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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. 8 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

    She must have gotten special and expensive lessons in France. This is an expert finger pointing. Straight, with an upper bend, as well as distinct and really marking the specific subject that is lost. Hmmm... however that now can be possible. Anyway, thanks for another pointing picture. It goes into my collection of more than 2 300.

    As an experienced pointologist, I have to agree with you. A good point starts with perfect balance: the mere soupçon of a body inclination suggests the thing that was lost, and the tableau is the wrapped up by masterful finger position.

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  2. 7 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    If this Swiss man is charged with any offence at all, the Thais can kiss goodbye to attracting the high rolling Foreign people that they are so desperately seeking.

    The potential 1 Million or so Digital Nomads Etc Etc Etc, will just say " <deleted> that, if I cannot defend myself , and what is mine, without prosecution."

    We all know that it’s a pipe dream, but why not enjoy the ride

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