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Posts posted by waldwolf

  1. I have been trying to copy a few DVDs at home on my PC......

    Jockstar - If the DVD's your attempting to duplicate have built-in "copy protection", then most commercial burning software (ie: Nero) will not override that protection allowing you to copy the disk.

    However, if the DVD's you wish to copy do not have "copy protection", then most burning software sold today has the capability of burning both dual-layer DVD's or splitting dual-layer media and burning said data to 2 or more single-layer DVD's or even CD's.

    A year or so ago (before the copy crackdown started) there were several excellent copy/burn utilities, such as DVD-X-Copy, which could copy "protected" CD's and DVD's. (Note: Current versions of DVD-X-Copy will not copy protected material. That capability was removed due to court rulings.)

    A search of the "underground" may turnup an copy of one of those earlier utilities.

    good luck :o

  2. paulfr - It will be interesting to hear what your actual ISP has to say about that email warning you received.

    Just be aware, the ISP notification you received, if genuine, is a clear warning you probably have a "backdoor" trojan running on your system. One that is replicating itself and sending emails for one or more spammer(s).

    If you do have one of those backdoor trojans, it may include a keylogger which is sending data to some unknown server, in the hope of obtaining personal and confidential data. Would strongly recommend you do not use this computer for any banking, credit card or similar usage involving password protected financial transactions. If there is a keylogger at work, even encrypted sites (https) may not be secure.

    As you are apparently on broadband (HS?) your Windows XP firewall is basically useless in stopping outgoing malware reports. You need either a good software firewall or a router with a built-in firewall. (Many people run both.)

    If time is of the essence, then you will need to backup all your data (not installed programs), then do a full reformat and an OS reinstall, followed by installation of a bi-directional firewall before reconnecting to your ISP.

    good luck & keep us posted on your findings.

  3. h90 - As katana indicated, there was a little utility called CDR Identifier, however, the author (www.gum.de) stopped their support (updating mfrs database) about 3-4 years ago, so today it would probably not give valid reading on current media.

    Suggest you check this link for a possible replacement.

    cheers :o

    (PS - The "CDR Identifier" download at above site actually links to the "DVD Identifier" utility first listed in this thread and not the original "CDR Identifier" utility discussed.)

  4. bartender100 - Check this Microsoft link http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;885523

    You may be able to get to the turn-off option francois suggested, by following MS's instructions in above article, which reads as follows:

    "Your computer may restart immediately if it is configured to automatically restart when a system failure occurs. To turn off this option so that your computer does not restart, press F8 at startup, use the arrow keys to select the Disable automatic restart on system failure option, and then press ENTER."

    good luck :o

  5. paulfr - The firewall built-into Windows XP is not a bi-directional firewall. It only monitors/stops malware attempting to enter your system, but it does not stop viri, trojans, worms, keyloggers, etc. already on your computer, from sending data out, without your knowledge and approval.

    To monitor both incoming and outgoing data, you need to install a bi-directional firewall like Zone Alarm.

    Would suggest you first run several of the online virus checkers like Trend Micro, Symantec, McAfee, Kaspersky, Panda, etc. (Google listing here) to check your system, as many viri/trojans have the capability of disabling all previously installed antivirus programs.

    Once your fairly certain your system is "clean", install one of the bi-directional firewalls, connect to the internet, and monitor ALL outgoing traffic for suspicious activity. (The firewall's built-in log program, if activated, will keep a written account of both incoming and outgoing activity you can review later, offline.)

    You may wish to read this earlier post concerning a new trojan/virus threat. Details here.

    good luck :D

    (PS - @london.whitecase.com is the email address for White & Case LLP, a Global Law Firm (here)......Is there any conceivable reason a lawyer would want to spy on you? :o )

  6. For info:

    If you've ever wondered who the real manfacturer of your DVD media is, a small freeware utility named DVD Identifier v4.0.1 will help you do just that.


    DVD Identifier v4.0.1 offers a reliable method of accurately identifying the disc's real manufacturer by retrieving and interpreting the pre-recorded information that is present on dvd media (dvd+r, dvd+r dl, dvd+rw, dvd+rw dl, dvd-r, dvd-r dl, dvd-rw and dvd-ram) and on blu-ray media (bd-r and bd-re).

    This information contains a variety of parameters such as disc manufacturing information and supported write speeds. Even though this information is usually printed on the packaging, the brand name may differ from the actual manufacturer or sometimes there might not even be any packaging information at all.

    One nice feature of this little utility is, the manufacturers database can be updated.

    Homepage: here

    Download Link: here (98kb)

    cheers :o

  7. For info:

    June 13, 2005

    Skype Technologies today released a new version of their popular internet telephony freeware.


    Change in v1.3.0.45:

    . known issue: when you have chatted a lot, new version startup might . take several minutes

    . feature: improved Contact Importers

    . feature: Voicemail subscribers can leave voicemails to anyone

    . feature: animated emoticons

    . feature: missed events panel

    . feature: services panel

    . feature: possibility to send multiple authorization requests from one window

    . feature: Arabic, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Czech and Turkish languages added

    . feature: improved Profile

    . feature: main menu -> help -> Getting Started Wizard

    . feature: automatically answer the call option is back

    . change: VM options visible to everyone

    . change: Receive contacts: requesting authorization through one single form

    . change: removed calltab toolbar

    . change: added hold and mute buttons to main toolbar

    . change: improved chats and calls connectivity behind proxy

    . change: improved logging in behind proxy

    . change: improved Central Contact List

    . change: if a SkypeIn call is sent to voicemail, custom greeting is played

    . change: new splash and About images

    . change: new language files

    . bugfix: current status is disabled in onlinestatus selector menus

    . bugfix: File Transfer toolbar button disabled if address bar does not contain valid Skype Name

    . bugfix: range check errors when moving window on dual-monitor setup

    . bugfix: accessibilty — extra large fonts support improved

    . bugfix: some login and startup related issues cleared

    . bugfix: could not bookmark a chat without topic

    . bugfix: rare access violation in 'Manage blocked users'

    . bugfix: multiple language support in search

    . bugfix: trayicon did not always respond correctly to doubleclicks

    . bugfix: close the search tab if no results found

    . bugfix: status not updated when USB phone is used

    . bugfix: options: Sound Alert keeps playing

    . bugfix: call history context menu 'listen' is now visible only on voicemails

    In addition to Windows, Skype also has versions for Mac, Linux and Pocket PC's.



    cheers :o

  8. ^^ fred110 also mentioned discomfort (pain?) in the "right buttocks" as well as the "right foot". This is classic sciatic. Pain can appear anywhere between spine and toes. May also be accompanied by brief periods of numbness in foot or toes and/or a burning sensation on side of calf.

    Many people who suffer herniated disk(s) never have lower back pain, but do have severe sciatic pain and/or "referred" pain in many parts of the lower body, such as hips or even the rectum.

    If it persists more than a few days, best to have it checked by your doctor.

    cheers :o

  9. Would second Nickerelastic's recommendation.

    The symptoms you describe are classic, probably caused by some impairment to the Sciatic Nerve.


    As you can see from the above drawing, the Sciatic Nerve runs from your spine to your toes, and pain or numbness can occur anywhere along its length, even its total length.

    Most Sciatic pain is due to inflammation and treatment using over-the-counter anti-inflamitory drugs, such as Aspirin, or NSAID's should ease your pain. However, IMHO it's best to have a professional check you out, as x-rays or a scan may be needed to determine exactly what may be causing the problem.

    Good luck :o

  10. phazey - Assuming your running XP-Home, have you tried "restoring" XP to a previous point where everything was operating OK?

    More info here

    (If your running XP-Professional, check the following link, paying particular attention to the additional links shown in the left-hand Appendix column.)

    Once you have the system up and running, do a complete virus scan. Suggest you use one of the free online antivirus scanners (Trend Micro, Symantec, McAfee, etc.) to eliminate possibility any antivirus utility you have installed, has been compromised.

    If none of the above work, post back with more details on following:

    . version of XP installed? (Home, Professional or Media Center)

    . have you updated to SP2?

    . is main hard disk drive (HDD) partitioned; if so how many partitions?

    . is Linix installed in a partition on the main HDD, or on another HDD?

    . is your XP's file system set to FAT-32 or NTFS?


    . ISP connection type (dial-up, dsl, wifi, etc.)

    . firewall type - software or hardware (make/model )

    . browser(s) installed

    . repair type utilities installed, if any (Norton, FixIt, Commander, etc.)

    . description of the overnight download you did (WindowsUpdate, email, pictures, software, etc.)

    Finally, do you have either the Microsoft "Upgrade" or "Full" CD for the Windows XP version your running? (Not to be confused with the "system restore" CD that comes with many computers.)

    cheers :o

  11. Microsoft offers tabbed browsing--in IE 6

    By Paul Festa

    Staff Writer, CNET News.com

    Weeks after promising tabs in its upcoming IE 7 release, Microsoft made the long-awaited browsing feature available for IE 6 through its MSN toolbar.

    With the version of MSN Search Toolbar made available Wednesday, IE 6 gains the ability to open numerous Web pages within a single window, each selectable by a small tab at the top of the window.

    The feature--long offered by IE competitors like Opera, Safari and Firefox, and by browser shells built to run on top of IE--is one of many that Web surfers have said they missed in the aging IE 6.

    Previous Next IE has not had a major feature upgrade in more than three years. Last month, Microsoft confirmed speculation that it would offer tabbed browsing in the upcoming IE 7.

    Microsoft was not immediately available to comment on the new toolbar.

    The MSN toolbar tabs for IE 6 were first reported by BetaNews.

    Microsoft in November raised the possibility of updating IE 6's features through add-ons like the toolbar, though it disavowed any specific plans to do so.

    Published: June 8, 2005, 5:07 PM PDT

    More Info & Download link

    cheers :o

  12. If memory serves me, sometime ago Hong Kong was mentioned by several members as having some of the lowest prices on laptops. Depending on your country of residence, you should check if it is possible to avoid/recover local import duties & vat taxes if the item is exported.

    Another major consideration should be the warrenty. Make sure your purchase carries the original manufacturers full international warrenty.

    cheers :o

  13. Apple Switches to Intel Microprocessors

    San Francisco Chronicle - Chronicle Staff Report

    Monday, June 6, 2005 12:00 noon PDT

    Apple Computers will have Intel inside by this time next year said the company’s CEO Steve Jobs at a gathering of software developers in San Francisco Monday.

    Specifically, Apple said it "plans to deliver models of its Macintosh computers using Intel microprocessors by this time next year, and to transition all of its Macs to using Intel microprocessors by the end of 2007."

    In doing so, the firm will abandon the PowerPC chip platform it has used, in partnership with Motorola and IBM, since the early 1990s.

    Apple’s move toward Intel microprocessors and away from its present chip manufacturer IBM marks a historic combination between two of Silicon Valley’s largest, most visible players.

    "Our goal is to provide our customers with the best personal computers in the world, and looking ahead Intel has the strongest processor roadmap by far", said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO, in a statement. “It’s been ten years since our transition to the PowerPC, and we think Intel’s technology will help us create the best personal computers for the next ten years.

    The agreement has major symbolic value, bridging the gap between firms that have been on ideologically opposite sides of the tech world for the past 25 years.

    Apple has been using Motorola and IBM chips since the early 1980s, when the firm essentially launched the personal computing era. Although Apple had an early lead in the field, they were soon overtaken by a powerful partnership that relegated Apple to a niche technology player.

    Ironically, that partnership was keyed by Intel, which paired with Microsoft Corp. to create the "Wintel" platform that dominates desktop computing today. It should be noted that the deal with Apple will not materially impact Intel’s relationship with Microsoft. If anything, sharing a common chip platform could make it easier for Apple and Microsoft to work together more closely in the future.

    "We are thrilled to have the world’s most innovative personal computer company as a customer," said Paul Otellini, president and CEO of Intel, said in a statement. "Apple helped found the PC industry and throughout the years has been known for fresh ideas and new approaches."

    "We look forward to providing advanced chip technologies, and to collaborating on new initiatives, to help Apple continue to deliver innovative products for years to come."

    Otellini was on hand for Job’s announcement, literally hugging his former rival on stage. The reasons for Apple’s switch were not clear immediately, although in the past year or so, there seemed to be some frustration in Cupertino with IBM. About a year ago, Apple publicly blamed IBM for its short supply of PowerPC chips for the Power Mac G5 desktop computers.

    Apple later said it had to delay the release of its new iMac computers because IBM couldn’t meet Apple’s demand for similar chips.

    Another challenge Apple has been facing with IBM is delivering processors that consume less power and create less heat. On Monday, Jobs acknowledged that was the key issue.

    Apple has resorted to using liquid-cooling technology -- like a radiator in a car -- to cool its top-of-the-line Power Mac G5 desktop computers, which now contain a pair of 2.7-GHz processors.

    And one of the biggest question marks for Apple has been whether the computer-maker will be able to upgrade its lineup of laptop computers from PowerPC G4 chips to PowerPC G5 chips.

    In January, Apple Executive Vice President Tim Cook told a group of Wall Street analysts that trying to place a G5 chip in the PowerBook "would be the mother of all thermal challenges."

    The move from PowerPC chips to an Intel platform could provide quite a few headaches for software developers who now have to retool their products.

    To ease the pain, Apple announced the availability of a "Developer Transition Kit", consisting of an Intel-based Mac development system along with preview versions of Apple’s own software for the Intel chips.

    The kit will cost developers $999 apiece.

    Your feelings?

  14. .....If those bozo's even tried to work in USA, they would never get past the application stage, because they would be arrested for other crimes instantly.Daveyo

    Ah......and what about those illegal aliens recently caught working:

    - in a Florida nuclear power plant.

    - at a U.S. Navy nuclear submarine base in San Diego.

    - on a U.S. Navy nuclear aircraft carrier undergoing retrofit.

    - at a factory in Texas making MRE's (Meals-Ready-to-Eat) for the US Military.

    - at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado.

    I'm sure Australian security is no worse and probably a lot better than most other countries.

    Remember...........more people die at home, than anyplace else, so the longer you stay away from home, the longer you may live. :o

    peace :D

  15. For info:

    June 3, 2005

    Security experts are warning of a new coordinated attack utilizing malware spread mainly through email attachments.

    The attack involves 3 trojans, Win32.Glieder, Win32.Fantibag and Win32.Mitglieder which appear to coordinate their attack as they spread from computer to computer.

    Glieder is the initial malware that infects a home computer, changing settings that allow the two other malware, to enter your computer.

    The Fantibag trojan then disables security features and changes network features, preventing both security programs and Windows from communicating with their respective update/patch sites.

    The Mitglieder trojan then opens a "backdoor" and acting as a proxy, directs all traffic to known sites, where keystrokes and tracking is saved for later examination and possible identity theft usage. The trojan can also spread spam utilizing the infected users email accounts.

    It is believed spammers are paying trojan developers 5-10 Euros for each PC "captured".

    If you are unable to connect to WindowsUpdate and any of your security software update sites, it is recommended you immediately disconnect from the internet and check/decontaminate your system utilizing a disk containing updated antivirus software and definitions.

    good luck :o

  16. CNET's News.com is reporting that Apple will announce Monday (June 6) it will switch from IBM processors to Intel.

    IBM, Intel and Apple declined to comment.

    Steve Jobs has been quoted as saying: "Mac OS X could easily run on x86 chips". The Mac OS X, a varient of FreeBSD, already runs on x86 chips, such as Intel's Pentium.

    More info here

    cheers :o

  17. ......I don't use Zonealarm,only Microsoft AV,and got the same results from Sheilds Up,but when I tested on Leaktest,it said I was open.

    At the LeakTest site, you may have missed the following note re: XP's firewall:
    ........Just so you know, WinXP's built-in firewall does not attempt to manage or restrict outbound connections at all. It appears to be a useful firewall for hiding the machine from the Internet (it has "stealth mode" unsolicited packet handling), but you will still need to use a good third-party personal firewall if you wish to manage and control outbound connections from your system.

    Would strongly recommend you install a seperate firewall, such as the free ZoneAlarm version, available at http://www.zonelabs.com. (If your on a broadband connection, make sure you have a modem/router with firewall capability.)

    After installing the new firewall, run the GRC tests again. Then run your antivirus (w/latest update) to insure you have no "backdoor" trojans, keyloggers or other "call home" malware hiding in the background. (If you don't have an antivirus program installed on your computer, use one-or-more of the online virus scanners, such as Trend Micro, McAfee, Karpersky, Symantec, etc.)

    cheers :o

  18. What many appear to be seeing on both new and burned CD's is corrosion on the reflector.

    If the reflector has any corrosion, the laser will not be able to burn data to that area. If the corrosion occured after the CD was burned, the laser will not be able to read the previously recorded data.

    Many CD blanks use a silver reflector. Silver has a very high corrosion (oxidation) factor, especially when exposed to air containing minute quantities of sulfur componds. These sulfur componds are present wherever hydrocarbon fuels are burned; eg: trucks, autos, power plants, and home's with gas heating/cooking/cooling appliances, etc.. Humidity accelerates the corrosion.

    Overall CD construction is a crutial factor. The reflector itself is positioned very close to the top (label side) of the CD. Some CD manufacturers only spray a very thin layer of lacquer on top of the reflector. Minute scratches or even fingerprints can damage this coating, allowing air and moisture to attack the reflector. Some CD-R's manufacturers do not seal the outer edge of the CD. Failure to seal these edges also allows air and moisture to attack the reflector.

    Many name brand CD-R's (ie: TDK) carry a lifetime warrenty. Check your favorite brand for warrenty details and examine them carefully to insure none display corrosive spots on the reflector and their edges have been sealed. Where possible, store burned disks in an airtight (preferably glass or metal) container.

    Multiple backups using similar and different media is always adviseable when dealing with critical or irreplaceable data.

    cheers :D

    ...Come on, francois! 80baht (possibly more :D ) for Mitsui Gold vs. 6 baht for Princos?

    It's just money. Little pieces of colored paper with numbers and silly pictures on them. :o:D
  19. If your running Windows XP and have update it to Service Pack 2 (SP2) then a "PopUp Blocker" was installed in IE and automatically turned on.

    You can turn-off the blocker or adjust its settings in the Tools window of IE.

    More info here.

    cheers :o

  20. .....Aviation officials said that the massive fuel released from the aircraft would not affect people and environment in the area.
    What a bunch of #######. 17,000+ gallons of jet fuel dumped ANYWHERE, is a hazard for every living thing in the vicinity.


    BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - A Bangkok-bound Thai Airways jet made an emergency landing at a Swiss airport because of a ventilation system problem, the airline said Thursday, its third such incident in two weeks......
  21. Agree with Totster.

    If your reason for this surgery is an attempt to make yourself more appealing to members of the opposite sex, I can only say that most men I have discussed this subject with, say they prefer women with smaller breasts vs. very large ones.

    Please think about this very carefully, before you make a final decision.

    Whatever your decision, we all wish you happiness and good health.

    cheers :o

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