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Jing Joe

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  1. Read once that readings of Total Disolved Solids above 500 parts per million were unfit for human consumption according to the W.H.O. Above 150 is enough for me. Someone said depends what the solids are. Yup, and the internet shows many variations on acceptable levels. Be thankful there might be chlorine present for sanitising and just need to leave water in open bottles for a day or two for it to evaporate. There are filters and there are filters and a Total Disolved Solids meter sure sorts them out. Some bottled water is distilled and 3 PPM but that subject will raise the ire of some purists.
  2. Oh darn it Chog, you have a good sense of humour and you beat me to that expression by 6 minutes. 😄
  3. Was lost for minimum words, thanks for yours. Yes T&P for little darling. 😢
  4. Interesting timing of this topic. Last night I had cramps locking my fingers together so took a magnesium capsule and hey presto, cramps gone. But have had incredible inner thigh cramps, only at night, only every couple of months, and trying to stay perfectly still for the 6 or so agonizing minutes then they go, seems the only way because too painful to walk to get a capsule. Common for oldies apparently and women say is more painful than childbirth. Gotta have a betta Magnesium schedule hey. Just sharing.
  5. Sure there is no shortage of dark skins in Oz but they are not usually inclined to travel. Again, I reckon they are farang to Oz and could be wrong and suspect drugs may have been a motivation.
  6. Yes, agree Nemises, no one has spotted/commented this till you. Doesnt look like a dinki dai Aussie, nor behaving like what we would expect. SHERWOOD then said:- "Please don't send them back to Australia, just lock em up." AGREE... except then send them back to where he/they really came from. Not Oz.
  7. Big one hey. Its been a while since King Cobras have raised their head in this website but be reminded they are not of the Cobra family and maybe not quite as poisonous from memory, but still the same keep clear. (The Australian King Brown snake is of the Black snake family.) T said:- "No idea why people are so frightened of snakes." mmmm I'll put my hand up as terrified.
  8. I really love big cats and the colour video in particular of mother tiger and cubs was such a beautiful contrast to all the negative news in these columns about Thailand and especially the world at present. Thankyou.
  9. What ! only 3 pages so far about yet another tragedy? Must be getting used to the sad events, and nothing is being done, and all the lament in these posts doesnt mean a thing. And there are still those who insist they MUST be trained properly. (or they'll naturallly default to become killers).
  10. Smew said in part:- chemical castration of all the soi dogs. Jing joe says:- surgical castration somewhere near their collar.
  11. HOW TRAGIC ! AGAIN ! There have been probably 10 such deaths over the years, there will be another 10 pages here again, there will be many more of all ages, but nothing will be done. How can we mostly NOT agonize? i.e. just wait for the supporters of the mongrel breed in these pages. .😭
  12. Yes and I'm puzzled at the header:- "A rural village......thrown into a state of alarm" and yet the happy guys moving it on said something like-- "it was harmless?" It wont be hungry for a month or three? Agree with Thingamabob saying :- "No need to kill the python. They did the right thing in, reportedly, having it returned to a forest area far from the village. " Q... why arent the public and Thai authorities dealing with the reality of deaths from Pit Bull Terriers and the like.?? Mmm cut their heads off and feed the pythons.
  13. Didnt get to hear "Elvis" sing, mai pen rai, but is all good fun but O.M.G. what an adoring (and absolutely adorable) grandaughter. What lovely personalaties, both of them. What the world needs now.
  14. 1. Naam Jai, 2. A drop in the bucket, yes.. "a mere pittance" said Artisi 3. MONGREL regardless
  15. Mmm and I think Melbourne has now banned 2 wheel scooters. Good. Ironically I'm sure France has too. Watch this space because of incredible accident increases.
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