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Everything posted by kokesaat

  1. I've been using a stainless Bialetti moka pot for 7 years.....100g of water and fresh coffee to taste. While it's cooking (about 1.5 min), I microwave my 0% fresh milk (not UHC) for 1 min and then froth it up with a hand whisk (spun between hands). All set and done in less than 3 min. As good as any cappuchino I buy in any of the fancy coffee shops.
  2. If your flight is from Suvarnaphumi to Khonkaen, you should be able to make the connection. If you have to transfer to Don Meuang, then you probably don't have enough time.
  3. 38mpg+ in my 2018 Revo, diesel 2.4l engine, 90-95kph, but I can squeeze out 40mpg if I drive 70-80kph.
  4. I've a hard time believing things are so bad.......if you've been through all that's happened in 30 years here. Good luck finding a better country in SE Asia.....especially at your age.
  5. I think the worst thing about the collapse in 1997 was that many US expats thought 40/$1 or 40++/$1 was the norm......only to find out that it was more like 30-33/$1. We came here in 1996 and the rate had been 25/$1 for so long that it was the expected norm. We thought 25/$1 was a good enough deal as we married in 1973 when it was 20ish to $1. download.svg
  6. I wonder if the guy from Pennsylvania knows that his passport credentials have been posted on that "Help Crime" website!!
  7. My latest TOT bill (May 2022) has an add for international calls using 009 for 2 Baht per minute. https://thailand.postsen.com/business/14723/NT-extends-the-promotion-period-for-international-calls-to-11-destinations-via-code-009-starting-at-2-baht-per-minute-from-1-Jul-30-Sept-65.html
  8. The C.A.T. office....where I used to go make phone calls back to our daughter in Texas for 55 Baht a minute, back in 1996. As they have merged with the T.O.T. folks, I'd imagine you can buy the phonenet cards at any TOT office.
  9. I buy phonenet calling cards from the international phone office.......1 baht/min to the US, can call from my mobile phone from anywhere in the country. You can speeddial the card pin and the international call number. I've been using this method for many years......easy, cheap
  10. No one would dare buy something online, until everyone did. A good fraction of the military/social security refused direct deposit until it was mandated. How many people refused to give up their checkbooks for debit cards? Some people had an especially hard time giving up using travel agencies. Some people still stay in hotels when in many places, Airbnb offers a better deal. I know a few folks who still file their taxes the old fashion way. I used to think ATM machines were the greatest thing since sliced bread. Now, it's cashless payments.
  11. You won't need to switch to paper money. You may need some for nickle/dime sort of things, but scanpay is ubiquitous now.
  12. We live adjacent to a village reservoir.....a swampy marsh extends alongside our land. During certain times of the year, it looks like O'Hare Airport It's an awesome sight even if you're accustomed to seeing fireflies on a regular basis.
  13. We've lived in Thailand for 25 years, never heard of an e-coli outbreak from hamburger or from things like romaine lettuce. Do these things happen in Thailand?......I'm sure they do, but probably not very often. The latest 'organic' outbreak problem https://www.fda.gov/food/outbreaks-foodborne-illness/outbreak-investigation-hepatitis-virus-strawberries-may-2022 If you're frequenting the typical Thai restaurant that doesn't wash its dishes/silverware in 170degree F water, then buying your veggies/fruit/meat in the local market probably won't kill you either
  14. I don't live in Pattaya, but I can assure you that most modern-day barbers take their high-priced scissors to people they can trust. Assuming you're trying to sharpen a valuable pair of scissors, I googled for some possibilities: https://www.google.com/search?q=ลับคมกรรไกรพัทยา&rlz=1C1CHBF_enTH869TH869&oq=ลับคมกรรไกรพัทยา&aqs=chrome..69i57.2017j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 I live in Udon and take our knives to a sharpener who does a booming business sharpening barber scissors. We've known him for 20 years......always does a great job on our scissors. 20 baht each.
  15. I live 18km outside of Udon. Since AIS installed a cell tower within 1km of my home, I've had excellent coverage. BUT, at points where my back yard dips down below 726ft (above sea level), the coverage is pretty much gone. Similarly, there is a major weekend market that sits on Hwy 216 Udon-Loei. There are towers all along that highway. Yet, where I park for that market, 725ft, there's very spotty coverage. I'd urge caution in applying one's good coverage in a particular area to good coverage in another area just down the road.
  16. "Since you don't see any spirit houses around you, so how would a Thai know that there are spirits in their new home abroad, and that they would behave like Thai house spirits?" We lived in Korea, Taiwan, Okinawa, Panama.......according to my wife, all of the houses had spirits. Nothing frightening......but there were times when she'd leave some food/incense out for them. Here in Thailand we have 3 rai of land....no spirit house. I asked why. She said there were no bad spirits in our area, so no need for one. That said, she makes regular offerings of a coconut, incense, some snacks, and 3 cigarettes to keep the good spirits appeased.
  17. Either a comprehensive health insurance plan or a healthy stash of cash (1 million+) for medical needs. Quality medical care doesn't come cheap in Thailand. You can live comfortably on those 30-60,000/month quotes if you have a house/car.......but not enough if you don't figure in for medical needs.
  18. I was stationed in Nakon Phanom in 1973 when this happened. As I recall the story, the missionaries took photos then dropped the film off for processing (remember those days??!). Someone at the shop spotted the photo and reported it to authorities. https://www.nytimes.com/1973/01/10/archives/thais-expel-2-americans-or-desecrating-a-buddha.html#:~:text=The two men%2C Joseph K,a Buddha statue while Mr. For years, when I would tell the story, I'd try to imagine some NY tourists going into St Patrick's Cathedral and sitting on the altar for photos. That'd only be half as bad.
  19. Those are mostly cosmetic fixes (not necessarily easy, but fixable). I'd be more worried about the integrity of the structure......beams, walls, floors.......if the photos are any indication.
  20. Why blame CP for the price increase on that particular brand of tea? The stores you mentioned sell a wide variety of products that are not made by CP......my Kellogg's corn flakes, as an example. Be thankful that the government controls prices on many items......diesel gas, for example.......your electric........eggs......meat. People in the US/UK aren't so fortunate!
  21. Back in the early 70's you could buy a repackaged pack of Falling Rain cigarettes. Families would knock out the tobacco and reload with buddha sticks (as they were called back then). 20 in a pack for a few dollars. Knock your socks off!
  22. My Thai wife and I lived in Texas for 14 years before moving here. When we put our house on the market, our realtor told us it'd probably be a few months before we'd sell (back in 1996). A few days after we put the for sale sign out, an elderly mother/daughter looked and made an offer. My wife says she put sticky rice on all the fence posts around the yard as an offering to the spirits for a quick sale. Who can argue with that?
  23. Yes, Krungthai seems to be one of the only banks that allow direct payment. Fortunately, I have a KT account. Sorry for any misunderstanding
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