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Posts posted by techno

  1. Right on!

    An email I've received from a friend in the Travel Industry in Burma confirms that the program has been 'suspended' during the election period.

    Does this mean that the visa run to Mae Sai from Chiang Mai is not longer available until after the Myanmar election. If correct ex-pats will have to go to Laos or Cambodia for visa renewal

  2. Another problem with Nationwide who l have been with for 10 years is that they will not send any correspondence to your Thai address but this is not to much of a problem as l use Internet banking. My main problem is that my flexi account debit card (Visa) expires in June next year so they will not send me a new card here Thailand. They send all correspondence to my sisters home as my registered address with them so will have to arrange for her to DHL/Fedex the new card to me. Very costly as not wanting to go back to the UK just to pick up a new debit card as l currently use the card to withdraw my monthly pension. !50 baht withdrawal fee and now 1 GBP and 2% fee on top is a lot to take into account but no option as there do not seem to be a lot of alternatives. Dissapointed with Nationwide but what else can us ex-pats on a pension in Thailand do?. Will try and get my pension companies to send the funds to my Thai bank account each month but not sure if they will charge. Any suggestions are welcome

  3. Sausage King supplies good products as well and they are available in Tops and Rimping. You can also get them direct from Sausage King at a cheaper price and they will deliver to your home. Check their website or if you want contact details you can PM me. Its not my business but a supplier l have been using for a number of years

  4. I think a couple of posters are confusing 'overstay' and '90 day reporting'.

    The OP asked about 'overstay'. So, unless the OP was also confused, and used the wrong terms, the 7 day grace period is not relevant.

    I was assuming the OP was talking about 90 day reporting. If renewal of 1 year extention of stay it should be done before the due date so to ensure all the documents required are in order

  5. Personally I go to Mad Dog for IMHO the best for money British Breakfast par none in Chiang Mai.

    I tend to agree, it's real value for money....but for me a breakfast of their sizes only once in a while.

    Once a week is enough for me on breakfast.:lol:

    Once a week is enough for me on lunch. :lol:

    Once a weak is enough for me on dinner.:lol:

    At Mad Dog.

    I agree its a great breakfast and Nick does a great job at reasonable price.Probably the best in Chiang Mai for a British breakfast Been going there for many years but not so much now as trying to keep my weight down

  6. We have recently taken a decision to take our business off the market and soldier on, but August has been exceptionally poor this year as a result of a combination of factors - the strong baht, the political situation, concerns about His Majesty's health, the general world economic outlook and the fact that we have had a normal monsoon in August whereas the last two Augusts have been very dry. Of these factors the most important is the value of the baht. We have dropped a number of prices and introduced a budget range of meals, but we have limited scope for price cuts as the price of foodstuffs including eggs, potatoes & fresh vegetables have soared and the price of many of the Farang speciality products have remained constant despite the greatly lowered cost of importing these products (Marmite, Branston Pickle, Brown Sauce, etc etc) Mr Rimping must be coining it in.

    In short, trading conditions are pretty terrible - i accept that September is back to the low season but August is normally a chance for businesses to fill the coffers after June and July in order to stave off the bailiffs until November.- and who knows what sort of high season we are going to have!

    Pleased to hear you have taken the business of the market but l do not think the political problems and the lack of tourists will go away in the immediate future.The strong baht is causing a lot of ex-pats to tighten their

    purse strings and cook at home more often now. Since l have been living in Thailand for the past 10 years the cost of imported goods at Rimping have risen over 100% and if l want anything now l have to wait for my friends to bring them back from the UK

  7. I have used Emirates to fly to the UK and back to BKK and now they use the Airbus A380 between Dubai and London and have just added Manchester using the same aircraft. Lots of leg room and excellent food. You may pay a little bit more than other airlines but well worth it

  8. A couple of weeks ago l bought a Garmin 205W from one of TV sponsers Eagle GPS and it works great both in the car and as a mobile unit. It is removable from the car so l can use it if travelling in another vehiclle. Comes fully equipped with up to date maps of streets and roads in Thailand. It was on offer at 7900 baht and came with in car charger and home charger as well. There are cheaper version such as the Garmin 205 but this has a smaller screen. Good after service includes up dates once or twice a year. Highly recommended.

  9. A lot of H1N1 and Dengue fever cases are covered up because it may affect tourism which is starting to recover from the political problems at the beginning of th year. The last thing TAT want is adverse publicity waring tourists not to travel because of these problems. Most of the hospitals or Doctors will tell you that at least 40% of hospital beds are taken up with people suffering from the these illnesses. You should read the guidelines issued by the Embassy of your country as they seem to have up to date imformation

  10. The bowling club is an offshoot of the Chiang Mai Social Golfers. Everyone welcome. Show up at 3-3:15. 130THB for 3 games+shoes+1 practice game. 40THB if you're competing. Prizes!, Prizes!, Prizes!. Festivities begin around 4:00.

    If you like the odd beer or two its the place to go to socialise. Be prepared to sink a lot of beer with ex-pats

  11. 1. NO, but if you have nothing better to do you can check the S/N on the Garmin website linked above.

    2. You get updates from the ESRI Thailand website, not Garmin, since you have the Thai OS. DO NOT download any firmware updates directly from Garmin USA.

    3. ESRI Thailand website located at ESRI .

    4. Eagle GPS will take care of any updates you need, excellent service.

    Many thanks for your advice

  12. I assume we are talking about Nationwide BS in the UK. I have heard that they are charging 2% on withdrawals from a ATM abroad but did not know that you will not be able to use your Nationwide debit card abroad at a ATM. I rely on using my Nationwide BS debit card in Thailand as my pension is paid monthly into my UK bank account . Are you sure l cannot use the debit card which is a visa as well abroad from 1 November 2010. If you have any information please PM me as l have seen nothing on their website

    Many thanks

  13. Thanks for the info, 15,000 to 20,000 sounds good. A stop over would not be a problem, if it is just for a few hours. I have seen a flight with Qatar for a good rate but had 22 hours in doha which i am sure would drive anyone mad. My wife is used to air travel so connecting flights would not be a problem. Although I heard in the past that Thai had some good deals on one way flights, but i have been unable to find any. I will have a look at the websites of the recommended airlines.

    Stament: I can only see us getting worse this season, even more so now Tomlin has gone. 1 point from 3 games is shocking from the teams we have had so far. I fear it will be a long season once again annoyed.gif Where abouts are you from?

    Thanks again for the help

    Air Asia have some good deals at the moment from BKK to KL and then KL into Stanstead. I have seen them advertising on theie wbsite KL to Stanstead for 110 pounds. Be careful of all the add ons if a lot of luggage

    Worth a search on their web site to see what the prices are

  14. Are the Garmin maps free only on Nokia phones or could I download them also on my Samsung phone?

    PS. My phone is the Samsung i7500 android.

    I would like to know as well as l the same phone a Samsung Galaxy Spica i7500. No problems with Google maps but l would like voice activation if its avbailable for this model via Garmin or nokai. Please let me know what l can download on my phone. Many thanks

  15. Nationwide will not send any correspondence to Thailand and every time l want to transfer funds to my Thai bank account they always want to telephone me and ask me questions. My problem is that the debit card to my Nationwide account expires next June and they will not send a replacement to me in Thailand. May have to get my sister in the UK (which is my bank account address) to send it to me by DHL or Fed Express but that is expensive.Also did you know that Nationwide are going to charge 2% to withdraw monies by ATM in Thailand. Thats on top of the 150 baht already charged .

    I would suggest you contact the Fraud dept at Nationwide as they are quite helpful and after conversations with them they have unlocked my frozen a/c in the past

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