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Posts posted by zydeco

  1. Chitlinns and mustard greens with cornbread

    It's really hard to get cornbread mix, here. It comes sporadically. I've found it in Villa on Soi 33 but not since 2012, so stopped looking. The Central World carried it for about a year and stopped six months or so ago. I always bring back Martha White's Mexican cornbread when in the US--but that happens less and less. Do agree about the greens, collard and mustard, whether I cook my own or Sunshine brand canned. Put that with salmon croquettes and some Louisiana Pepper Sauce and I'm read to go.

  2. The article might be a little over the top, but it seems pretty accurate to me.

    Why isnt anyone speaking the most obvious and most disturbing truth about what has been taking place in Ferguson? This is a lynch mob. It is unconcerned with the facts, impatient with due process, and it wants a severely injured officer who is probably the victim of a vicious criminal thug, indicted, tried and convicted or else.


    Officer Wilson dismissed due process entirely and completely while consciously deciding to take someone's life.

    Brown was unarmed.

    Wilson had several means at his disposal, to of course include his piece.

    I think officer Wilson who is still in hiding is a wuss.

    Oh, I think we all know who the wuss is.laugh.png

    With all that supposed "infantry training," I would extend that to "parade ground wuss."

  3. I am quite pleased to see that this topic thread has morphed into total silliness and non productive discussion - which means it will soon disintegrate and die out from disinterest or the admin/mods will close it as a humane gesture...

    Your post is testimony you and your guys aren't doing very well here. facepalm.gif

    Begging the mods to close the thread.


    What your bring into the discution has nothing to do with this thread. If this was a court

    case, all of your points would be thrown out, unless it was the same officer, which it's not.

    Aim for center body mass and shoot till it's not a threat.


    The Army Infantry taught me about taking someone down and I taught others how to do it. You wanna discuss it further?

    This is an open opinion discussion forum, not a court of law nor is it a lawyer's office.

    I bring reality to the thread not extreme right wing fantastic fanatical fiction. Closing the thread is not a bad idea except these guys will take all the rope they're given so there's a value in that to readers who visit to read the threads with an open mind or that are undecided, those who seldom or rarely post.

    The truth wins out......

    .....sooner or later.....

    Persistence, perspiration, perseverance.

    Same as them.

    But more.

    Ever see combat? I doubt it. Probably a parade ground soldier or a perfumed prince, as David Hackworth used to call the lounge lizards in the Pentagon who themselves never went into a combat zone unless it was to earn a combat ribbon from the safety of HQ.

    • Like 1
  4. The video of Brown being shot shows the unarmed Brown was on his knees facing the police officer running toward him while the officer was blasting away with his handgun, the officer's firearm.

    Please tell me where you have seen the video of the actual encounter? I would like to see it, too. So would everyone who has watched a news report for the past week or so. If you have this video, then please give it to the FBI, Ferguson PD, and CNN, because that will mean this case is over.

    This is news to me. Is there a Video of Brown being shot?

    That seems to be what Publicus is saying. But consider the source--Publicus.

  5. <The cop pursued Brown, firing at the running Brown.>

    Unless Brown was running backwards, Johnson was clearly lying. The autopsy has stated that there were at least 6 entry points on the FRONT of Brown.

    Unfortunately, as Johnson probably wasn't under oath he can't be charged with perjury.

    I referred to if Johnson were making a false statement to the police in the investigation of a fatal shooting (which Johnson was not doing).

    I did not make any reference to a sworn deposition or to a false statement in a court of law as this case remains a long way from taking depositions or entering a court of law. Perjury would apply to a sworn deposition or to sworn testimony in a court of law, not to a witness making or filing a statement during the investigative stages of the case.

    The video of Brown being shot shows the unarmed Brown was on his knees facing the police officer running toward him while the officer was blasting away with his handgun, the officer's firearm. The autopsies show the unarmed Brown was shot from and in the front of him, not from the rear or back side, although the trigger happy on the run cop was blasting away shooting at Brown's back side as the unarmed Brown tried desperately to escape and before the unarmed Brown turned around to surrender to the cop.

    You people have to stop writing fiction.

    The following is not opinion, speculation, or claims of what did or could happen. It is official policy, fact, wise and prudent police procedure and practice which was not done in Furgeson or by the shooter Police Officer Wilson.

    RULE 1: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms except to protect themselves or another person from imminent death or serious bodily injury.

    RULE 3: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms to threaten or subdue persons whose actions are destructive to property or injurious to themselves but which do not represent an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury to the officer or others.

    RULE 4: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms to subdue an escaping suspect who presents no imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury.

    RULE 10: Police officers shall not draw or display their firearms unless there is a threat or probable cause to believe there is a threat to life, or for inspection

    Police Department Office of the Commissioner, City of Houston, Texas.

    So . . .

    The video of Brown being shot shows the unarmed Brown was on his knees facing the police officer running toward him while the officer was blasting away with his handgun, the officer's firearm.

    Please tell me where you have seen the video of the actual encounter? I would like to see it, too. So would everyone who has watched a news report for the past week or so. If you have this video, then please give it to the FBI, Ferguson PD, and CNN, because that will mean this case is over.

    • Like 1
  6. So the video explains why the cop shot Brown..?

    It certain shows that he was a violent thug.

    The policeman who shot Brown initially stopped him for walking in the street and blocking traffic but, the officer saw cigars in Browns hands and thought he might be a suspect in the robbery, which had been announced on the police radio a few minutes previously.

    By the way, NONE of the shots were in Brown's back, although all his homies swore that he had been shot from behind. So much for their credibility.

    Where's the record of Michael Brown the violent thug?

    There isn't one, not to this moment.

    Michael Brown did not commit armed robbery as he had no weapon nor did Brown threaten the life or safety of an armed, trained police officer who has 6 years experience on the force. If Brown had lifted a couple of handsfull of cheap cigars it would be a case of petty theft.

    What violent thug?

    I recall the initial rumors of Brown being shot in the back which no doubt began because a cop was chasing him and firing multiple shots at Brown's back side. After a few hours of chaos and confusion, the shooting was clarified, at least to the point it was clear Brown had not been shot in the back although the fact Brown was unarmed is the one constant throughout this awful event.

    The short lived rumor of Brown's being shot in the back is long gone and was early disposed of so there's no need to try and dredge it up now.

    As I'd said, there's a lot of wild speculation and fiction writing going on around here.

    Let's stick to the non-fiction stuff which is bad enough.

    Seeing your avatar in a thread is like seeing Uwe Boll's name appear at the beginning of a movie.

    • Like 1
  7. You shoot until they stop .whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

    Not at all. If indeed the guy is unarmed, a well trained, professional police officer might need to hit the purp with one or two shots, but definitely not six ... with three to the head. Not saying the cop was not justified in firing ... although I don't know, nor do you or anyone else here ... but it looks like the cop went way to far with way to many bullets to the body and head.

    Not if he kept coming at you after already hitting you once. Only the head shots would have brought that big boy down. The others may have pissed him off if adrenal was pumping.

    Cop was in panicking shooting mode. Execution mode would have been all shots to the back as dude was fleeing.

    I don't know much about police training, but I did find this: http://www.shootingillustrated.com/index.php/17234/failure-drill/

  8. You shoot until they stop .whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

    Not at all. If indeed the guy is unarmed, a well trained, professional police officer might need to hit the purp with one or two shots, but definitely not six ... with three to the head. Not saying the cop was not justified in firing ... although I don't know, nor do you or anyone else here ... but it looks like the cop went way to far with way to many bullets to the body and head.

    Why do you keep saying three? Honest question, I mean. Do you have another source? The OP states this:

    An unarmed black teenager who was killed by a white police officer in Missouri was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, a preliminary private autopsy has found. The New York Times reported (http://nyti.ms/1mZThz0 ) that the autopsy by Dr Michael Baden, a former New York City chief medical examiner, found that one of the bullets entered the top of Michael Brown's skull, suggesting that his head was bent forward when he suffered a fatal injury.

    Baden said it was likely the last of bullets to hit Brown, 18, whose death has spurred a week of violent protests in Ferguson, in suburban St Louis.

  9. So much for having his arms and hands in the air when he was shot. Just try holding up your arm with four bullet wounds in it. And the head shot being the last shot fits in with the story from witnesses that Brown was bum rushing the policemen when the policeman fired on him. It's spelled E-X-O-N-E-R-A-T-I-O-N.

    "THE" head shot? There were three head shots. And how would you ... or anyone else ... know "the head shot was the last shot. I pray you are never on a jury.

    Perhaps you should read the report from the NYTimes. The conclusion that the top head shot was "likely" the last shot was that of the ME doing the family sponsored autopsy.

  10. When the details are all revealed, only then we can really understand what happened, but the police are dragging their feet on this - why?

    What we do know is the police continually refused to provide details of what happened to an enraged public causing suspicion and mistrust. They then release the video of Brown carrying out a criminal act, against the wishes of the DOJ - who know this will only inflame people and they were right.

    Interesting. In one sentence JP complains about the police "dragging their feet" on giving the public details. Then, in the next sentence, he complains about the police giving out details that he doesn't want to hear.

    So the video explains why the cop shot Brown..?

    What the video may well explain is why the cop backed up and stopped Brown. The policeman heard the report of the robbery in the vicinity, spotted one of the few 6'4" 300 lb people matching the description (red baseball hat, tan trousers, white T-shirt, and thongs), and carrying Swisher Sweets by the handful. It may also help explain the state of mind of Big Mike--he had just committed a robbery, the adrenaline was still flowing, and he knew the police would be on the lookout for him. A definitely connects with B.

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