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Posts posted by waldwolf

  1. j634 - Have you checked and tried adjusting the mouse's pointer speed response time? (Refer START>SETTINGS>CONTROL PANEL>MOUSE)

    All game developers take into consideration "average" computer limitations (make, OS, processor speed, etc.) which the majority of their customers own, therefore a standard wired or optical mouse should work fine. (If game developers only depended on their customers having the latest and greatest game machines, they'd be out of business in no-time.)

    If adjusting mouse response speed doesn't help, you might want to reinstall the optical mouse software again. In any event, post back changes you note, after above suggested adjustments.

    cheers :o

  2. h90 - You may want to try the following:

    1 - Shutdown system completely including any external amplifiers, USB devices or the like.

    2 - Disconnect all external wires, plugs, etc. from the computer, except for the following:

    . Main AC power cord

    . Computer to Monitor cord

    . Keyboard cord

    . Mouse cord

    3 - Plug a pair of earphones (the set which came with your cd player are OK) into the jack in the back of the tower labeled "Earphones".

    4 - Turn computer on.

    5 - Put music or audio CD in DVD/CD ROM drive and using the Windows audio volume control slider (lower right) adjust to see if you hear any sound.

    6 - If no sound is heard, then shut down computer, remove main AC plug from wall, and check ALL cables inside computer to make sure their connectors are properly seated. Now plug in main AC cable and repeat items 3 thru 5 again.

    If sound in earphones appears normal, then plug previously removed cables back into their original sockets ONE-AT-A-TIME, checking after each re-connection for any earlier noise problem. If the noise reappears, then the last item you plugged in is likely the culpert and will need further investigation and/or possibly replacement.

    Report back findings in detail.

    cheers :o

  3. Jockstar - Not being a gamer myself, I'm not familar with this release.

    However, the message Windows is giving you may indicate that the disk you have is for another system (the game was also released for MAC, XBox, and others systems). Check both the packaging and the disk itself to confirm it is the PC version.

    You also state the disk has 1 zipped file. What is the file's extension, .zip, .rar, .ace, .cab, .........?

    Some software (games and programs) are designed to run within a "mother" shell. One such example being Microsoft's Flight Simulator. Does your disk or any accompanying literature state or hint as such a requirement?

    Probably your best bet is to return to the store where you bought it, and have them check it for you.

    good luck :o

  4. RDN - Many times an AntiVirus or active Spyware can stop such installs. Try shutting down your AV and Spyware or the following:

    WindowsXP with SP2 appears to have a problem installing/running this update, while the original WindowsXP or WindowsXP with SP1 are not effected. (More info here here.)

    You can download the update and install it manually here. (You'll need a valid copy of WindowsXP.)

    NOTE: As with any new install, would recommend you shut down ALL running programs except Explorer, before starting installation. (Just be sure your off-line before shutting down the firewall.)

    Ain't puttin fun! :o

    cheers :D

  5. Without knowing your whole medical history no-one can accurately determine what/where/why you have this problem. Possibly you had prior injuries in your younger years, such as in sports, or maybe it just part of the aging process. We all age differently.

    First, you definately should seek a second opinion. IMO "a bulging of the disk at L4-5" and the doctors statement "it is NOT a sciatic nerve problem", raise many questions.

    There are a number of degenerative bone diseases, such as Spinal Stenosis, which is a narrowing of the spaces between vertebrae, wherein disks seperating the vertebrae are compressed (flattened) and pushed into the spinal canal.

    If you have pain radiating down either, or even both legs, most likely there is or was some sciatic nerve involvement in the past.


    While the body produces natural cortisone, drugs of the same name used for human injections are artifical and fall in the chemical group called steroids. While not identical to the infamous anabolic steroids used by some athletes, they can, if not used properly, weaken tendons and soften cartilage. Continious use is not recommended.

    Physical theropy, such as traction and exersise may offer some relief, however in the end you need an very experienced professional who can properly diagnois your condition.

    Good luck and keep us posted.

    cheers :o

  6. It would appear when you cancelled your paid account, it reverted to a "new" standard account, governed by new "rules" which went into effect early January 2005.

    Under those revised rules, new accounts are not permitted "pop" access. Also, storage space on new accounts is limited to 25MB, however that should increase to 250MB after 30-45 days. In addition, MSN now limits single email addressee's and cc's to 100 names, in order to prevent account abuse by spammers.

    Suggest you contact MSN Support, explain the situation and request you be allowed OE or Outlook access to your old account. (Note: OE and Outlook are the only approved "pop" utilities MSN recognizes.)

    cheers :o

  7. A number of recognized authorities are stating that the Google Web Accelorator (GWA) is "a-wolf-in-sheeps-clothing".........meaning SPYWARE !

    To quote one publication:

    In improving performance on the web, the application makes use of a cache, or data store, on the local computer, as well as caches on Google's servers, Marissa Mayer, director of consumer web products for Google, said Thursday. The software is only available for broadband users.

    The desktop cache is for web pages that are pre-loaded based on a person's web activity. The software uses mathematical formulas to try to determine what web content the person is most likely to seek, based on prior behavior. The cache on Google's server is populated with popular web content based on the activity of Web Accelerator users as a whole.

    Privacy advocates, however, expressed concern over storing people's web browsing activities. Such information could be subpoenaed later by law enforcement agencies investigating criminal cases or by lawyers in civil cases.

    Google admits on their own support page that any and all passwords, e-mail addresses etc. you enter in a web form (e. g. when purchasing an item online) will be funneled via their systems.

    Now go back and re-read it again, look at and think about these statements:

    "as well as caches on Google's servers"

    "based on a person's web activity".

    "based on prior behavior".

    ......then take 2 aspirin and re-read that last paragraph again, starting with "Google admits...."

    Google's GWA's support info here.

    A number of websites have already started blocking GWA's usage, so if you are having trouble with a sites, this could be one reason.

    Perhaps you recall the days of Intel's infamous CPU serial number scandal or Microsofts collecting & storing your system data on their servers during updates or Microsoft's "hidden" data in programs such as Word?.

    They all said "...don't worry about it, we don't look at any of the data we collect". :o

    Lets be realistic. How many companies do you know of, who spend money and time collecting information they never look at (or use)?

    Remember.....in this world there are no free lunches.

    cheers :D

  8. ^^ I think what your trying to say is exactly what most HIV/AIDS researchers and specialists have repeatedly stated........

    "When you have sex with someone, your also having sex with every partner that individual ever slept with."

    ......his girlfriend would certainly know if she had HIV becuase she would have had some symptoms after leaving the industry for over a year.
    Not true.

    Upon infection, some people may have flu-like or other symptoms lasting a few days. Other will have no symptoms whatsoever.

    The average incubation period from HIV infection to primary detectable illiness is 3 weeks to 6 months.

    The time from HIV infection to AIDS diagnosis can be as short as 2 months or as long as 20 years.

    If you gamble.........there is always the chance you may loose!


  9. From Google's FAQ:

    How does Google Web Accelerator work?

    Google Web Accelerator uses various strategies to make your web pages load faster, including:

    . Sending your page requests through Google machines dedicated to handling Google Web Accelerator traffic.

    . Storing copies of frequently looked at pages to make them quickly accessible.

    . Downloading only the updates if a web page has changed slightly since you last viewed it.

    . Prefetching certain pages onto your computer in advance.

    . Managing your Internet connection to reduce delays.

    . Compressing data before sending it to your computer.

    Does Google Web Accelerator speed up all web pages?

    No, it doesn't. For security reasons, Google Web Accelerator won't speed up pages encrypted with the HTTPS: protocol (such as bank records pages). Also, Google Web Accelerator only speeds up web pages, not large data downloads such as MP3 and streaming video files.

    Google's Web Accelerator is basically the same "compression" utility many ISP's have been offering their dial-up customers for several years, at an additional fee.

    My suspicious mind keeps asking......"Now why is Google only offering this for broadband and not dial-up?" :o


  10. ......i have been informed that there is a programme that is readily available that can record every key pressed on a selected PC, which is bloody scary!......:o

    Not just one such program.......but dozens. Their called "Keyloggers" or "Backdoor Trojans".

    In addition, while using any computer, you are "broadcasting" information, which someone with the right equipment, can pick up and decode (read) hundreds of feet away. In the case of WiFi, that distance may extend to several miles.

    While no internet connection is 100 percent secure, would suggest you limit any internet financial transactions to your personal computer running on a hard-wired phone line*. Additionally, depending upon your specific needs (personal vs. business) it may be desireable to have your financial institute impose a "daily limit" on transfers.

    * An in-home WiFi setup still broadcasts throughout the neighborhood.

    cheers :D

  11. ThaiPauly - If you have not done so already, you need to consult with a neurologist, and have a scan (MRI/CAT) to determine precisely where/what is the cause of your problem. MRI/CAT scans are preferable to X-Rays, as tissue damage is difficult to see in standard x-rays. An EMG (Electromyography) and/or NCS (Nerve Conduction Study) test may also be adviseable, to see if any muscles or nerves are effected.

    A herniated disk can be anything from relatively mild to severe and in rare cases life threatening, depending upon which disk in the spine is effected. As you indicate severe sciatic nerve pain, most likely your problem lays in the L1-L5 (Lumbar) area; most common being L4-L5. Severe nerve damage in this area may also cause loss of blatter/bowel control, and weakness in one or both legs. The sheath surrounding the spinal cord, when brused or irritated, takes a long time (6-12 months) to heal itself. It has a long memory.

    While cortisone-like injections may lessen pain, they should be limited to one injection per week over a maximum 3 week period. Your doctor will also probably prescribe NSAID's to help reduce inflamation and swelling. I have personally found, while seated, an electrical heating pad placed on the lower back, and set to low-heat, helps considerably. Others prefer ice-packs or cold compresses. (Continuous morphine injections/capsules are not an acceptable long term solution. Drug reliance will only add to your problem.)

    While certain mild exercises may help ease pain, it is critical you consult with a Physical Therapist who can advise and guide any exercise regiment. Some seemingly mild excercises can put you at risk of causing additional damage to the effected area, if you don't know what/how/when to use them correctly.

    Having gone through this myself 9 years ago (and still having perodic problems) I can truly say......."I feel your pain." Good luck. Get well fast......and remember......in future, don't lift anything heavier than your dinner plate.

    Growing old sucks. :o

    cheers :D

  12. .....
    the expendables (paper, toner, etc.) will be less

    Wouldn't an inkjet printer and a laser printer use the same amount of paper? A few hundred pages is a few hundred pages!....

    As Firefoxx indicated, there is actually a difference between Laser and true Inkjet paper.

    Inkjet paper is usually slightly more expensive than laser paper, due to the extra processing required at time of manufacture.

    True inkjet paper is a polished paper specially treated to prevent "feathering", a condition wherein ink absorbed by the paper spreads out to nearby fibers before drying, giving letters and images a slightly blured or smeared look.

    While laser printers can use most any paper, inkjet paper is not recommended, as its harder polished surface may prevent the toner from being permanently afixed to the paper. This becomes a critical point in those instances where 2-sided printing is done. Toner from the first side may melt off and damage the printer, while the second side is being printed.

    There are so-called "Multifunction" papers available for use in either laser or inkjet printers, however, my experience is such papers do not work as well as the specifically designated types. True laser paper is cheaper and offers better print quality and stability, while in the case of inkjets, print quality is poorer.

    cheers :o

  13. Most Internet Cafe's are small retail operations using "home" type equipment which is not designed for high volume, such as printing a book in pdf format. The IC's operators probably buy their ink and paper from the same stores you do, most likely paying the retail price.

    Would think, cost wise, you'd be better off using one of the larger office supply stores who do volume copying/printing for businesses. They usually have laser machines which can produce two sided copies at the rate of 100+ pages (B&W) per minute and, in many cases, are capable of receiving/inputing the data to be printed, from various media including electronic transmission (ie: email).

    If you print a lot of material, especially black & white, cost wise you'd be better off buying a laser printer vs. an ink-jet. Initial machine cost will be slightly more, but in the long run, the expendables (paper, toner, etc.) will be less and laser printers are considerably faster.

  14. How frustrating is it when you go to a quoted website and it either doesnt wirk or is way out of date!

    Seems to be even worse with the Thai ones!......

    ......And Thai sites with an 'English' version - you don't have to scratch very far before it falls to pieces.

    .....amazed at how sad the sites were in this day and age of many people booking their flights online.

    Seems the ideal opportunity for some enterprising individual (or group) to start a profitable new business.

    Opportunity knocking? :o


  15. ^^ Also known as Dostinex.

    Among side effects patients reported were:







    Weight Loss

    One patient stated....."Made me a complete psycho. Sex drive sky high and uncontrolable anger and actions. Very agressive, paranoid, and jealous. Very near distroyed my life."

    I hope your wise enough to talk to a medical professional about these and other possible side effects, before usage.


  16. .......but is this a common thing?

    In a word....Yes.

    Airconditioners, by nature of their design, are also dehuimidifiers. Warm air is capable of holding more water vapor in suspension than cold air. When warm air is passed over the a/c's evaporator coils, water percipitates out, falls into a drip pan and flows or is pumped to a drain.


    In the case of window a/c's, water usually flows to the outside evaporator fan area, where a "slinger ring" on the fans blade picks up the water and sprays it on the evaporator coils. This aids in cooling the refrigerant gas which is continously re-circulated.

    cheers :o

  17. For info:

    Microsoft has announced a program wherein customers who purchased Windows XP Professional (32-bit) or purchased a computer with a 64-bit processor (AMD Athlon 64, AMD Opteron, Intel Pentium 4 with EM64T, or Intel Xeon with EM64T) and Windows XP Professional (32-bit) preinstalled, may be able to order an upgrade to the new Windows XP Professional x64, for a shipping & handling fee of $12.00 USD (Domestic shipments) or $22.00 USD (International shipments) plus tax.

    Before ordering this upgrade from Microsoft, it is recommended you check with your PC's manufacturer to see if they support the exchange on your x64 computer. If they do, the PC manufacturer will provide you with a CD that includes all of the right drivers and software specific to your computer.

    Details here. Ordering Link here

    A similar program is also available for Windows Server 2003 users. Details here.

    NOTE: In both cases. orders to Microsoft must be placed by July 31, 2005.

    cheers :o

  18. I am running Windows ME if this helps anyone when instructing me on what to do...

    jingjingna - Unfortunately, ME has a lot of problems which even MIcrosoft can't explain, let alone fix. ME seems to have a mind of it's own. (To preserve your sanity, most professionals will advise you to revert back to Windows98/98SE or move forward to XP.)

    However, before you run out and spend a lot of money for new hardware, would suggest you continue your search for help. It's a great way to gain confidence and technical knowledge. Your only initial expenditure will be time, patience and a little sanity.

    I assume your system basically consists of a desktop tower and CRT monitor vs. a laptop or a desktop with LED monitor.

    OK...A couple of thoughts, before I drop a ton of reading on you.

    (1) Your 640x480 display setting, by default, will show larger "everythings". The internet display "standard" is 800x600 pixels. You may wish to consider changing this setting. (If larger buttons, icons, fonts, etc. are needed, refer to the "Accessibility Wizard" in Program Files.)

    (2) Check your display settings (START>SETTINGS>CONTROL PANEL>DISPLAY) and click on "Effects" tab. Make sure "Use Large Icons" is unchecked.

    (3) Review your Windows Me Accessibility Resources to see if any changes were made. (Check here for details.)

    (4) Have you tried ME's built-in "System Restore" utility? (Check here for details.)

    (5) Have you considered updating the OS to WindowsXP? (Check system requirements here)

    OK....now for some dedicated reading.

    a. Go to this Microsoft Knowledgebase website, type your problem in the window shown and review documents found.

    No answer found?

    b. Find a thick pillow and place same under your bum. Now, go to the usernet website here, where you'll currently find 17,517 Q&A's on ME problems. :D

    After reading through all of the above :o .......I'd be willing to bet you'd gladly pay the "going" price for another Windows OS, like XP. :D

    Seriously, I hope the above helps a little.

    cheers :D

  19. .......So that makes 3 machines with no problem, only this one with the video on the motherboard...

    I assume the "problem" computer has an AGP slot.

    Have you tried removing the AGP video card from your other computer and installing it in the "problem" computer?

    That should answer any question about onboard video being the problem.

    cheers :o

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