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Everything posted by Lemsta69

  1. sorry, not convinced. Apple products are the work of the Devil ????
  2. what's so hard to understand? cheque is old tech and expensive to process. bank is not a charity.
  3. inb4: cannabis is bad mmkay?
  4. dude you really need to get away from the BG scene. it's not the be-all and end-all. quit flogging the long-dead horse.
  5. ser, I bought some BTC at USD 8.9k but I was too dumb to sell it at ATH and make a stonking great profit. opps! maybe I'll get it right next time ????
  6. guilty as charged yer honour ????????????
  7. 5am? tha were lucky! when I was staying in the backpacker area of Jakarta many moons ago they'd spark up at 3:45am. I think that's REM sleep time, ie. brain repair. pretty good way to indoctrinate people if you don't let them dream. needless to say I chose Bangkok to retire to...
  8. ah so that's why all my Grab delivery boys are riding CBR900s or Ducati 996s or whatever the latest fashion is. as stated above I know very little about donorcycles except that "big bikes" are hideously expensive and go like stink.
  9. mate I know the difference between a real bike and a moped. plenty of cashed-up Thai boys in my area. those souped-up moped riders you speak of (seen plenty in Patts) would give their left nut for a proper racing bike.
  10. you need to get out more my friend. I've been plenty of Thai boys on bigger-than-moped bikes around my neck of the woods (Pathum Wan and Ban Rak). friend's Thai BIL has a B300k "big bike" that he regularly takes out for a spin. you want me to ask BIL to send a video of him top-speeding it on the highway?
  11. only very rich people can afford big bikes. also, I don't know much about donorcycles but Google suggests that he was riding a GPX Demon which is only 150-250cc so not a "big bike" at all.
  12. reefer madness bro. did you have a sense of humour bypass when you were young? ????
  13. they seem to be pretty good at paying the upkeep on their massive compound on Th. Ratchadamri here in Bangkok.
  14. ser, ignore the trolls, haters gonna hate. if you really want to keep them out of your life ... https://aseannow.com/ignore
  15. gotta show us dirty farang who's boss otherwise we'd start thinking that we own the place and have an automatic right to stay permanently because we said so. oh wait...
  16. if you've been here thirty year and have to ask why then you're doing it wrong. maybe go to temple for a week or two to work out your issues.
  17. why not? not evey farang wants to look like a hobo ????
  18. good riddance! ABAB
  19. of course you can see BTC. run a Bitcoin core node and you can download the entire BTC blockchain. all glorious 300GB of it. well that's assuming you're not povvo and can afford a phat computer, you need a lot of juice to DL that sucker.

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