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Everything posted by Lemsta69

  1. I used to have this tainted viewpoint as well, rammed into me by my God-fearing mother at a very young age. it took me a very long time but, thank Buddha, I eventually got over it.
  2. there are plenty of hardworking people here.
  3. makes sense to me, perhaps you need to think about it a bit longer instead of just trashing the merchant.
  4. it still is. I even stayed in the Swastika Hotel in Sanur Bali. Swastika ≠ Nazi Swastika.
  5. Sour Cream & Onion Pringles.
  6. oh, that's just around the corner from me and I'm in desperate need of a dental check-up. I'll check them out, thanks for the tip.
  7. nobody's trying to put your down, we're simply pointing out the difference between VOA and VE. but that's ok, you're from the USA so we understand your reticence to accept such an innocent correction.
  8. yes, however it was incorrectly reffered to as "visa-on- it's not semantics, the two are completely different visa classes. you don't become a seasoned traveller by pretending such details are unimportant. but if you want to continue being ignorant and call a spade a shovel then be my guest...
  9. @Onerakis spot on, Canadians are not eligible for Visa On Arrival. VOA is not the same as Visa Exempt. a seasoned traveller should know this!
  10. cryptic? I thought it was abundantly clear ???? thanks for your succinct explanation, I was in the middle of compiling a somewhat more convoluted response. I might add that I think it's nice that he goes back once in a while to visit his daughter. maybe he saves up all year or longer to be able to afford it and that's obviously much easier then coming up with B47K on the spot due to a simple, and not uncommon, error.
  11. it doesn't have to be a return ticket, an onward flight to another country will suffice.
  12. return tickets to Blighty cost 800k? wow, that is expensive! /s
  13. yes, the OP already knows that, he mentioned it in his response to Mutt Daeng.
  14. I've only tried E and it was just a handful of times. the first few times were great, nice euphoric feeling and easy comedown. after that either the quality dropped off a cliff or I built up a resistance so I stopped. I poison my body with alcohol instead ????
  15. sounds like old mate might not be able to meet the requirements at a nearby embassy as it seems he's brassic.
  16. the 27K presumably covers the financial aspect of the chap's situation.
  17. don't knock it 'til you've tried it.
  18. yeah it's roughly double, I guess because they're providing two services at the same time. I assume there's a reason for doing the initial conversion & extension at the same time but it might be worth asking an agent if they can split it into two parts to give him more time to acquire the funds.
  19. if you come in visa exempt or on tourist visa you first have to convert to a non-O visa (90 days) and THEN apply for a one year extension of stay. the agents do this in one go so you get 15 months the first time you deal with them. B27K sounds about right for that service. subsequent extensions should be cheaper, I've been quoted 12.5K in Pattaya.
  20. hi mate, this thread describes a recent border bounce to Malaysia. the OP used a crossing I'll admit I've never heard of because apparently Padang Besar is a problem if you want to do an out/in. ps. dunno why you need to go all the way to Penang unless you want to apply for a 60-day tourist visa.
  21. nice shill ???? I might give it a go, 1K won't break the bank.
  22. yeah that's what my buddies tell me but I'm too much of a klutz and cut myself to ribbons. thanks for the heads-up about the Lazada fakes, I use the Fusion Power model and am running out of genuine blades that I brought with me from farangland. I was going to just order online here but now I'll re-think that idea.
  23. that doesn't make it Thai. just like us, regardless of how long we've been here.
  24. yes, because the useless physician spent zero time discussing the results of my sleep study and I didn't quite feel like paying loadsamoney for another somewhere else.
  25. chicken rice is Chinese food bro.

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