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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. 1 hour ago, Sydebolle said:

    a) hair dressing/barber shop operation is indeed a "Thai only" profession as so stipulated in the "Alien Business Law"
    b) the average Khon Thai will never ever pay 500 - 4,000 Baht for a hair cut
    c) since the guy has been in business for that long, it can only be assumed that some zealous barbers in the +/- 100 Baht league went to alarm the authorities who, in turn, started the hunting of the dirty farang. 
    d) instead of pissing around like cowards, the local figari thailandesi might want to study, why a farang gets that much more money for a hair cut than the usual "bowl on head and cut around" league 

    I do not feel sorry for the Swiss guy, he knew exactly what he was in for. It is a special kind of stupidity to "provoke" the Figaro congregation on the island - serves him right! Unless he has an otherwise clean record he will be requested for the little brown manillas 😉 

    Manilla will decide the case

  2. 8 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

    She must have gotten special and expensive lessons in France. This is an expert finger pointing. Straight, with an upper bend, as well as distinct and really marking the specific subject that is lost. Hmmm... however that now can be possible. Anyway, thanks for another pointing picture. It goes into my collection of more than 2 300.

    As an experienced pointologist, I have to agree with you. A good point starts with perfect balance: the mere soupçon of a body inclination suggests the thing that was lost, and the tableau is the wrapped up by masterful finger position.

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