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Everything posted by Lemsta69

  1. it's a bit like that isn't it? I can't say I'm guilt free in that regard ????
  2. is it easy to get around KC if you don't have your own transpo? eg. so they have late-night taxi motosai or do you have to stumble home from the bars at 3 am? ????
  3. Pattaya is a decent sized city and you can go to many parts of it and not see bar beers or a go-gos or shirtless drunken ferrang (not that there's anything wrong with that!). but I understand where you're coming from and I don't think it would suit your preference at all. I love the place but I think it would be too difficult for you to get into and out of from your quiet place. btw I like nature and quiet places myself and will be dividing my time between my them and my beloved Patts when I retire there this year. so thanks for bringing up the topic, some very useful responses from the lads.
  4. they like to get upset about the place don't they? because sleazy blah blah blah. but they'll drive past this places with the fairy lights and say how cute ???? ps. not having a go at the OP so no confused or sad faces please community ????
  5. hey mate I hope they let you out early. it'd be total BS if they make you serve the remaining six days of your 'sentence' ????
  6. this kind of attitude is why the 'plandemic' will keep dragging on for ever and ever. "i don't need no stinkin' mask, don't tread on me, i'm a sovereign citizen, new world order blah blah blah"
  7. lol. the main reason I'm coming to Thailand is for the corruption ????
  8. hi Will, thanks for the insight and that makes sense now. I just assumed everybody who leaves Australia wants to move their assets offshore to a tax haven ????
  9. I'm not interested in paying tax at the top marginal rate of close to fifty percent if I'm no longer living in Australia. I don't have a problem with the concept of tax, but it's a bit hard to swallow the high rates when the top end of town are getting away with murder so to speak.
  10. @olmate bloody oath it's confusing, it's making my head spin! at least it's not as bad as what the Septics have to put up with, what with FATCA and FBAR etc etc
  11. hi mate, yes i understand what you were asking Adumbration. but i thought i'd add the additional info just in case. i originally found this info on the website noted below. it has subsequently been confirmed to me by my accountant. he's a Chartered Accountant and has no affiliation with expattaxes, nor do I. https://www.expattaxes.com.au/15-ways-to-lose-australian-tax-residency-status/
  12. I assume you meant for FTX have a THB fiat on/off-ramp. good question and one that I can't answer as I'm still in AU. If you don't get a response here maybe reach out to FTX via email to [email protected]
  13. I'm looking to become non-resident for tax purposes after I move to Thailand in late November. my understanding is that it's not simply a matter of declaring oneself non-resident, you have to show that you've 'cut connection' to Australia. this apparently entails all sorts of actions like cancelling credit cards, closing bank accounts, advising Medicare, Centrelink & AEC that you're leaving Australia permanently. getting a 'permanent abode' in your destination, ie. you can't be a nomad. this is supposedly on top of the 183 days out of country or whatever the period is. you also have to pay 'exit tax' on your assets. something about 'deemed disposal'. all of which I'm not particularly looking forward to. but I'll try and look up these other posts you mention to see what they've got to say about it.
  14. hi mate, cryptocurrency section is the best place to ask. here's a recent-ish post on the subject...
  15. depends on the airport mate. LAX security make you take your shoes and belts off and tell you to empty your pockets of everything. i said everything! i asked the brother what to do with the spare hundred i had in my jeans pocket and he let me hold it in my hand. yes i know, wearing jeans on an aeroplane is a tad uncouth but i've never quite mastered the art of the three-piece suit ????
  16. thanks. I've read this in other threads / sites. fun times ahead for those of us that want to fly under the radar.
  17. this is the new reality mate so better get used to it . KYC, AML/CTF, SoF, FATCA, FBAR. it makes your bloody head spin! ????
  18. I saw the T-man in Walking Street many moons ago. he was doing an interview or something. me and my buddy just walked on as normal and straight into Vixens on Soi Diamond. that was 2001 I think. good times ????
  19. you bought gold, what the heck? been listening to Peter Schiff have you? seriously, don't you worry that your CdC card will be compromised by using it as widely as you do? or do you only use it at 'reputable' establishments? I'm coming over from Oz in late November and want to use my Rosie as much as possible for that sweet, sweet 5% cashback but am a little concerned about having it compromised. replacement will be a nightmare as they don't ship cards to Thailand and they've started to get narky with proof of address.
  20. good ol' PlanB and his stock-to-flow model. I hope he's right! ????????
  21. why should it change? foreigners aren't the be all and end all.
  22. also want to confirm what @polaky said about the postal delays. I had an Express Post parcel take a week to get from Melbourne to Sydney. that was two weeks ago so maybe they've cleared the backlog by now. or maybe it's gotten worse ???? Sydney consulate don't say how they'll return your passport but for a $60 application fee I don't think it will be DHL. they're the only ones I'd trust to make speedy deliveries, had a package delivered from Singapore by DHL in 4 days. delivered on a Sunday morning.
  23. thanks mate, I remembered seeing that info before but couldn't find it again. i dunno what a money order is and they don't accept crypto payments so I'm going visa exempt ????
  24. my interpretation of the following page from their website is that you still need to mail/courier your passport to the consulte. it says "This processing time excludes the mailing of applications to the Consulate and the return of passports to applicants." https://sydney.thaiembassy.org/en/publicservice/visa-application-online-2 perhaps send them an email to confirm, I've sent a couple myself and the response was very quick. the last email I sent was on Saturday, 2/10 at midday. response was received Sunday night at 10pm.
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