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Posts posted by electau

  1. The main earth electrode should be 12.7mm copper clad steel and the connection to the main earth conductor should be protected by metallic paint. Length of electrode 1.8metres. This is the minimum requirements for AS3000.The electrode should be installed where exposed to the weather and not encased in concrete.

  2. You need to calculate your max demand first.

    The PEA would have to extend their HV supply to near your property and install a transformer.

    This will solve your voltage drop problems. You would most probably have to supply the capital costs involved, it would mean that the lines and transformer woud be owned by the PEA and maintained by them.

    It would be up to the PEA whether they would supply 1 or 3 phase supply depending on load.

  3. The size of the protective earth conductor is based on the size of the phase (active) conductor.

    The main earth conductor must be a minimum of 4 sqmm.

    The minimum size of an individual protective earth conductor is 2.5sqmm. The exception is where the PE conductor is laid up with other current carrying conductors in the same sheath, eg 1.0 and 1.5sqmm.

    The earth conductor is approx 1/3 of the size of the phase or active conductor.

    Source AS3000. MEN system.

    Correct size of earth conductors is important as the impedance must be low enough to operate the protective device in the event of an earth fault within the stipulated time limits, for an MCB this is 0.4secs.

    Under AS3000/2007 Impedance tests are only required on socket outlet circuits that are not protected by an RCD.

    Earthing tests are mandatory.

  4. In reply to post #848 by KhunAussie52.

    Informative Only. Freedom of speech as applied in Australia and the requirements of a Commonweath officer not to release information the the public.

    In other words Julian Assange or Wikileaks has not broken any law in Australia. Wikileaks is not hosted in Australia.

    (If Julian Assange was or had been a Commonwealth officer he could have been guilty of an offence).

    All Wikileaks has done is publish as any editor would do.

    Google "Crimes Act 1914 section 70"



  5. Julian Assange is an Australian citizen. Here are the requirements for free speech in Australia and the section of the Crimes act of 1914 regarding disclosure of information by a Commonweath servant.

    Freedom of speech.

    Australians are free, within the bounds of the law, to say or write what we think privately or publicly, about the government, or about any topic. We do not censor the media and may criticise the government without fear of arrest. Free speech comes from facts, not rumours, and the intention must be constructive, not to do harm. There are laws to protect a person's good name and integrity against false information. There are laws against saying or writing things to incite hatred against others because of their culture, ethnicity or background. Freedom of speech is not an excuse to harm others.

    CRIMES ACT 1914 - SECT 70

    Disclosure of information by Commonwealth officers

    (1) A person who, being a Commonwealth Officer publishes or communicates, except to some person to whom he or she is authorized to publish or communicate it, any fact or document which comes to his or her knowledge, or into his or her possession, by virtue of being a Commonwealth officer, and which it is his or her duty not to disclose, shall be guilty of an offence.

    (2) A person who, having been a Commonwealth officer, publishes or communicates, without lawful authority or excuse (proof whereof shall lie upon him or her), any fact or document which came to his or her knowledge, or into his or her possession, by virtue of having been a Commonwealth officer, and which, at the time when he or she ceased to be a Commonwealth it was his or her duty not to disclose, shall be guilty of an offence.

    Penalty: Imprisonment for 2 years.

  6. The Americans (US) should have said nothing and accepted that they had permitted these documents to be downloaded by a 23 year old army private who was possibly mentally unbalanced at the time.

    The next question that they should ask themselves is why was it possible to access thes documents so easily in the first place. Where were the supervision of staff. It looks to me and many others that to quote the words of that famous president LBJ " The DoD and State Dept could not pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel" (At the time he was referring to Latin America).


  7. In an online chat in May, Private Manning described having downloaded the documents from a military computer system; he described them as including "State Department cables from embassies and consulates all over the world."

    Private Manning appears to have exploited a security loophole to copy thousands of files onto compact discs over a six-month period. Defense Department computers have their portals disabled to prevent the use of external memory devices, such as thumb drives, but the use of compact-disc devices was not banned.

    So much for security. He had used a DoD computer to access State Dept files.

    Security: In other words one must have an audit trail for all documents.

  8. For those of you who are so pro Wikileaks, I ask you this: how should the person or people who originally stole the files be treated by the US government?

    No takers?

    your fishing expedition has failed :jap:

    He,she or they should be dismissed from the service of their employer. The US government should take responsibility and purge the system of unreliable emplyees and tighten up security. It is purely a US problem as our Australian FM Rudd has said publically.

  9. Yes, foreign nationals have been charged with espionage. ;)

    then provide a source:

    i want hold my breath!!!

    Here is just one and he was not only charged, but convicted. :ph34r:


    Have you noticed that pretty much every time you demand that I back up something that I have posted, I can do it - and with a legitimate source?

    There is not a lot of that going around on your side of the fence.

    He was arrested in 1942 in the USA. This was in WW2. Yes this was espionage.

    So was William Joyce, hanged in 1946 for treason during WW2.

    Julian assange is certainly NOT in the above category. His organisation has done no more that a responsible editor of a newspaper would do, publish them.

    The problem would never have originated if the State Department non existant security of documents. Why was it allowed to happen? what were the motives of those so called "patriotic" US citizens?

    One of these was a military person who was mentally unbalanced. Who was supervising his work? Where was the accountability?

    It is employees of the State Dept that should be held accountable, including the so called "President" ( the buck stops here -Truman doctrine) and Clinton.



  10. You should carry out a visual check first of the PE conductor on all socket outlets.

    Then with a continuity tester check the continuity of the PE conductor from each outlet.

    The main earth conductor should not exceed 0.5ohms and the PE conductors should not exceed 0.5ohms.

    6 to 7 ohms is too high you should check your multimeter for accuracy. Remember the test voltage for a multimeter is generally 300mV.

    Minimum size of the PE conductor should be 2.5sqmm.

  11. Most small motors will run on 50Hz but slow and may overheat but are not likely to burn out.

    A split phase induction motor will overheat and burn out.

    However a 60Hz induction motor can be run if the supply voltage is reduced to 0.833 x 220V, ie to 180V at 50Hz.

    Believe we are talking about 110V motors in the dryer and the 230 volts only being used for the heater from what was stated above.

    110/120V 60Hz . you might get away with a 220/100V 50Hz transformer for the drive motor and use the 220V 50Hz supply for the heaters.

    You may have problems with the voltages for the electronics.

  12. Who are the citizens of the USA working in the State Department (Foreign affairs) who accessed these so called "classified" documents and then sent them to Wikileaks.

    It is claimed that 2 to 3 million persons have accessed these documents in the past.

    Classified documents should be under lock and key and access should only be to those with the required security clearance.

    And if you have sensitive documents on a computer or server with backup copies expect them to be read and downloaded.

    Clinton is the political figure who should be made to explain the release of these sensitive files.


  13. Get your daughter to open a bank acount in Australia at a branch near where she lives.

    Then transfer from your bank account in Thailand directly to her bank account in AUD.

    She will be able to use EFTPOS and ATM access with the debit card in Australia. She can pay the fees using EFTPOS. She can also use a Bank Cheque to pay her fees.

    She will have to supply a 100 point ID check at the bank to open the account.

  14. The welder rated at 20A at 230 volts is single phase with 11.5V max voltage drop.

    The same welder connected for 400V 2 wire connection is rated at 20/1.732= 11.5A.

    This has a voltage drop of 20 volts.

    Voltage connection is made within the welder 230V or 400V.

    The HWS rated at 12kW is 3 single phase loads of 4 kW each voltage drop 11.5V.

    Only the 3 phase motor(s) are balanced loads.

  15. Max demand 45A

    Main switch /MCB 63A.

    Power, socket outlet RCBO 20A/30ma. 2.5sqmm cable. all socket outlets to be earthed.

    Earth electrodes minimum 12.7mm copper clad steel. 1.8M.

    Earth conductors. main earth minimum 4sqmm, PEA/MEA may require 10sqmm.

    Earth conductors insulated conductor green /yellow or green.

    Location of metering is the responsibility of the PEA/MEA and is generally at or near the property line.

    32mm UPVC conduit minmum for enclosure of 2 single insulated and sheathed 16sqmm copper cables.

    Telephone and comms. cabling must not be enclosed in the same conduit as power cables and must be segregated in separate conduits or ducting.

    You could split the RCD circuits over two RCD units or have one RCBO for each final subcircuit.

  16. Transformer no load voltage is determined by the HV voltage and the tapping selected on the HV windings. The no load voltage is usually in practice on the high side of the nominal voltage design rating. So 220V nominal may be 225V in practice.

  17. I can confirm that 400/230 V, -10%/+6% is the current standard. We just had a project in Chiangmai approved by PEA last week that inclued a 1250 kVA 22 kV/400-230V transformer.

    Remember though, that the vast majority of PEA's infrastructure was installed prior to 2007 and therefore conforms to the old standard, not the new one.

    Nominal voltage 230/400V -10% + 6% is 207V to 243.8V. The 220/380V -6% to +6% is accomodated within the new range. Caculations will now be made using 230/400V values on new electrical installations in the future.

    Thailand has harmonised its standard to meet IEC requirements. Australia did this in 2000. The actual system voltage did not change only the legal definition.


  18. Determination of voltage drop from circuit impedance.

    Vd = voltage drop in conductor, in volts.

    I = current flowing inconductor, in amps.

    Z = impedance of cable in ohms.

    For the purposed of this example only the resistance component R has been used.

    The actual voltage drop of the conductor is obtined by multplying the cable impedance value by the length of cable and the current as follows:


    In circuit applications more tha one conductor is involved and the term L is generally defined as the route length of the circuit.

    Single phase. For single phase circuit the impedance of the active( line) and neutral are taken into account. As these conductors are of the same material and the same size, the voltage drop on the circuit is twice what it would be for a single cable.

    Vd = 2ILZ.

    For a balanced three phase 3 wire circuit no current is flowing in the neutral conductor and at any given instant the current flowing in any one active (line) conductor will be balanced by the currents flowing in the other active (line) conductors. The voltage drop per phase to neutral is the voltage drop in one cable and the voltage drop betwen phases is therefore:

    Vd = 1.732 x ILZ

    Calculations based on 230/ 400 V 50Hz 3 phase 4 wire supply. -6% to +6%. ie 216.2V to 243.8V. for -6% +10 % this would be 216.2V to 253V. This allows for 240V to be maintained as standard (Australia only).

    Thailand is 220/380V -6% +6% which is 206.8V to 233.2V.

    We will use 5% for the purposes of this exercise and the 230V/400V values.

    Voltage drop single phase 230V is 11.5 volts. Voltage drop for three phase 400V is 20 volts. that is 5% of the nominal voltage.

    AC resistance at 50Hz of single core aerial cables with bare or insulated conductors at 45C.

    50 sqmm copper 0.438 ohms per km. Aluminium 0.706 ohms per km.

    25 sqmm copper 0.822 ohms per km. Aluminium 1.32 ohms per km.

    The resistance (impedance) for 1.6km for aluminium conductor is :

    For 50sqmm is 1.1296 ohms. and for 25sqmm is 2.112 ohms.

    For a single phase 230V load of 10A the voltage drop would be 10 * ( 1.1296+ 2.112) = 32.4 volts. This is 14%.

    For a 10A three phase 3 wire load 400V the voltage drop would be 1.732 * 10 * 1.1296 = 19.56 V, this is less than 20V and does not exceed 5%.

    For a load of 3.5 amps single phase 230V the voltage drop would be 11.34V.

    For 220V values multiply voltage drop figures by 0.9565.

    For 240V values multiply voltage drop figures by 1.0434.

    If you had a full size neutral 2X25sqmm the single phase voltage drop would be:

    10A load 22.5V and for 3.5A load 7.90V.


  19. One has based calculations on voltage drop as per AS3000 and AS3008.

    Voltage drop is based on the nominal supply voltage at point of supply in this case the transformer. Voltage drop calculations based on 230/400V 50Hz 3phase 4 wire supply. Temperature taken as 45C for aerial configuration.

    Construction complying with legisative requirements.

    You have indicated that your maximum demand was originally 17kW, that is close to 6kW per phase, 26A per phase. It is this value that you calculate your voltage drop. You have given the distance as 1.6km (1 mile).

    You have existing 3x50sqmm Al. conductor with 1x 25sqmm Al. conductor for the neutral.

    I will calculate the voltage drop figures for the above for copper and aluminium using the tables and fomulae in AS3008.

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