the State Patrol to deescalate the situation, which has happened. State Patrol Captain Ron Johnson ordered the para-military county police out. They basically just have regular uniformed officers on the street. Just Google: State Patrol Captain Ron Johnson

    No, he wasn't a "poster child," although CNN went to great lengths to picture him in his high school graduation cap and gown. Apparently, what he was amounted to yet another hood rat holding up a store and beating up innocent clerks. And, now, a story that literally got hour after hour after hour of extensive coverage on CNN just this morning, was just dismissed with a 30 second update, where 20 seconds was on the officer's name and the criticism of the police, and about 10 seconds on Gentle Mike robbing and beating. And NOTHING on the witness paraded in front of CNN's cameras for extensive interviews being, in fact, an accomplice in the robbery and assault. It matters, because this is the way public opinion is formed.

  13. Looks like michael wasn't the poster child he has been portrayed as. Let's see when the big picture is released but from these pics if I was the store clerk I would have been in fear of my life.


    Well, that certainly explains why the story has disappeared from the "headlines" on CNN. It's now all Iraq and Ukraine.

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