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Jing Joe

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  1. Didnt get to hear "Elvis" sing, mai pen rai, but is all good fun but O.M.G. what an adoring (and absolutely adorable) grandaughter. What lovely personalaties, both of them. What the world needs now.
  2. 1. Naam Jai, 2. A drop in the bucket, yes.. "a mere pittance" said Artisi 3. MONGREL regardless
  3. Mmm and I think Melbourne has now banned 2 wheel scooters. Good. Ironically I'm sure France has too. Watch this space because of incredible accident increases.
  4. And and and theres plans for battery banks in the 4 minute video that was poseted on page 1.
  5. Potentially wrong if the plastic floatation method is logically on the cool water, AND depending on design the closer the panels are to the cooling influence of the water the more efficient they are, AND because of virtually no inclination there's more power on certain cloudy days, AND can actually generate some power after sunset from the re-radiation off the underside of clouds overhead. I get that often. If panels actually get hot, they can be sprayed cool to wash off any settling dust on them.
  6. Lots of wisdom in many posts especially this snippet from OneMore Farang. Thanks mate but its too late for me! My wife turned out to be the "madam gold digger" and threatens that if I go before her and then my kids come to "legally disturb" whatever inheritance she aims for, then she will KILL them. Yup, thats her adamant threat. 😡 But I'll never know the outcome and in the mean time she looks after me very very well, well most of the time.😕 Love is not just a noun but mostly a verb, a doing word, and can be hard work hey, made even harder within a marriage contract.
  7. Soooo many deaths over the years just on this website. Typically:- Another death. Another dog. Another owner. Who is next? Yet another 6 pages coming up here. Futile to hopefully "watch this space", there's no action. "How many people will have to die before ...? etc" "When will they ever learn?" 😭
  8. Another dog. Another owner. Another death. Another 6 pages of protesting. When will they ever learn.? Tragic.
  9. There would be a long line of reformed smokers who would agree even moreso hey, and the amputees too. Years ago I visited a dear old mate in acute aged care hospital with emphasema and he barely had the energy to cough. EXTREMELY disturbing to watch.😭 He stank of cigaretes and had to go outside to smoke and they had previously resuscitated him 5 times but he then declared a DNR, Do Not Resuscitate. I said my goodbyes. He died a week later. But; punishing cigarette addicts heavily with fines for smoking where they shouldt, is a more civilized response than the proposal.. Hope at least some smokers have taken note of the 5 pages so far, and my above encounter. Smoking is a very sad, sick, annoying, deadly, adicted scenario.
  10. Smoking kills and maimes in many way anyway. Get rid of them quicker before they inflict their filthy residues on onhers. "Smoking is a dying habit" . Take that anyway you want.
  11. There have been so many similar reports over several years now so here comes another 6 sympathetic pages over this latest tragedy . 😂 🎵 When will they ever learn? 🎵
  12. STOP PRESS. From Australia today, but too late for Mr Lek R.I.P. Queensland dog owners are being warned to keep their pets on a tight leash as tough new laws come into effect from today. On-the-spot fines have more than doubled from $322 to $806 for owners who fail to control their dogs in a public place. That includes dogs in off-leash areas, which the owner must be able to control using voice command. In fatal attacks, owners face fines up to $108,000 and even possible jail time. The laws have been introduced by the state government, but will be enforced by local councils. The overhaul of Queensland's animal management legislation also includes a ban on five restricted breeds, such as the American pit bull terrier.
  13. GLITCH. Dont know why my post appeared many times, but every time the "submit reply" tab was clicked it disappeared then resurfaced, and seemed like it just wasnt processing, until checking later and was shocked. Sorry for any irritation it caused. Hope it doesnt happenagain this post, or to you good folks out there. Phew, it worked no problem.
  14. A broader picture of two curses to society that many have raised:- Had alcohol prohibition way back in the USA continued, policing would have increased and droad deaths might have decreased but instead, addictions continued anyway like road and other deaths and increased policing needed. Thailand's allowing of cannabis could have fast tracked many into a dowfall to heavier drugs but now the horse has bolted and attempts to reverse the trade will surely send it underground, suggestive of more policing and all that entails in the L.O.S. Both scenarious above might have had political motivations both getting into and out of them, but there's the unfortunate percentage of those with addictive natures or depression etc, etc, who more easily fell into the drug pit, and cannabis was a "gateway" for them. (Contraversial subject involving many who will be in denial). Regardless, this developing Thailand debacle pales into insignifance compared to the world's scary challenge shaping up.
  15. Seems like this has opened a can of varied worms with lots more good information thanks. Just remembered that about 8 years ago the overseas suppliers had to collect Goods and Sales Tax (GST) at the point of sale and probably passed that to the Australian Gov because thats where the goods were going to. Messy. Havent seen this since then, dont know, dont care.

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