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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. Deep thoughts!

    I tend to agree with you, just adding that a top dog puppy in Thailand is taught that he can do no wrong.. I am sure that anyone who has trained a dog will agree that this is a recipe for a dangerous hound.

    Unfortunately, it is also a bad precedent for a young adult; look at all those unhinged sons of the pooh yai who feel justified to commit murder and get away with it when their member is not allowed to swing freely.

    The bad example trickles down from the top.....add an education system that is trained not to question, looks upwards and to soap operas for its cultural pole stars, and the witches cauldron is bubbling away nicely...

    My kids are outta here!!!

    The remarkable thing about kids is that they are human beings too, who happen to be more dramatic in expressing their emotions. They haven't grown up enough to know to conceal their true feelings and resort to cunning and trickery. So, reading about these kids behavior is a good indicator of the social undercurrent going on, but that the kids have not learned to conceal yet.

    Thailand's problem solving process goes like this; fight or flight.

    When they fight, it is no holds barred and no quarter asked for or given.

    When they make flight, there is no possibility to get them to return to the issue or location to talk rationally. They have no rationale. This is how they get programmed through their childhood. No human is born with Intel Pentium inside, and a host of software to know how to cope with life. It has to get programmed in as the human grows up. Clearly, the evidence surrounding us is a strong indicator of what type of programming is going on. Animal from the start, and human being by programming that brings out our better nature; otherwise, our animal nature will rule.

    These days in Western countries, if a father administers tough love and corrects his children with a swat to the bum, he goes to jail, gets a restraining order, goes through mandatory anger management class, etc. The old days are gone, and the new Western world will see the affects of children who do not respect each other due to the inability to understand and respect each individual's boundaries.

    The West is a good example of how wrong it is for governments to involve themselves in matters far better left to responsible, caring, and loving parents. Mommy is the nurturer, and Daddy is "The Line". Don't step over the line. But the West has systematically removed Daddy from the home, which is now run by the remainder of the family unit. I hope Thailand's government does not intervene as the West has. I hope they begin putting the yoke of responsibility back onto the Father and Mother.

    But one problem here with the Thai fathers is one that bring s a saying to mind: "I am my father's son". The governments of the West had to make laws to get the father out of the home. The irony here is that Thailand needs to make laws to get the fathers back into the the home. There never was any need to get the fathers out of the home because the culture here does not seem to cultivate a patriarchal responsibility in a society that is known to be matriarchal. Hence the mom making a statement, and leaving me asking, "where the heck is dad?".

    On a side note, I find it interesting that of all the children in orphanages in Thailand, over 60% have parents who have not yet signed a waiver of release for their kids to be in an orphanage. Hence they cannot get adopted. Is this another facet of an issue where Thai parents simply do not want to be involved with their children after they get past that cute and cuddly age? If the beast is not programmed to be a human of better nature, then it will grow into an adult beast, with all the facade of simulating a normal adult. But when you look at the track record, the diagnosis is clear.

    What makes a person stop-check their self before stepping across the line? Clearly, Thailand has not found an answer to that, nor a deterrent to those who do. I think the reason for this is that tugging at any one strand of this social structure will cause the entire web to tremble.

    To the people who abhor any form of physical correction towards children, then I wonder if they are also against having a strong military presence to protect their right to abhor violence. After all, isn't a military supposed to be prepared to punch the enemy in the snout and make them think twice about stepping across the line?

    Idealists seem to hide behind the ankles of the realists when the doo-doo hits the fan. But when everything is peaceful and serene, they come out from under their rocks and condemn violence in all forms, regardless of the necessity in life to administer it at certain times, and to certain individuals, as a deterrent to far worse behavior - to get that beast back on the track to becoming a human of better nature.

    Let's corral the idealists together and put them in the same neighborhood where these unruly animals live. I wonder if they will start a neighborhood charity and spend time with these not fully matured, feral humans, and mentor them onto the path of becoming human beings of a better nature. I am quite certain it will not be long before they cry for someone other than themselves to "get tough" on these kids.

    You will never find an idealist in a fox-hole, and negotiating with children is the height of folly!

  2. I wonder if they will identify the 150b international transaction ATM fee as being unfair?!...somehow I think not!

    or the charge they make you pay for changing small change into notes, and the fee i was once charged for paying in 3000 baht in small change into my account, apparently to pay for the time and energy taken to count the money that was already counted and bagged ready for the teller to put it on their money scales.

    International fee is beyond Bank of Thailand jurisdiction.

    Anyway, you people can afford it.

    I agree with you. We are generally of superior intellect and education, so we can afford it. I do feel that you are in the unfortunate position of needing our few baht of throw away cash, and probably will always need our support. I think we should feel grateful that our karma allowed us to be reborn as farangs, and should not complain

  3. You would have thought it would be easier just to make Thailand the HUB of University short skirts:D

    Finally, there is a hub that would work: one could also imagine a number of hubs based around the short skirt hub. For example a hub for erectile disfunction therapy, a hub for dirty old raincoat manufacturing, a hub for foreign sponsored education. The possibilities are boundless!!!!

  4. The good thing about the police is that they are such a bargain.

    200 baht for a minor traffic offence, (100 for Thais), 500 baht for a serious one: I never did murder, but I am sure 20,000 baht would fix that, if you fixed it skillfully.

    Actually, these guys are heroes of the libertarian revolution!

    My only qualm is that they draw a salary, paid from our taxes.

    I think that they should officially be freelance, IE no salary.

    Go boys in brown!

    Maybe all the farangs will be happy when Thailand is a police state like the UK and America?
  5. If you ask me the police are the rotten core of a rotten apple.

    Reform the police force and the whole of society will benefit. Easier said than done of course, but these really are the bad guys that poison thai society.

    I don't think that any resident of the kingdom, of whatever colour, has managed to avoid their rent collection. They are universally detested, the scum on a festering cauldron of unbridled corruption.

    Except this tilts the balance towards the police. No counter vailing force.

    Need to corral both together... and not die trying.

  6. Editorial is pretty accurate, and the cowardice of the Red Leaders in the face of real adversity is quite telling. I have grudging respect for Jatuporn and Nattawut - the only two leaders who did not run away, and stayed with their followers til the end.

    Thaksin? Flew his family out at the first sign of trouble, with bundles of cash. Never coming back? One can only hope.

    I think among all this there is one positive thought. I don't think Thaksin will ever step foot on Thai soil again.

    He overplayed his card, and he probably knows it.

    Just another thought: would a Canadian PR/Law firm aiding and abetting a terrorist be guilty of any crimes in the US?

  7. Interesting: In my opinion the police are their usually efficient self in their chosen profession..... Which is to squeeze easy cash out of motorists for non-existent traffic infringements. I came up from Pattaya the other day and the boys in brown were on the job as usual.

    Enforce the law? Not a chance...That's dangerous and its hard work, man!

    I hope that once the govt has broken the back of the red thug's it will move on to the brown thugs!

    I'm so disappointed watching this video clip. I was born and raised in Khon Kaen. I watched local news yesterday, police and soldiers were just walking around. They didn't do anything to stop those silly red shirts!

    Before this I thought my concept of the thai police was firmly anchored at the rocky bottom, but the things I've seen the last days plunged it down to the Earth's molten core.

    For example yesterday, Asoke/Sukumvit intersection, right in front of the police kiosk in the corner one or two red shirt start piling tires and sticks to block traffic, there are three or four policemen standing right there, just watching and moving the traffic around the small burning barricade. No attempt whatsoever to stop them. Completely useless, they leave us at the mercy of any thug, anarchist or "protester" on the streets.

    Then at Kohn Kaen, the same a police line standing idly while rioters burn down the government house, disgusting.

    By the way, the title is wrong, it should be Northeast protests begin targeting their own hometowns. This protests wasn't initiated in Bangkok.

  8. Thanx for info. I find the place on Google Earth but do they have a webbsite, cant find any info on the net other than a visitors review.

    I'm interested to rent as I going to the area from november -07. Some demands is, transportations to golfcourses and pattaya, WiFi.

    How about grocery store nearby?

    The website is www.baansomprasong.com

    lots of golf courses nearby, phoenix is 10 mins away, (cycle there!!) 7/11 (does that count as grocery store) a couple of GREAT markets, walk there.

    Wifi... sort yourself out.

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