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Posts posted by salavan

  1. 11 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

    Confiscate his license and impound his car. Clearly the man in the black pickup should not be driving at all. He not only puts other road users on danger. He even puts his own family in danger. What kind of a man would endanger his own family.


    Really pity the wife n kid, the were crying at him to stop n yet...

    "What kind of man would endanger his own family"

    A knife wielding baboon

  2. 4 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    An investment in Thailand involves bricks and mortar, payrolls, staff and exports, all of which have a time line measured in many years.


    Hot money is brokers, banks, finance houses and investors looking to make a quick often opportunistic return as a result of their large cash stockpiles.


    How Thailand looses is that overseas investors must convert the currency of their hot money into Thai Baht, they will likely sell USD and buy THB in order to buy their bonds or invest in the SET. That will cause the value of THB to strengthen and is one of several factors that have caused THB to be so strong. How Thailand looses is their currency becomes so strong that Thai exports become prohibitively expensive hence the country exports less.

    then the baht will loose value

  3. On 5/8/2017 at 2:56 PM, bsdthai said:

    Kanchanaburi is a pretty unfriendly place. Sure, theyve got the smiles but underneath from what ive been dealing with is a very primitive, racist way of thinking. In the farming areas people seem to have had no education at all. Most people around us cant even read and the officials are rolling in cash.

    Its ok for a trip and will seem geeat but dont move here for a better way of life. We are now desperate to get back to the south! (Or out of the country for good)

    We found as soon as we didnt buy all our neighbours land that they still try to sell which is illegal to sell/buy land type for ridiculous amounts we became hated. Thainess! Despicable.....

    Travel abroad and give these officals a pay cut i think ;)

    unfriendly yes impolite  yes  got the smiles i haven't seen any yet

  4. On 5/20/2017 at 6:44 AM, simoh1490 said:

    Yes I do understand that workaround, but UK DVLC rules (technically) say that if you leave the UK to live in another country you must surrender your UK license and get one from your country of residence, the fact that most of us don't and that some of you use a UK accommodation address doesn't make it legal.


    FWIW I used to be really precious about my UK license but after 15 years I've come to realise that my Thai license is far more useful, it makes renting a car in the UK much much easier since there are no DVLC checks and every car rental agency accepts it without question. It also means I can buy an annual car insurance excess policy which costs about 35 Pounds and means I don't have to buy rental agency insurance products and that saves a lot of money.

    what is   " annual car insurance excess policy which costs about 35 Pounds " could you explain

  5. 4 minutes ago, JohnC said:

    What is your home country? For example UK passports can carry forward up to nine months from an old passport so in effect on your new passport you get ten years nine months. On receipt of the new passport go to immigration and they will transfer your details to your new passport then when that extension expires in August you can apply for a new extention as normal. The scenario you are describing means you would pay for two extensions @ 1900 baht each. 

    yes i'm quite OK about paying for 2 extensions because i would rather my extension run from December to December,  i'm from the UK and need to go back in the summer months,

    it would be a good opportunity to  be able to apply in December then i have all summer free to go back to the UK if necessary 

  6. just come back from immigration and saw a notice that says if there is less than 1 year left on my passport when i do a new extension the new extension will only go to the date of expiry of my passport and i have to re apply.

    my passport expires on February 20  2018

    my extension runs from 10 August every year

    if i apply for and receive my new passport in December  can i go to immigration and re -apply for a new extension in December that will then run from December to December every year   because that is better/ more convenient  for me than August to August .

    thanks for any advice

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