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Posts posted by electau

  1. Australia will send back 800 to Malaysia and take 5000 over the next 5 years from Malaysia processed by the UNCHR. This is what is proposed. Australias intake will rise to 14750 per year. (all refugees) up 1000.

    Thailand has only expressed interest in being involved. East Timor was another.

    But Manus Is (PNG) or Nauru are the obvious places to sent them for processing.

    The purpose in to deter people smugglers. Part of a "regional solution" to the problem.

    Cost is another important factor in its implementation.

  2. Can you supply information on the load of your electrical installation so the max demand can be calculated?

    Will you be using the MEN ot TT earthing system?

    Do you invisage using single phase or multiphase supply?

    Are you going to use DIN rail MCBs/RCDs or the standard frame MCBs?

    With this information one can calculate the size of main switchboard and size of sub board.

    You will require the size of the consumers mains and sub mains to be calculated also.

  3. In answer to post #6 by David006.

    All electrical equipment imported from Asia or other countries must comply with Australian Standards. The standard for plug tops and sockets is AS3112.

    The 13amp fused plug top and socket do not comply with AS3112.

    The flat pin sockets to AS3112 are available in 10A, 15A and 20A. The smaller will fit ito the larger size but not vice versa. So one can plug a 10amp plug top into a 15amp socket but not a 15 amp plug top into a 10amp socket.


  4. You just cut a length of water pipe to the required length and drive into the soil. Do not encase in concrete and leave open to the weather. Paint the connection with a metallic paint for corrosion protection. Ref AS3000.

    Why should it not be encased in concrete nor protected from the weather? (Or, am I mis-reading what you meant?)

    So that moisture can penetrate below the surface of the concrete. Generally this means the area of a radius of about 50mm around the electrode is not concreted.

  5. In answer to #46 by David006.

    RCDs have been mandatory in Australia under AS3000 on new residential electrical installations since 1992.

    Since 2007 all lighting circuits must be protected on new residential installations.

    Provision is made under other legislation to install RCDs on older installations where , a property is bought or sold, or by Ministerial directive to the electrical industry.

    In Queensland an electrician can not work on a residential electrical installation unless a RCD is fitted. The exception is to fit the RCD. so that the installation complies.

    The person who inspects and connects electrical work to a source of supply is responsible for the work connected. He is required to give you a certificate of test which has his licence number and contractors licence number on it.

    If DIY work is found and the person who connects it can not be found the owner of the property is held legally responsible.

  6. I suspect that the railings are in contact with (or welded to) the re-bar inside the wall.

    A pound to a penny that the re-bar is exposed (or near the surface) inside the hole where the old light resided.

    Poor housekeeping when the fitting was removed left a live wire exposed.

    Getting wet from the rain provided a current path from said live to the re-bar.


    One would agree with you here, light circuit wiring not terminated in an approved manner. An RCD on the lighting circuit would have isolated the supply.

  7. harrry, a bit off topic but as you seem to be a fountain of knowledge on this sibject; how long must one have worked IN Australia, or paid Tax IN Australia to be eligible for an age-pension?

    I'm not yet 50, but just wondering as I have been working overseas for pretty much my entire working life.


    Resided in Australia, 25 years for a full retirement pension (age) 10 years for a part pension. Must be in Australia to apply 65+ at present.

  8. One of the factors that Australia did in the early 1920s was to standardise on a 3 pin plug top and socket from the very start. Earthing was made mandatory in an earthed situation and the MEN system was made a national standard. The problems of mixing 2 and 3 pin sockets never arose. This ensured that all portable electrical equipment was to be earthed by means of a 3 core lead and plug top.

    We did not mix the MEN with the TT system. The US, UK, European and others all had problems with the mixing of systems, 2 and 3 pin socket outlets etc.

    Australia and NZ made electrical safety a priority then and now.

    And we did not use the ring circuit or 13 amp fused plug tops.

  9. Earthing (if implemented) in Thailand conforms to Thai wiring practice and can be defined as;

    1. Earthing is direct from the point of utilisation or exposed metalwork to an electrode in the general mass of earth,and/or;

    2. The earthing conductor may be terminated in an approved manner to conductive material within the building that is in contact directly or indirectly with the general mass of earth.

    It forms a very basic earthing system by the fact of equipotential bonding by minimising the touch voltage. However if this touch voltage in the event of an earth fault rises to above 50VAC automatic disconnection from supply must occur within less than 0.4secs. An RCD will achieve this.

    Max earth resistance for a 30ma RCD so as not to exceed 50V is 50/0.03 = 1666 ohms.

    An 30ma RCD must trip between 15ma and 30ma. 20ms is a typical operating time for an RCD.


  10. Acceptable earth electrodes, vertical type.

    Material - steel.

    Copper clad, 12mm circular rod.

    Copper plated, 12mm circular rod.

    Stainless steel, 12mm circular rod.

    Hot dipped galvanised, 16mm circular rod.

    Hot dipped galvanised, section with a minimum cross sectional area of 200 sqmm and with no part less than 3mm thick.

    Material - non ferrous (excluding aluminium)

    Solid, 12mm.

    (Ref AS3000/2007).

  11. I prefer a copper clad steel earthing rod.

    A galvanized water pipe will eventually rust away to nothing.

    Galvanised waterpipe (hot dipped) is approved as an earth electrode and was used before copper clad steel became readily avaiable in the electrical industry.

    Since most water pipe in Thailand is PVC the above post has no merit in Thailand. Use a proper ground rod. Cheap & easy.

    3/4inch ( 20mm) Galvanised waterpipe may be used in lieu of an 12.7mm copper clad electrode. You just cut a length of water pipe to the required length and drive into the soil. Do not encase in concrete and leave open to the weather. Paint the connection with a metallic paint for corrosion protection. Ref AS3000.

    Protect the earthing conductor from mechanical damage.

    Remember that there are alternative methods that comply with minimum earthing requirements.


    Hot dipped galvanised water pipe is used for many other purposes, it is not just used for water supply.


  12. You can get a letter from the British Embassy which certifies your address and is acceptable to most banks. The letter is quite expensive - about GBP 25 from memory - and actually states that you have said you live at the address, and the embassy doesn't know anything to the contrary. Why banks accept this, I just don't know, but they do.

    It is a legal document issued by the British Embassy and you are reponsible for the information contained in it. That is why it is accepted.
  13. What really upset the USA was the fact that the weapons used were all US built obtained in the USA by the terrorists who were Saudi Arabian citizens who were residing in the USA and they were able to hit not only WTC#1 and WTC#2 but the very heart of the US defence system otherwise known as "The Pentagon".

    The US thought they were invincible. They were not.

    What are you classifying as 'weapons'?

    The box cutters or the airplanes?

    The aircraft, they were used as missiles on their targets. Everything for their operation was sourced from within the USA.

  14. What really upset the USA was the fact that the weapons used were all US built obtained in the USA by the terrorists who were Saudi Arabian citizens who were residing in the USA and they were able to hit not only WTC#1 and WTC#2 but the very heart of the US defence system otherwise known as "The Pentagon".

    The US thought they were invincible. They were not.

  15. It is wrong to dismiss the al-Qaeda chief as an evil lunatic.

    Horse manure. He purposely targeted and killed thousands of innocent people over many years. He might not have been an evil lunatic, but he certainly was EVIL. :bah:

    You have taken it out of context, you need to read the complete article which originates from the London (UK) Daily telegraph.

  16. From the Age newspaper Melbourne , Australia

    The logic behind bin Laden

    Peter Oborne

    Peter Oborne is the London

    Daily Telegraph's chief political commentator.

    May 9, 2011

    It is wrong to dismiss the al-Qaeda chief as an evil lunatic. There is a ruthless rationale to his analysis of the Muslim world and its problems.

    AN ELDERLY man of distinguished appearance approached me soon after I arrived in Abbottabad on the day of Osama bin Laden's death. He spoke good English and said he was a lawyer. ''Bin Laden will be remembered as good,'' he said, ''and his message was an inspiration.''

    Many Pakistanis, as well as hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world, wholeheartedly concur. We in the West very rarely ask why this should be. We just assume that admirers of bin Laden are ignorant or demented fanatics.

    Continue reading here: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/the-logic-behind-bin-laden-20110508-1ee6z.html

  17. Nuclear power for base load commercial electricity production must be discussed as one of the viable replacements for coal.

    Use third and forth generation reactors.

    There are already over 400 reactors in service through out the world. Ther has only been on serious accident and that was in the Ukraine. It should never have been allowed to be commisioned in the first place, but politics took precedence.

    The steam engine was dangerous once but safety problems were overcome.

    We have Nuclear, Solar thermal, Geothermal, and then Solar photovoltaic, Hydro electric, and Wind turbine generation.

    We should use them all where they are commercially viable and practicable.

  18. "There is TB (tuberculosis) and HIV everywhere"

    surely the faster he left thailand the more life he has after release from the australian prison and a smaller chance of getting hiv and aids, which are deadly. With a good layer in 5-10 years time he might be a free man, most probably those 8 months at hilton would not be counted to his sentence

    If convicted he wont be free in 5-10 years.....trust me....He will be held on Governers pleasure as it used to be called. He will be a long time in jail

    The Govenors pleasure pls it is the Australian judicial system he will be lucky if he does 7 yrs before parole. You get a longer sentence for marriage in Australia than you do for commiting crimes. I wish the Aussies took a leaf out of the U.S system where life means life in Australia life is 20 yrs and normally out in 15. This guy will not get life for a single murder.

    He did not help his cause by leaving the country, he may have been able to plead manslaughter and they may have been mitagating circumstances eg mental illness.

    Now the US system of justice, there was just recently a US citizen convicted of manslaughter of his wife in a diving incident. He was convicted and served his time and was the deported to the US. He now goes on trial in the state of Alabama for the same murder.

    The Australian government only allowed his deportation provided he would not receive the death penalty.

    So much for US justice.

  19. Bin Laden is dead, he is as dead as a dodo.

    About 2000 years ago there was a Jewish citizen who was publicly executed, his corpse dissapeared and no trace was ever found. thus the saying "He is dead but he will not lie down"

    Publishing his official death certificate would consitute valid proof of his death.

    Bin Laden may well prove the saying in the future.

    When you are dead you must lie down and you are out of the game.

  20. First, he was not an Australian citizen and did not hold an Australian passport.

    He was a citizen of the UK and would have held British passport.

    Because the crime was committed in Perth, Australia he would have to be extradited by due process to face the charges against him.

    He left for Indonesia before the WA police suspected him.Australian immigration would know the date he left Australia.

    Once in Indonesia he would have travelled to Thailand. The British Police would have been notified,but that all takes time. Did the British or Australian police have any solid evidence that he was in Thailand? No.

    He was put on a watch list with Interpol.

    When questioned he would have revealed has nationality (when arrested) and placed in Immigration detetention.

    The British Embassy would have been advised and the it would only be a matter of time before the Australian Police where notified.

    (As he was a dual citizen he could have been carrying a valid Portugese Passport).

  21. Bin Laden was very much a US problem, many analysts see him as rather irrevalant now, one has only to look at Yemen, Syria, Egypt and Libya on can only surmise what type of governments will areise there. And how will the US deal with Saudi Arabia if there is an uprising there?

  22. ROFL America entered both WW1 and WW2 way LATE. check the historic datelines, not all of the phantasy HW movies!

    Better late than never. The Allies would have lost without them. ;)



    It was the Russians that saved the allies. It was the Russians that destroyed the majority of the German land forces and infilcted the highest casualties (Deaths), American war materiel re-equiped the UK.

    Pacific, now that is where America won it. But Britain would still have have recovered its interests in Asia. American in interests where America. America allowed the french to take over its interest in Indo-China, but that lead to Vietnam. maybe keeping the french out?? would have been a better Idea.

    The US only entered the war when Japan declared war on them by attacking Pearl Harbour.

    Germany then declared war on the US. The US would have prefered to stay out due to public opinion and the fact that it had a neutralist policy.

    There were really three different wars, Great Britain and Germany,from 1939 Japan and the USA from Dec 1941, Germany and the USSR. from 1941. Great Britain consisted of the Empire. It was Great Britain that took on the might of three other up and coming Empires, Italy under Mussolini, Germany under Hitler and the Imperial Japanese. The US was one of the Allies, Germany, Italy and Japan was the Axis. Russia was one of the allies. Japan declared war on the British Empire in Dec.1941.

    And it should be pointed out that the US did not look on favourably on the British Empire because of our international trade practices.

    It was in the end a war worth fighting. We could not afford to lose. When you start a war make sure that you can win it. A point that the US has missed since 1945.

    The US has reached its peak, it will be China (PRC) that will be the world leader in the 21st Century and one should not underestimate Russia.

    And IndoChina (now Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia) was part of the French Empire. It was occupied by the Japanese during WW2. The Japanese occupied over half of China.

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