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Posts posted by electau

  1. Ref AS3000.

    Earth electrodes shall be of a type and shall be installed in accordance with table 5.2

    Exception: conductive reinforcement of:

    1. concrete foundations embedded directly in the soil; or
    2. concrete foundations of a building or floor slab in contact with the ground and not impeded by a continuous insulating barrier, may be used in lieu of an electrode in table 5.2.

  2. Lessons should have been learnt.

    Change your PIN nembers for voice mail from the default 000 if you have to have voicemail.

    Do not use voice mail.

    Have silent numbers, and separate phones for business and private use.

    Do not accept unsolicited calls.

    People who are dead should have their telephone accounts immediately cancelled within 24 hours of their reported death.

    Telephone interception (hacking) may not be illegal in some countries, but mobile phone may be covered by Radio Communication Acts. The use of such information is what is illegal.

    Of course corruption and bribery are criminal offences.

  3. In reply to post #51.Yes, certain persons may give advice on an individual visa application, such as assisting or filling in the forms for the applicant. The question is asked on the application form "did you receive assistance in filling in this form" The applicant is to answer yes or no and if yes the name and address of the person assisting them. They also ask if you (the applicant) paid them any fee for this service.

    Only a MARA immigration agent can charge a fee for giving visa advice for Australia , and are legally liable for their actions.

  4. Provided you have a ground in the pump house and an RCD protecting it there is no need to connect to the main earth in the house.

    TT installations such as this are not permitted by the Aussie regulations, however they are allowed in the UK (so are presumed safe) and I can find no Thai regulation prohibiting TT (indeed many if not most rural installations are TT anyway).

    Under AS3000 an MEN would be installed at the sub board supplying the pump. The MEN system is mandatory under AS3000 so the TT system is not permitted. However in Thailand both the MEN and The TT systems are permitted and may be mixed within an electrical installation.

  5. electau--thanks so much for the helpful suggestion. Why didn't I think of (doing) that?

    "Thanks for the replies, amigos. I spent hours on the web yesterday researching this situation and my eyeballs are about to fall out :lol:"

    Last month I sent queries to 'GardnerBender UK", "Cabletrix UK" and four others. Not one of them even replied. A fellow from "Alcopstore" (in the states) who sells "Alumiconn" connectors did reply but they have no connectors large enough. And I didn't find any Thai or SE Asia sources for what I need. Not even the outrageously expensive RS have a suitable product.

    Maybe you can give me a name or two?

    You could try the PEA?MEA first or try the Bangkok Yellow pages for a supplier. Burndy and Thomas and Betts manufacture them and sell them through electrical suppliers.

  6. Calculate the max demand of your proposed electrical installation first. You will probably require a 80/100A consumers mains 3 phase 4 wire. you can then install single phase split system airconditioners and the balance the loading over the 3 phases. Use solar ( thermal) for your hot water supply.

    Install RCDs on all final subcircuits supplying socket outlets.

    If upgrading of the PEA/MEA transformer is required you may have to pay for part of the capital cost.

  7. RCDs are available in 10mA and 30mA . Us a SPRCD ( socket protected RCD if available).Mount about 500mm to the side of the washbasin and 500mm approx above the top of washbasin cabinet. This is in a zone 3 area. There are four zones for shower and washbasin areas in bathrooms, zone 0, 1, 2, 3.

    Use common sense also.

    Source AS3000. Section 6 .Damp Situations. AS3000 only requires 30mA RCD protection.

  8. Aluminium to copper connectors are readily available from suppliers within the elecrical industry. Do a search for suppliers on the internet.

    Crimp links and crinplugs also termination pin type lugs. Al to Cu.You will require a crimping tool for correct termination.

  9. Go to your local immigration office where you are going to obtain your extension to your visa.

    Get their requirements in writing. Get your documentation ready. Contact your embassy for their requirements

    Go to your embassy and meet their current requirements. Return to your immigration office

    Problem solved.

    Things just don't work that simply at Thai Immigration offices.... also... good luck getting "requirements in writing".

    Ask them first then write the requirements down yourself. They used to have them on their website, but it has not been upgraded since 2004.


  10. With reference to post #715 by Tropo.

    One was referring to the Australian Embassy requirements, it would be obvious that one would check with their own Embassy first to obtain the exact requirements that they want.

    And you would have documentary proof of income anyway, it is easy to obtain. If your Embassy requires it you can produce it.

    The word one used was "similiar" (paragraph 1) You read it out of context.


  11. With reference to post #679.

    An Australian Statutory Declaration is a legal document which if used outside of Australia is subject to a fee of about $!8AUD. For use within Australia no charge is levied.

    If translated and noterised by the Ministry of Foreign affairs in Thailand it becomes a legal document in Thailand.

    So far translations have not been required by Thai Immigration.

  12. The original post was if Thai immigration required proof of income for a visa extension based on retirement. Yes or No.

    This is to prevent fraud.

    The Australian Embassy use a Commonwealth Statutory Declaration form which is witnessed by a consular official, This is subject to the requirements of the Criminal Code if a false declaration is made.

    A genuine applicant will have proof of income, Bank statements etc.

    If the appllcant has a Thai bank account the Bank passbook is proof of origin of all deposits from overseas by IMT.(TT)

    Immigration reserve the right as in all countries to ask for additional documentation to support a visa application or extension. "May" ask not "Shall" ask.

    Other countries UK, NZ, Canada, USA will have similar requirements as to the making of declarations.

    You make the Declaration in front of a consular official within your Embassy not Thai Immigration.

    In all cases you are legally responsible for what you sign for.

    An example of what one might declare on a Statutory Declaration:

    "I have income which meets the financial requirements of Thai Immigration for an extension of visa based on retirement."

    You then sign the declaration in front of the consular official. The consular official will ask you if you are aware of the content of the declaration and the penalties for knowingly giving false information under the criminal code.

    The consular official then signs and stamps the document.


  13. Sounds to me like a dangerous precedent has been set here.

    No precedent. There have always been situations where the rules can be waived on compassionate grounds.

    They would have applied for a visa as a defacto marriage, but it would have been refused as the applicant was already married.

    The Minister would have used his power as a Minister to use a waiver and grant settlement in the UK on compassionate grounds due to compelling circumstances and to the fact that she could not obtain a divorce in The Phillipines. The Minister does not overrule the legal requirements.

    But she will now be able to obtain a divorce in the UK. and she will now comply with UK requirements.


  14. Any wire they like don't rely on colors . Thai electricians seem to have no rules .The only way is to test them with a tester , live in my house I've found two colors white and black

    White should be the neutral and Black the line or active conductor, for multi phase circuits the line conductors are all black.

  15. RCDs should be installed on the Main switchboard or sub board(s) within an electrical installation.

    They should protect the final sub circuits only.

    There must be no earth on the neutral on the load side of an RCD.

    Consumers mains and submains do not require RCD protection.

  16. In Thailand the standard colour of the neutral is White or Grey.

    The Neutral conductor should be clearly identified. The neutral conductor must never be a switched conductor unless the line and neutral are switched together , ie in a multi pole device.

    Green or Green /Yellow must never be used as a line or neutral conductor.

    Red, Black, and Brown can be used as line (active)conductors.

    Before carrying out any electrical work the correct identification of the neutral conductor is paramount, especially in Thailand.

    Japan and the US use Black as a line conductor and White as a neutral.

    Australia the neutral is black ( or light blue in electrical equipment) with Red, White and Dark blue as line (active) conductors. Brown is also a line(active) conductor.

    With imported electrical equipment the neutral conductor should always be identified.

  17. There are several reasons why a RCD will trip.

    The most likely is a faulty item of electrical equipment.

    Isolate each circuit and the reset the RCD and see if it trips if it does not trip this is the where the fault will be found.

    To check the RCD itself disconnect the load side and reset the RCD. If it still trips the RCD is faulty- replace the RCD.

    Low insulation on the neutral conductor can cause tripping.Excessive earth leakage current can cause nuisance tripping.

    An RCD must trip between 50% and 100% of its rated current in mA. Max leakage current should not exceed 30%. An RCD must not trip at 50% of rated current in mA.

  18. The Thai use of the word "pension" what is their definition? They should use the word "income". A pension is only one type of income. And there are different types of pension.

    You can be 50 years or older and not qualify for a pension from your home country, but you will have income from other sources.

    And that is what they are looking at, proof of income.

    If you go the Thai bank route of 800000 THB (minimum) it must be in your Thai bank for a period of 3 months before you apply for your extension. OR, 65000THB per month (minimum) from outside of Thailand. OR, an income stream from outside of Thailand of up to 65000THB per month and a balance in a Thai bank so the total is a combined minimum of 800000THB.

    If you have a Thai bank book why is the so called letter from the bank required? All transactions are recorded in the book , which is a statement of your account.





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