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Posts posted by techno

  1. Thanks MrMoo.....

    Already knew about them, the cost of shipping they quote to Thailand is quite prohibitive, just under 150GBP for a 30kg package, plus even though they state on their website that delivery is 'direct to your door' when I contacted them they said that everything was shipped CIF and not DDP, so it could get very expensive.

    I am working with my pie makers , and trying to come up with the same type pies , crust like we use on our sausage rolls, (puff) and have contacted tin makers ........not sure but trying to work on this as they are very nice pies and i know many would like them.

    Let me know please when its all set up as l live in Chiang Mai.I miss Fray Bentos tinned products but importing them is expensive Do you have any outlets in Chiang Mai?

  2. Garmin nuvi 205 complete with Thailand Street Map v10.1 is currently on sale for 4900 baht in Thailand, you can add Australia map later via microSD card. Should you buy a nuvi 265 in Australia, you can purchase the Thailand Street Map v10.0/10.1 for 2000 baht from a Garmin dealer in Thailand, or look on the internet.

    The Garmin 205W is much better as it has a larger screen but more expensive than the 205. Bought one for use in Thailand and its maps are excellent with free updates from some dealers. You can buy Aussie maps. Try Eagle GPS one of tv sponsers

  3. Can you provide a source that says you have to carry passport (other than some person saying so?). The requirement is photo ID AFAIK.

    Believe this could be part of the extension of stay process as they take your fingerprints/photo produce an ID card for the same time period. Very simple and almost no additional cost to produce.

    meaning i can carry my country ID card and my country driving license (valid for driving in Thailand) when traveling around Thailand and leave the passport at home? And this won't have any problems if the police or immigration stop me?

    That's cool lopburi3, thanks for the info

    You do need to be able to produce a passport if an immigration police officer asks for it so if you travel out of immediate area I would highly advise having it with you. But in town there should not be any need.

    You are quite right that you do need to produce your passport when asked to do so by Immigration Police or other Police Officers checking you are in the LOS legally..Be a lot easier if Immigration did issue a yearly form of ID form which is renewed when your 1 year extention of stay is granted. As with my previous post it is under consideration by Interior Ministry

  4. As a side note, has anyone noticed the improvement in how different it looks with all the over head lines and power polls removed down Chang Klan Road and new street lighting. What a difference. Bigger yet the complete removal all the above on Tha Phae Road all the way to TP Gate. The city and power company deserve a big Thank You.

    It does look better around the night bazaar. Only problems will be if there are problems with the underground cables. They could dig up half of the night bazaar to find the fault

  5. is there a handbrake lever attached to the rear brake lever?

    There is one on my bike. To activate you need to old the rear brake on then pull the lever, the brake lever will remain in a squeezed position. to remove the handbrake simply squeeze the rear brake lever and the handbrake lever will flick itself off.

    What brake/s locked on? front/rear/both?

    Thanks for your help. Asked the wife and she does not know as ahe was shocked to fall off the bike but some gentleman got the brakes released. i suspect the brake level was in a squeezed poition which she did not release before pulling away. Will get the bike checked just in case

  6. It you had to travel from the other side of the province and thus have to spend an unplanned night away from home it might get the wife's attention and become a very big deal. :rolleyes:

    That said 12:30 seems a bit late. Did poster have to use a bank that does not open until 11:00?

    Went to Immigration today at 7.45 am and although there were a lot of people waiting l was finished by 10am. Not so bad service but by 10 am they were telling people to come back in the afternoon as all places allocated for the morning (about 25). Seems to be only one officer processing extention of stays (retirement). Could have been finished sooner but so many people turn up without all the necessary paperwork so you cannot blame Immigration for that. PS Airport Plaza does not open until 11am so could not get my bank letter before then. I could have gone to the bank the day before but its so close to Immigration l thought l could do it in one journey

  7. I have a 2 year old Honda Click (dual brakes) thats only done 3000Km. My wife was riding it on Sunday when apparantly the brakes seized when she was pulling away and it caused her to fall off. Has anybody else had these problems and what the problems could be? Always serviced by a Honda dealer

  8. Thankgod I live in a nice clean condo and dont have to worry about the jungle creatures coming to get me!

    Yeah, you only have to worry about those that hang around in the lift and the lobby.

    At my old house I draped my jeans over a couch when I went to bed, put them on in the morning and there was a 6" centipede in my crotch scrambling around, freaked me out and I reached in a grabbed it and threw it away. Luckily it didn't bite but it must have claws since my crotch area itched like mad for a couple of days. Luckily my new house doesnt have any but frogs sleep in my shoes that are left outside my door, gotta check each time

    Probably the centipede did not have much to bite on?

    • Like 1
  9. Looks like it has settled down at 30.45 usd 47.06 gbp and 39.45 eur.

    GBP was only 46.2 to the Thai baht this morning at Siam City Bank in Airport Plaza. Big difference from that from 1 month ago when it was just over 50 baht

  10. I went to Chiang Mai Immigration today to renew my extention of stay (Retirement). I first went to my bank at Airport Plaza to get a letter regarding my bank balance so did not arrive at Immigration until 12.30pm. At 1pm after their lunch break i was told that the full allication of extention of stay applications had already been allocated for the day and that l should return the next day at 8am if it was to be processed tomorrow. Why do they not have more staff dealing with this type of application as they only seem to process about 50 applications a day. Not a happy bunny having to make a further trip to Immigration

  11. I used to go into town to eat the brekkie at mad dog which is great, but since Pratties opened I never bother going in to town, the best brekkie in CM without a doubt in my opinion anyway is Pratties.

    I am the same as you as Pratties is closer to my home as l avoid going into town some times. Charlie and his wife do not open the restaurant on Mondays so had breakfast at Mad Dogs today Still good value and a new menu

  12. I get my Lamb from Foodland, around 3-400 Baht for a large shoulder. Love the stuff, get a bit sick and tired of the local pork/chicken/beef.

    You can aso buy legs and shoulders of lamb in Makro Stores (Again NZ Lamb)

    The lamb in Makro is tough and does not seem as good as other places even though it may be cheaper

  13. How l understand it regarding the change of address is that you should notify Immigration within 24 hours but when l moved a couple years ago l was told that l could notify change of address when l do my 90 day report. I have been to several seminars given by Immigration Officials and were told of the 24 hour rule but l do not think it is enforced and to be honest they will not know when you moved

  14. Hello all Thai Visa members. As a fairly new member to Thai Visa Forum it would be nice to meet people who have been members for a long time. Does it matter if an attendance costs each member a small amount. Thai Visa has grown rapidily over the last year year with lots of new members so lets have a party near Christmas

  15. Yes that's true. It has been on the news a few times over the last couple of weeks. The Chinese pay big money for them. They are used for virility - what else? But I think they meant 5K per kilo - not per piece. The tokay hunters were in our moobaan last night as they are often.

    Where do the Chinese get all their information regarding various species increasing their virility.....and why are they so obsessed with it anyway?

    I have eaten 10 today already and am ready for bed but the wife is not here

  16. The lamb in Makro is poor quality IMHO. More like mutton -whether it be Aus or NZ. I get mine in the Rimping - more expensive but much better taste.

    The lamb is poor from Makro but what is the lamb like from Northern Farms. Surely it is cheaper than Rimping and they deliver, My friends and I buy lamb and pork from Northern Farms and l have never tasted anything bad from them. Its mainly imported from NZ or Aus

    • Like 1
  17. I married my now wife in the UK at Registry Office and l had no problems but my wife had to produce eveidence that she was free to marry from Thai Ministry and also copies of ID,House register etc.She was on a 6 month visitor visa but she only stayed in the UK for 2 weeks I do not think the length of the visa for her stay in the UK to get married came into question. Pay a visit to your local Registry Office to see what documents they require, You will have to place notice of your marriage at the local Registry Office where you are getting married about a month before the event as required by British law. The Registrar of Marriages in the UK are very helpful and will help you. Good luck and you will find it easier than you thought but you will still have to go through the normal channels for her to stay in the UK

  18. Any applicant would be best advised to have two accounts, one where money comes in and simple bills such as rent and council tax are paid from and another undeclared account where all the dirty washing goes on. Not rocket science.

    I would strongly advise against this. If discovered it may be viewed as an attempt at deception and so result in a possible 10 year ban from the UK.

    As said before; debts are not a problem. Provided those debts are being adequately serviced. There is no need to try and hide them from the ECO.

    However, if the debts are being ignored and so mounting up with interest and charges, then there may be a problem. Even if there is no problem with a visa application, there will be eventually when the creditors agent arrives to take your car, furniture etc. away!

    Don't ignore your debts, talk to your creditors and make some sort of arrangement with them that satisfies both parties.

    The OP should take advice as its free from Citizens Advice Bereau or some private firms will give him 30 minutes or so without charge

  19. I will not use a contract station for Thai Post and always go to a main Post Office as l think they are more reliable, Never had any problems with sending documents to UK from Mae-Jo Post Office as letters seem to arrive in the UK within 2 weeks. Staff are also very helpful

  20. I would agree about sorting debts out, one way or another, but no debt plan can leave you with less than the minimum the law states a person or couple needs to survive on and we once again come back to UK benefit levels. If there is no official debt repayment plan in place then it is immaterial as there is no reason to disclose it and if it is in place then it must allow more free money than benefits, which meets the minimum income levels.

    Any applicant would be best advised to have two accounts, one where money comes in and simple bills such as rent and council tax are paid from and another undeclared account where all the dirty washing goes on. Not rocket science.

    As a former licensed Insolvency Pratitioner from the UK l can tell the OP that the Bankruptcy laws in the UK are now a lot easier now with various debt solutions available to a debtors. The Citizens Advice Bereau are excellent helping debtors resolve the debt problems with their creditors. The OP should avoid bankruptcy if possible as the Insolvency Service (Official Receiver) will examine his income and he may be forced to pay part of his wages and indeed his bank balance into a pot for distribution to his creditors. If he does not disclose information to the Official Receiver it is considered to be a criminal offence. I doubt if it will have any effect on his wife visiting the UK but on reduced funds available it may be a problem. Sort the problems out now as they will not go away.

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