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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. I propose hovercraft! just as reliable and just as probable as this ridiculous suggestion. Instead of fixing the REAL bloody problem lets waste money on creating a new one

    Why not a space shuttle: Phuket will become a hub for space launches.

    A local technical college could become a training center for space cadets, and the provincial administration could replace monkeys in low gravity research (not sure about the IQ though, conditions apply!)

    Space is even less crowded than the sea.

    A bullet train would be good too.....Maybe all three solutions, all together.

    In the development phase a road solution could also be tried...... No That is impossible, it would require a functioning brain and a fight with the taxi mafia

    • Like 1
  2. And how are they stealing Thai's jobs..... Are there any Thais living and working on Phuket who speak fluent Russian????????????????????????????????????

    Get rid of all the Russians, and see how many Thais lose their jobs. Thousands I should think.

    But Thai peasants don't matter, as we all know......

    What matters is a few Thai business owners who will make a bit more profit, as they can clean up with no competition. Almost certainly they have friends in the provincial administration,

  3. Wow, all that over a DUI, you should have offered the judge 100.000 baht. After all you shelled out 80.000 for 2 bail bonds. Maybe don't drink and drive even? But better yet who are you kidding?


    May be you should have been polite to the first policeman and shown some money and contrition on the spot. .200 is more than a skulled beer, my friend. I think you are too deep in this one to fix it with cash now. Get a good lawyer....

  4. The best seafood restaaurants are not in Pattaya.

    Go to Ban Amphur or Bang Sare, and they're not airconditioned.

    I would go for Preecha, in Baan Amphur, or Rim Haad in Bang Sarae. The style in Preecha is more chinese (full of tours now) and Rim Haad has a more Thai (richer, sweeter) style, and fewer tours. No airconditioning, but nice breezes from the sea.

    Makro does good fish fingers and frozen prawns, which you can cook in the time it takes to leave your aircon appartment.

  5. Phuket - the "hub" of brake failures.

    I once hired a jeep in Phuket....... The brakes failed on the way down from that hill, Fortunately, I was in low gear from the top so handbrake was good enough to change down, and 1st gear was slow enough for safe descent.

    I nearly killed the guy who rented me the jeep: my parents wife and one year old in there. He thought it was funny, and didn't want to return my deposit. I was a bit more muscular then so he agreed in the end. He immediately parked the jeep on his forecourt with a "for rent" sign.

    That was 20 years ago..... lesson number one in thai tourism business ethics. I have had a few more lessons since then. Do you wonder why tourism operators in Thailand want their own people on the ground here?

    I actually feel sorry for the driver of this bus; no one ever told him about low gears downhill

  6. So it will immediately be available on the streets from non qualified vendors.

    i cannot see Xanax being a problem. It is hardly a knockout drug- more like a mild sedative. Also it tastes bitter as hell. Any coke (....acola) with that in it will definitely taste strange. And you would need several pills to drop a normal adult.

  7. Hub this hub that.

    It's the hub of hubs.

    Tiring to hear such nonsense.

    lets do an official hub count: I try to go back 20 years- please help add the many hububs I missed

    Banking and finance


    car manufacturing


    video game production

    rail car production

    air travel

    aircraft maintenance


    food production

    ethanol production

    international education


    medical services


    electricity trading

    Ironically, the hub for which Thailand is truly world famous may not be mentioned, for fear the culture ministry will get upset

    • Like 1
  8. The whole of Thailand is watching ... dry.png

    For once can the justice overcome fame and wealth?

    Failure, in this case, is not an option.


    Does that make a difference?

    Mu Ham yesterday got off with a 2 year suspended sentence and mandatory psychiatric treatment. He only deliberately ran over and killed a peasant who got in his way, after a bus scatched his mercedes.

    The fact that his mum was an ex beauty queen and his dad a very senior ex police officer had NOTHING to do with it. It seems the boy can't control his anger, poor thing.

    Maybe Mr Red Bull can't control his need for speed/cocaine/alcohol, poor thing........

  9. The facts are this he got his head kicked in by the American Marine and somehow managed to loss his dog at the Longfelows house.

    7/11 is giving out free knifes to kill people with

    This pitbull bum bandit looses his dog around the home of the American that kicked the crap out of him and he ACCIDENTLY stabs the guy twice

    The british A**hole has still not located his dog,,, he left his dog behind when he took off back to England,,, didn't seem to worry about the dog

    7/11 has cctv of him stealing the knife

    Garbidge brit is seen outside of Sunshine bar when Longfellow was dancing after kicking the crap out of British garbidge

    This British guy needs to spend the rest of his life in Thai prison just to work on his BS and grow a brain......................

    I take it you are not British, my dear fellow..,,...

    • Like 2
  10. Nothing wrong with horse meat. We are carnivores. The largest and best T-bone steak I ever ate was in Cap d'Antibes in the S. of France. It was horse, and delicious.

    I would have more reservations eating chocolate covered cockroach again, however. (- - or MacDonalds!)

    Horse Tartar: really delicious, much better than beef.

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