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Everything posted by Lemsta69

  1. was just having a laugh when I mentioned $200k, that figure and higher are being bandied about by some ultra-bullish analysts. but you never know ????????????????
  2. but it's been my lifelong dream to act like Richard Pryor with all them half-cents! ???? so I guess you wouldn't recommend wiring 10K USD from FTX to Bangkok Bank account?
  3. have you considered signing up with Celsius and taking 1% loans at 25% LTVR using your BTC as collateral? I've been using this method for some time now so that i can keep my preciousss digital gold until it pumps to $200k next year at which point I'll liquidate a bunch of it to take profits and pay back the loans. as always, "not a financial advice"
  4. the Bitcoin blockchain is public. anyone can look up any transaction or address at will using a blockchain explorer. so no, it's not quite as anonymous as people are led to believe. you can create a Bitcoin wallet for free and without having to provide any personal info but once you start interacting with exchanges that require personal info (KYC) then you lose any anonymity. that's a very rough guide from a dummy, maybe try Google if you want more of a pro opinion.
  5. XXX visa sounds great, where do I sign up? I presume it gives me discounts round Pattaya way ????
  6. kinda seems that way. the question obviously should have been at the start so as not to waste people's precious time. also what gives with decline instead of exclusion, that's just lame. there's the level of incompetence of the stupid Aussie life insurance company I used to work for. their claims department didn't have it's own call centre and the main contact line had no idea where to send any calls that came in. so the poor customer would stay on hold for ages while the CSR rang around the whole company to find somebody who wasn't deathly scared to answer the phone ????
  7. yep. gout isn't going to make me more susceptible to catching the 'vid. the only way they know I take the meds is if they search my possessions and they won't find anything because I'm not bringing any over with me, I'll get 'em when I get there. if that offends your sensibilities, sorry not sorry. nice guys finish last.
  8. don't be so sure about that mate, they wait until almost the end of the application process to ask something like "do you have any chronic diseases for which you are taking medication / injection". if you answer Yes then the computer churns for a few seconds and then rejects your application. I have gout so I answered yes and got rejected. so I re-did and said no and got the "cover".
  9. aww c'mon it ain't that bad! ???? I googled "Pattaya test & go" and the only hit was the Holiday Inn so I booked one night there. but you can't do it online, only via email to their reservations dept. I chose them because they were clever enough to advertise a one-night Test & Go package on their website and also the room will supposedly be a seaview room. beach rd location suits me fine ????
  10. that probably won't help you much as not all of the hotels have, or have published, one-day Test & Go rates. here's a start... https://asq.in.th/pattaya-test-and-go-hotels I like the private pool villa but it's out of town.
  11. I don't own property but thanks for the advice. I'll still be up for cap gains on the value of my other assets as at the day I leave. "deemed disposal" or something. it'll hurt having to pay the exit tax but after that I'm tax-free. thanks for the good wishes, I'll need them. I'm flying Thai Airways because of the schedule (14:50-20:15) so I'm hoping they don't go bankrupt again ????
  12. save Euros? use a cheap agent in Pattaya and invest the 800k. why keep all that money in a Thai bank account at zero interest for 20 years?
  13. i retired last year at age 50 and after enjoying the relaxing life here at home in Sydney I've decided to move to Thailand on the 1st of December. why? because I like the place and have a couple of farang mates who live there with who (whom?) I'm looking forward to catching up with. I too have decided to accept the place warts and all. I used to fight all that stuff when I was younger but it just leads to stress and anger. life's too short for all of that nonsense. to be honest I don't have that much of an issue with the nanny state I live in. but it just doesn't have the edge that Thailand has. I've also travelled a little bit in Mexico and Cuba, both nice places but there's something about Thailand that is bringing me back. regrets? nah I consciously make an effort not to dwell on the past. I don't ignore or bury it but analyse what went wrong so as to do better in the future.
  14. I already blocked the trolls but I was really bored and drunk last night so I unhid the posts for a laugh. the sheer stupidity pushed my buttons hence the reactions. I've got a big ignore list, not many winners on this website and finding decent info is like mining Bitcoin with a CPU from the '80s ????
  15. well no, the answer's not obvious that's why I asked. thanks for explaining it so succinctly (not being sarcastic). that helps me understand the mindset a bit better. as for earplugs, mate I'm not jumping in eyes wide shut, been holidaying in Thailand since 1997 and have been up and down the country so I know it reasonably well and also know the changes you're referring to as I've seen them myself. it is what it is, adapt or die.
  16. makes perfect sense to me. it's Thailand, that's how they do. if you don't like the barely contained chaos why did you bother moving there in the first place? not having a go, it's a genuine question. I'm retiring to Thailand in December and I'm looking forward to the shenanigans. maybe you just don't know how to play the game ($$$)
  17. you're just here to troll and FUD mate, so I'm not going to dignify your question with an answer. oops, already did. there's people out there that are a thousand times smarter than I am. go ask them if you really want to know. like I said, start with Michael Saylor. best to watch him at 1.5x or 1.75x as he's a bit of a slow talker.
  18. this is pure FUD. please do some more research before you post again. I recommend anything that involves an interview with Michael Saylor, he has a unique way of explaining why Bitcoin is such a game-changer. you're aware that similar concepts were mooted by the likes of Henry Ford and Buckminster Fuller, aren't you?
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