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Everything posted by Lemsta69

  1. it is if you're rich. buy Bitcoin and just don't sell* *not a financial advice
  2. g'day mate, which one is the "real" supperich, the green or the orange? sooo confusing lol ????
  3. yes it is too much to ask. it's not defeatism, it's reality and no amount of ranting and raving is going to change it, might as well bang your head up against a brick wall. I tried the ranting and raving for a while myself but nothing came of it, just ulcers LOL I'm moving to Thailand next month after an extended absence. last visit was 2014. part of my preparation for the big retirement move is actively trying not to get worked up by all these little irritations. let's face it, if Thailand got their Kaizen on then most of us wouldn't be able to afford to live there. be careful what you wish for ????
  4. mate this is a given for Thailand, it's how they do, so what's the point in constantly banging on about their shortcomings? if it's too hard, stay at home or go somewhere else.
  5. that's what I thought too. my initial reaction was cool, where do I sign up? srsly, wouldn't touch that stuff with a bargepole. no way it'll be pure MDMA.
  6. mate I'm a lazy sod too even though when I exercise it makes me feel much better. walking and running a little bit works for me but I get the wonky knees thing, mine aren't in the best shape either. they say that strength/resistance training is as important as cardio so maybe get a couple of light-ish free weights and do some bicep curls or something. I bought a set of free weights and a bar and had good results until of course my laziness took over. and yerr I know, who are "they"? ???? another thing that I'm interested in getting into if I can find it in Thailand when I come over soon is Tai Chi. my understanding is that it's a subset of Chinese martial arts but with the focus on mindfulness instead of learning how to kick the sheet out of people ????
  7. needs to be a very high alcohol content to kill the virus so dunno that those two you mentioned would cut it. maybe some of the real nasty Lao Khao might do the trick.
  8. mate just shove your phone down your daks and tell 'em you don't have one. "smartphone no good, makes me think too much, hurts my head!" ????
  9. thanks for the prompt response Sheryl, that's good to know. also thanks for the suggestion about migrating to escitalopram before I leave.
  10. lol I take gout medicine too, Allopurinol. my post wasn't intended to discourage you from trying the "natural" remedies first. I hope it works out for you. I was just trying to make the point that pills aren't as evil as some are making them out to be IF you can get the right ones for your brain chemistry. it's also not a sign of weakness or laziness if you take them. I thought that for years before I went and saw the doc, would have saved myself a whole lot of anxiety and pain if I'd done it earlier.
  11. yikes, you're a snarky one aren't you? ???? mate I got the joke, just didn't think it was all that funny. been done too many times before. as for sending me money, I only accept cryptocurrency. fiat is for old people lol. you can send me Liitecoin here (it has the lowest fees): LMJoGHsrmKhacuMXvB5QQ3cd6j4NstXWJ3
  12. I guess you don't have any Thai male friends then? the Thai scene is a thousand times bigger than what you see in Patts, it's just hidden to save face.
  13. well I think you should. then you'll see that this regular Thailand you speak of ain't quite so regular after all.
  14. nobody buys women in Thailand mate, they're not for sale. no offence but if you've only sought out nature then you really don't know how the place works. just go to any old random karaoke joint almost anywhere in Thailand and you'll see what I mean. it's best to go when it's full of Thai boys for the most eye-opening experience.
  15. of course it's representative of Thailand. it's Thailand in a nutshell. a big crazy mess with all the sounds and smells. second only to the awesome Krung Thep.
  16. that's a tough question to answer mate. I'm not as fit as I should be and I drink too much so it's very easy for me to fall asleep. I have way too many naps. yerr I know, go for a walk ???? the feeling I get when i don't take the pills is like a fog pushing down on my brain. or maybe like a fishing net that's dragging me under. when I take the Citalopram it feels like there's an opposing force pushing the fog back up or lifting the net off my head. but as I've found out, everybody is different. my little sister tried it and said it made her feel woozy and other side effects. all I got when I first started taking it was a nice rush, similar to a speed hit. so of course I fell in love with it! ????
  17. @Sherylhi Sheryl I'll be retiring to Thailand in a month or two and so I'd like to ask you what you know about getting a prescription for Citalopram. I read some earlier posts of yours and they said that it's approved but nobody has a license to import and that escitalopram at lower dosage is a viable alternative for some. why's the current state of play do you know? also can a normal doctor prescribe these drugs or do I have to see a psychiatrist? I'll initially be heading to Pattaya so would be looking at BPH for this if required. or I can fly to anywhere in Thailand if there's a "go to" hospital. thanks in advance ps. love your work, you're a legend ????
  18. well I got overnight results when I first started taking Citalopram about 18 years ago. I'm forever grateful to the doc who prescribed them, he got it right the first time. winner winner chicken dinner! ????
  19. pills ARE the answer for me. I take 20mg Citalopram daily and it keeps me sane. meditation? yeah nah not my cup of tea, I love my little white pills ????
  20. the 'bad press' is written by puritans who think that everybody must adhere to their strict moral code. because Pattaya never tried to hide what it was it is of course a natural target for this type of stuff. puritans are very quick to judge other people's actions but neglect their own. eg. they get all hot and bothered because some farang dude paid a girl 500 baht for a good time. yet they stay in corporate-run hotels, shop at big chain stores, don't tip, and whine about the cost of noodle soup ("it should be 20 baht, 30 baht is too expensive"). thereby condemning the mom-and-pop type establishments to a life of relative poverty. a lot of dudes who go to Pattaya spend a <deleted> ton of money. I've been in bars where dudes are spending money like it's water. that was in the good old days when the place was pumping but the point is that they funneled a massive amount of money into the local economy. and that's just in the bars, never mind all the money that the demimondaines received directly as one-offs or over longer periods of time. I think if you're genuinely interested in seeing how Thailand works then you'll visit Pattaya and have a bit of a look around. some say it's not the 'real' Thailand but I argue that it is quintessentially Thai. savvy business people created an adult playground by the sea out of a quiet fishing village. gave the customers what they wanted, which Thais are actually pretty good at despite the naysayers, and everybody's happy except the moralists. #Pattaya4Life lol
  21. pretty much all of Patts. the so-called sleaze (which is just peeps enjoying themselves) is concentrated in a few areas that are either easily avoided or ain't such a big deal. haven't been there for a while so can't comment on the current crime situation. in the past I've been pickpocketed by ladyboys a couple of times whilst staggering home drunk but that's my own damn vault for not taking a taxi motosai home. everybody's gotta eat.
  22. she's a very smart young lady, you should listen to her
  23. it's a bit like that isn't it? I can't say I'm guilt free in that regard ????
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