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Posts posted by waldwolf

  1. WS - It is difficult (if not impossible) to determine your actual connection/upload/download speeds as they will vary from second to second due to hundreds of factors inherant in the system.

    There are literally dozens of "speed test" links from which to run speed checks. The following will give you a rough reading of your particular setup:

    McAfee Speedometer

    SmartTest Download Test

    SmartTest Upload Test

    Another very small utility (42kb) you can download and run from your position:


    cheers :o

  2. My recommendation to anyone planning to update to WindowsXP Service Pack 2 (SP2) is to do so only when/after you have done a complete re-install.

    If you have been running XP for any considerable period of time, installing/deleting programs and updating periodically via the WindowsUpdate link, one can only imagine the dramatic changes made to various routines and drivers, but in particular, the registry. Remember, most SP2 updates involve "patches" to what were original known pieces of code. Frankly, I'm amazed any OS is able to run smoothly, after a major update, such as SP2.

    Para.....that "forced download" from MS, went into effect this past Tuesday, April 12th.


    cv...As you have gone back to Server 2003, were you aware MS just released SP1 (337MB) a couple of weeks ago? (Info here)


  3. WS - Outlook and Outlook Express use the format dbx (More info here)

    There are a number of ways to extract pictures from a .dbx message, the simplest being to just open the email, put the mouse arrow over the picture, right click, and do the old "Save picture as" to your My Pictures or other folder.

    There are also countless utilities which will extract pictures (and other data) from emails. A couple for you to evaluate are:

    Email Extractor

    Outlook Express Attachment Extractor

    For a very detailed explanation of dbx, check here

    * * * * * * * * * *


    Back in 2002, there were basically two versions of Microsoft Works. The "Standard" version (the one most computer OEM's provided) contained a word processor, a spreadsheet and a database. The "Suite" version (sold mostly in retail stores) included, in addition to the standard works items, full versions of Word, Money, Encarta, Picture It!, Streets & Trips and other minor apps, such as a calander.

    Outlook, Powerpoint, and Excel are part of Microsoft Office. Today, Office comes in many "flavors", and may include some or all of the following: Access, Excel, FrontPage, InfoPath, Live Meeting, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Project, Publisher, Visio and Word. (Details here)

    Solution? .....buy a copy of Office 2003 (hey...its only money...just little pieces of paper with strange markings on them.) :o


    OpenOffice (free...Free...FREE)

    Easy Office (Freeware version available)

    602 PC Suite (Free Trial - Low Cost)

    Now.......time for you to do your homework. :D

    cheers :D

    (PS- Forgot to mention, its rumored MS will soon discontinue Works. You can buy a version of Office (Students & Teachers) for almost the same price as "Works Suite".)

  4. tukyleith - Have you tried taking the WinXP system back to a date when you know the pictures were still in their respective albums?

    Do you recall anything you did (ie: defrag'n) just prior to noticing the photos were missing?

    You mention "sending" some photos. Did you per chance "send" any photos using the mouses right button "Send To" function? That function will (in most cases) delete the item moved, from its original file.

    There are a number of software utilities which will aid in recovery of deleted sectors, provided you haven't written over the older data. Info on request.

  5. At the Intel Developer Forum 2005 in Japan, several exhibitors demonstrated a new, interesting technology, Wireless USB.


    The Wireless USB Promotion Group, which is authorizing the specification, consists of Agere Systems Inc., Hewlett-Packard Co., Microsoft Corp., NEC Electronics Corp., Philips Electronics N.V., Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., and Intel. Specifications are expected to be finalized by May 15, 2005.

    Wireless USB v1.0 specifications provides for a data transfer speed of 480 megabits per second over distances of about 3 yards, and it will work at lower speeds up to a distance of about 11 yards.

    Another big plus is, current USB devices are readly convertable to wireless, with the uses of an adaptor. Intel plans to boost Wireless USB's transfer speed to 1 gigabit per second before the end of the decade

    Wireless USB products are expected to be available in stores before the end of this year.

    .....ain't technology wonderful! :o


  6. I'm looking for someone who is an expert in search engine optimization who can analyze our website and then devise a plan to help us rise significantly in the rankings for certain search terms. Of course google is filled with companies claiming that they have the secret, but its hard to know who to trust. If anyone is aware of anyone who can offer this service, please let me know.

    This matter has been the subject of numerious threads, the last being earlier this month at: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...0960&hl=ranking

    Save your money. Work on building that better website. Your efforts will be rewarded.

    good luck :o

  7. ......The annoyin thing is, this Matshita drive is apparently a company of panasonics, they just aint been assed with stickin the DVD-RAM decoder in em by the looks of it  :o

    I have the impression DVD-RAM will soon be joining the ranks of the dinasoars. The media is more expensive and not as widely available as DVD-RW or DVD+RW.

    A little bit of trivia:

    Matsushita is the parent company of Panasonic. The name Panasonic goes back to the late 1940's - early 1950's, when Matsushita started selling products into the western world, especially North America. In Japan and elsewhere in Asia, Matsushita's brand name for appliances & radios was National. However, there was a very old US company in New England (Boston) called National Radio (who manufactured portable shortwave radios and amature radio equipment) who had trade-marked the name "National". Therefore, in North America, Matsushita had to come up with another name. The new brand-name became Panasonic. Over the years, as often happens, the Panasonic name became more recognized than the National name, so today, the Panasonic brand has replaced National in most markets.

    cheers :D

    (PS - Now in the matter of your DVD drive, you really didn't expect Sony to bow down to their arch rival Matsushita did you? :D )

  8. Joey Boy - The specifications for your Sony Vaio VGN-FS18SP indicates the DVD burner does not support DVD-RAM media. (Specs here.)

    Your DVD only supports:






    DVD+R DL (Double Layer)









    DVD+R DL (Double Layer)




    While DVD-RAM disks were one of the first dvd standards, it was not widely accepted. Today, a number of DVD players will play DVD-RAM disks, but the only ones I have seen recently which will also burn DVD-RAM disks, are those made by Panasonic. The DVD-RAM disks are usually contained within a non-removeable housing, similar to a floppy disk.

    NOTE: The specifications for your Sony indicate it can read DVD-ROM disks, but does not burn them.

    Possibly there was some confussion by the sales person when you purchased the laptop, who misread DVD-ROM as DVD-RAM.

    Looks like you got a great machine. Good luck.

    cheers :o

  9. 9 years, just because he sent unsolicited emails ?

    He did not kill anyone, did not rob a bank, prison seems to be a little bit  too much.....

    Please explain to me, the material difference between robbing a bank and stealing $750,000 a month from a large number of unsuspecting individuals by fraud.

    A bank robber would have received a minimum 20-year sentence in a Federal prison, even if the theft were as little as $500. Now this crook will use the fortune he stole to hire a bunch of lawyers, in an attempt to stay out of jail. A pox on both their houses.

    And don't feel too sorry for this bum even if he does go to jail. He was tried and convicted in a state court and as is the case with most states, you only end up serving less than 1/2 the sentence, after time-off for good behavior. He'll probably be out in 3 years or less.

    Oh yes......do you think any of the people he scammed will get their money back? I doubt it. (All banks have insurance to cover their theft losses.)

    IMO his victims should be fully compensated, even if he has to work the rest of his life to repay them.


  10. ......but you should never install more than one anti-virus program at the same time...  only problems will occur if you do...

    I believe you meant to say "never run" rather than "never install".

    I currently have 6 AV's (NOD32, Trend-Micro, Norton, Panda, Kapersky and AVG) installed, but none are on "auto-run". I call them up one-at-a-time, for test and/or evaluation purposes, as needed. (...and you thought keeping your one AV signature file updated was a pain. :o )

    Some anti-spyware may also cause problems, if they are allowed to operate in "auto" mode. Ad-Aware (the free version) and SpyBot S&D should not exhibit these problems, as they do not (presently) run in "auto" mode.

    cheers :D

  11. RDN - IE, Hotmail, Outlook and Outlook Express work for me.

    Periodically, Hotmail take one or more of their servers offline for service, but when they do, your usually notified when you attempt to enter.

    The fact your unable to get to the main Hotmail site, makes me suspect a block. Double check your browser security & privacy settings, then run one of your "anti" software. You may have a browser hijacker at work.

    Let us know what you find.

    good luck :o

  12. ......But, would someone know how to determine the maximum cable length there should be between the subwoofer/amplifier and the speakers, so that I can cut appropriately?

    There is no magic cable length, but rather cable size and impedeance (resistance) which effects conductivity (the ability to deliver voltage|current over a given distance).

    Your problem may be the actual size and type of cable your using, not just length.

    All wire has an impedance factor. As the term implies, any current|voltage traveling through this wire is "impeded" by resistance factors of the wire, its size, composition and length. Length becomes a factor when a specific current and voltage must be delivered over a long distance.

    Wire size is generally expressed using the term "gauge". The higher the gauge number, the smaller the wire. The wire from your automobile battery to the starter is probably in the 4 to 6 gauge category (very heavy) as the starter requires a lot of current when running. The wire on your table lamp is likely in the 16-18 gauge range, relatively small. The wire in your walkman's earphones...... probably in the 28-30 gauge range (very small).

    Before I put everybody to sleep.......I would suggest you try a larger gauge speaker cable on your installatiion. The gauge is normally printed on the cable itself, so if what your currently using is something like 22 gauge, try 18 or 20 gauge. If it's 18 or 22, try 16 gauge. If your an audiophile, you may also wish to try and find "oxygen-free" cable, which has less impedance (resistance) than standard copper wire.

    Finally, the wire from your amplifier should not be shielded, however wires from most input devices to the amplifier (CD, phonograph, tuners, etc.) should be shielded, to reduce hum and other electrical interference.

    good luck :o

  13. ......I have the same thing since two months on my right knee, a patch feeling cold and numb. Cortizone shots seem to help get it down but it doesn't dissapear.probably something with a nerve there also.

    Darknight, I hope your being treated by a specialist. While cortizone injections will give you temporary relief, they are not recommended for long-term treatment. Over a long period, Cortizone is known to increase, rather than reduce, arthritic problems.

    good luck :o

  14. ......Sorry to hear about your hand...so did they fix it?.....

    No. Actually, both hands are effected, the left much more than the right.

    The symptoms are caused by pressure (pinching) of nerves in the neck, which apparently in turn effect circulation. It doesn't occur daily, but after a while, I learned to just ignor it. Usually only lasts 5-15 minutes. (Not "repairable" until they develop a method for complete spinal transplant. :o )

    I and I'm sure, Wolfie, are not trying to scare you. It's just smart to have a doctor look ate it. As I said it may be a minor problem, but, like me, you'll worry about it until you have a good, clear diagnosis.

    When it comes to health matters, I think we all have a tendency to believe the worse. Best you put your mind at rest by seeking some good professional advice.



  15. Thaiboxer1 - Had a similar occurance a few years ago. At first the doctors thought it was carpel tunnel syndrome but later decided it was due to Cervical Stenosis (a narrowing of the spaces in the spinal canal of the neck) or as its more commonly called, Spinal Stenosis, which comes with age.

    In addition to the burning sensation in the fingers, my fingers and certain areas of the palm would, on occassion, go numb and turn white. :o

    The neurologists didn't believe one or more fingers could turn white, until I showed them a polaroid picture taken the day before. (I and the picture became the main subject of their next monthly seminar, a week later. :D )

    There could be many causes for this type occurance. Some minor, some potentially serious. Would strongly recommend that you consult with a physician.

    Don't put if off!

    Good luck.

  16. I don't know about the other search engines ranking criteria, however, in the case of Google, your ranking is based purely on how many websites link to your website.

    I suppose those offering to increase your ranking for a fee could "purchase" or negotiate referrel links from other websites, however any "rank increase" requests directed to Google will be ignored.

    As Ajarn wisely counseled, write a better website and the world will beat a path to your doorstep.


  17. TP - No thanks needed. It was my pleasure.

    I also use a cane. They are great for helping young damsels-in-distress reach items on the top shelf at the supermarket, or picking up my dropped newspaper or Playboy magazine.

    .....and remember the old saying, "They can't plant you, as long as you keep moving." :D

    Best regards :o

  18. I've always found that those who attempt to dictate policy, for personal gain, usually end up the loser.

    In the early days of television, most movie companies refused to allow their films to be broadcast, as they feared people would stop going to theaters (cinemas). That didn't happen.

    Same occured when cable TV came out. That didn't happen.

    Same occured when first home VCR's came out. That didn't happen.

    Music industry sales declined 15-20% following the demise of the original Napster and like P2P systems. Today, many industry insiders reluctently admit music sales were actually helped by those P2P services.

    And.....as for movies in general.......today, 60% of motion picture industry profits come from video sales, with less than 40% profit coming from movie theaters, TV or associated product (toys, etc.) sales.

    Many times, one can end up ones "worst enemy".


  19. ThaiPauly - I'm sorry to hear about your condition and can relate, somewhat, to your pain and frustration as I suffer from a similar condition called Spinal Stenosis, resulting from narrowing of the disks in the spine, causing the vertebrae to rub against each other.

    While your doctor(s) appear to be treating the pain your suffering, IMHO they and you also need to work on slowing or haulting the diseases' progression. Unfortunately, osteoporosis cannot be reversed. However, many individuals respond well to a very high intake of calcium and other minerals, such as Vitamin D. Diet is very important. For example, alcohol is known to decrease osteoblast function (bone cell production) and caffeine reduces calcium levels by causing diuresis (increased urine flow). Therefore if possible, reduce your alcohol and caffeine (coffee, tea, soft drink) intake. As to smoking, I'm sure you've heard all the do's-and-don'ts, so I'll not repeat them again.

    Also be aware that people suffering from osteoporosis are much more likely to suffer fractures of the spine and hips due to loss of bone mass. Therefore take added precautions to prevent falls and bone-stress exercises.

    Most pain associated with this disease is the result of inflamation in tissue and cartilage surrounding the joints. One or a combination of drugs called NSAID's (Non- Steroidal AntInflamitory Drugs) may help reduce this inflamation and the associated pain. Ask your doctor.

    Finally, have you discussed with your doctor(s) re: the possibility/advisability of having a "hip replacement"? Today, this proceedure is quite common for people with your condition. More info here. I personally know many in their late 70's and 80's who have had this proceedure in one or both hips. They are now pain free and able to do things they haven't done in decades.

    Good luck and don't become discouraged or depressed. This is just one more of life's challenges. You conquered all the others. I'm sure you have the strength to handle this one too.


    (PS - In addition to this forum, there are most likely other support groups near where you live. Ask around and/or check with your hospital's social worker.)

  20. Mr. Red - In addition to "local" medical coverage, you might want to look into Medical Evacuation Insurance which would cover the cost for you (and your wife) to be flown back to the USA, to the hospital of your choice, at no charge, in the event you become critically ill and would perfer to be treated at your local (US) hospital. This insurance is quite reasonable and can be purchased to cover travel from 7 to 365 days.

    The following are two, highly recommended by Travel Professionals:

    MedJet Assist


    (A note of caution. While there are similar services, many will only fly you to the medical facility of their choice, not your choice. Be sure to read the small print and ask questions.)

    Have an enjoyable and healthy trip. :D

    (PS - Need someone to carry your luggage? :o )

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