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Posts posted by salavan

  1. I assume you can't change promotions on the account either 

    Like 3 month fixed account updated to a 6 month fixed account because that would be the same as closing the account 

    When should I get my book updated every 3 calender months or every 90 days exactly on the day the day before or the day after so many ifs and buts immigration can easy trip you up 

  2. On 5/10/2018 at 6:50 PM, SoilSpoil said:


    Everyone should have at least 1 million baht in liquid form in case of emergencies. For me its my visa requirements and reserve for medical expenses that make me a 1% according to this (?) research. 

    When the mandatory health insurance comes in you will be forced to give your money to an insurance company, then if your sick you won't have the money for medical expences

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

    Glad you posted that... in there it says..

    Phuket Immigration do not accept income into a bank account less than the required 12 months period.

    Which was mentioned in another thread a little while ago. IE No 'leniency'...


    Why do you need to update your bank book on a regular basis if you update on the day of your application it will show All withdrawals and deposits up to that date

  4. 25 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

    The 800k is the only money requirement in your case. You don't have to show any more cash imports. As long as that money sits untouched in your account you can do whatever you like with any extra funds. 

    However, they do require you to prove the 800k is there, and has been there for the seeding period. For this they require a surfeit of proof, including a letter from the bank confirming the current balance, an account statement from the bank that confirms it's been there for the required time, and copies of your bank book for no real reason that I can see.

    I did my extension in Phuket this week, and they also wanted another  picture of me in front of the house. I had provided one a couple of years ago, but the lady officer wanted it again despite the fact it is not a  legislated requirement for a retirement extension. They can ask for many extra things just to create an annoyance. 

    Thanks old Croc. what is surfeit of proof? 

    • Like 1
  5. In addition to the 800k untouched for a year for retirement extension 

    And showing monthly withdrawals from another Thai account for living expenses. 

    Do I need to show anything else such as transfers from my forign account to my thai bank account 

    I usally only transfer a large amount every 3 years enough to live on for 3 years because it works out cheaper 

    Anything else I'm missing. 

    Do immigration specify how much you need to live on every month

    • Like 1
  6. Can anyone tell me if the sukhumvit BTS goes all the way to kheha

    I want to go from nana to kheha but judging from the map looks like a gap after bearing maybe the line is not finnished yet

  7. On 4/24/2019 at 8:49 AM, nchuckle said:

    Be aware that as it’s not been your main residence for over 18 months ( shortly to be reduced to 9) you will be liable for CGT on disposal (Capital gains tax) for any profit on a proportional basis related to time you didn’t live there. The 40k lettings allowance is also being scrapped.Obviously this is greater on a higher Value house and you do have about 12k CGT allowance. Look into it. I’ve only been here 4.5 years but because of the gain on my house i would lose tens of thousands in tax if I sold. You are still liable for that proportion even if you move back in and subsequently sell. 

    Yoir only escape  is when you die (that tax liability dies with you) !

    CGT as from 2015

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