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Posts posted by techno

  1. Garmin has a worldwide selection of maps available on microSD card. To change the map just pop in a new micro SD card in the slot provided on the Garmin GPS.

    Thank you for the information. Any idea what a garmin would cost with microSD card for thailand

  2. Eagle GPS Co., Ltd. Eagle GPS

    con_address.png Pantip Plaza Building

    Office 2106 (2nd Fl.)

    152/1 Chang Klan Rd Muang Chiang Mai 50100 Thailand

    con_tel.png (+66) 053 288060 con_fax.png (+66) 053 288060 con_mobile.png (+66) 0832 035 200


    con_info.png We are near Night Bazaar. Heading South on the right side (one way street), just before the crossroad with Si Don Chai Rd.

    I am looking for a Garmin GPS that is the best for me in Thailand and other countries in SE Asia and maybe Europe. Can it be hand held and used in car?. If so what is the best Garmin model for me that is reliable and has the up- to- date street maps in Thailand. Also if l buy from your shop what is the guarantee and warranty . Please tell me the price are we looking for a good quality GPS and as l have limited knowledge of GPS and can you tell me in English how it all works

    You can consider the base maps and the GPS independently. You first need to decide which GPS unit you want, and any map(s) can be placed on it. Maps are simply loaded onto a chip you buy independently and install in the GPS. The basic Thai map is updated regularly (about once a year I think), but not so cheap to buy (I think I paid about 3,000 baht). If you want additional maps it is better to store them on additional chips and simply change the chip when you move to a different country. Having said that there's a range of different maps, so you can actually buy a SE Asia map rather than a Thailand only. However the Thai map will have greater detail for Thailand.

    Many thanks Artamus for your help and advice

  3. Eagle GPS Co., Ltd. Eagle GPS

    con_address.png Pantip Plaza Building

    Office 2106 (2nd Fl.)

    152/1 Chang Klan Rd Muang Chiang Mai 50100 Thailand

    con_tel.png (+66) 053 288060 con_fax.png (+66) 053 288060 con_mobile.png (+66) 0832 035 200


    con_info.png We are near Night Bazaar. Heading South on the right side (one way street), just before the crossroad with Si Don Chai Rd.

    I am looking for a Garmin GPS that is the best for me in Thailand and other countries in SE Asia and maybe Europe. Can it be hand held and used in car?. If so what is the best Garmin model for me that is reliable and has the up- to- date street maps in Thailand. Also if l buy from your shop what is the guarantee and warranty . Please tell me the price are we looking for a good quality GPS and as l have limited knowledge of GPS and can you tell me in English how it all works
  4. The Imm Hotel next to Mcdonalds at Taipae Gate is good value at 900 vaht a night including a western breakfast. Not sure what the rate will be in November but you could try and book it now and maybe you could get it at the same place. Its a new hotel that is close to most things and several of my friends have stayed there and remarked how good it was especially the breakfast and location

  5. There are some areas in Chiang Mai that have flooding. My golf Pro today could not teach today because his car is under 2 feet of water. Not sure where he lives.

  6. Can any TV members recommend a place in Chiang Mai to buy a Garmin Gps. I would like a demonstration on the best operating system that provides the best maps of provinces and street layouts in Thailand. especially Chiang Mai. Sorry if this information has been in a forum previously. Many thanks

  7. David

    I am having some golf lessons at Genius Golf Academy which is on the 1st floor of the clubhouse at the old San Sai Golf Club which is now called The Avenue GC. Its on the left hand going towards Mae Jo. You can call Tommy 0897560391 or 053 345177. All the teaching Pro's there speak English and many expats use them. Good luck

  8. Hi there,

    There are some good breeders around the country, ofcause most of them are in Bangkok.

    Depend where you are, it is better if you could inspect the breeder and the parents by your self.

    When you get the puppy, make sure the breeder show you nessesary documents such parents pedigree, health check especailly hips, since Hips dysplasia is most common in GSD in Thailand. At least one vacine shot should be given.

    hmm.. what's else? For me, I dont have any puppy right now but there are some litter which sired by my dog in Chiangmai and Chiangrai.

    Hi Ponti

    I am looking for a good quality GSD in Chiang Mai. Do not mind if it is a puppy or a year old. Must me a reputable breeder. Can you help. Many thanks

  9. Good to hear someone wins something. Where and when is the party.

    10K that's a good night out in the watering holes.:lol:

    Don't forget the g/f won the money so its probably on the way to the parents

  10. All hospitals in Chiang Mai have at least 40% of their bed capacity taken up by patients with dengue fever and the toll seems to be rising. The local authorities are not doing much about it and l have not seen any health warnings issued by Embassies regarding advise to tourists visiting Thailand. Is it a cover up as Thailand recovers from the "red shirt" protests and the fact that tourists are returning.

  11. I'm currently in the Chiang Mai Ram, not for Dengue, but can confirm from speaking to the nurses that there are more than fifty cases currently hospitalized here......

    My friend informs me that 30% of the beds at Hang Dong hospital are full of people with dengue and that they are closed for further admissions

  12. Send in the army.Seriously you can report this type of incident to the Tourist Police in your case or City Police if your wife wants to lodge a complaint so if this type of incident happens again they may take some form of action against the offender. Do not put up with sort of crap

  13. In the UK the Banks are required by law to report to the relevent authorities, including the Police, of any money transfers to an overseas bank a/c over 10000GBP. About 9 years ago my solicitors transferred about 60000GBP to my Thai bank a/c and the were asked where the monies came from and as the solicitors were holding funds from the the sale of my house it was not a problem. It all relates to money laundering and illegal proceeds from the drug trade

  14. Very good report as l am about to change from a retirement to a Marriage extention of stay. It seems to me that Immigration have different rules in their various offices so l am going to Immigration here in Chiang Mai a few weeks to what documentation they require before making the application. You hear so many different storys of exactly what documentation is required for example pictures of you and your wife together etc

  15. It's always good when you have a good experience at immigration. Seems to me we are hearing more good reports...hopefully this is a trend at immigration offices across Thailand. Yes, I know, we still hear the horror stories but hopefully they are declining--keeping my fingers crossed.

    Wish it was the same here in Chiang Mai as Immigration always seem to be in total disarray when renewing l year stay of extention. Maybe worth a drive to Nahkon Sawan

  16. You appear to be on one year extension of stay for retirement (or an OA one year entry) and wish to change the reason to Thai wife. You would do that during the normal last 30 days of current permitted to stay but not show enough financials to qualify for retirement. Your wife/marriage certificate/marriage register copy/wife ID/wife home register/photos together in/outside home/TM.7 with photo and passport copies. Remember Thai wife must be 400k in bank or 40k income - there is no combination allowed. Above is normal requirements so you should check with Chiang Mai for anything extra they might require. Best to do early to allow time for any last minute request in any case.

    I have well over the 400k in a thai bank a/c but l was not aware my wife should have 400k in the bank or an income of 40k pa. I had a marriage visa before my former wife died about 6 years ago and she did not have to produce evidence of 400k in a bank or income of 40k pa. My wife does not have that sort of money in the bank but she does earn over 40k pa. She also owns a house and l have a lease to a property l rent

  17. I went to a seminar organised by the Interior Ministry at the which the Superintendent for Immigration for Chiang Mai was in attendence. The Prime Minister had appointed the the Interior Ministry to organise a series of Seminars to get the views of ex-pats on many subjects including the following:<BR>1) rights to own land<BR>2) 90 day reporting requirements<BR>3) money requirements for extention of stay in Thailand both by marriage and retirement<BR>4) many other issues involving ex-pats<BR>The Interior Ministry will be preparing a report for the consideration of The Prime Minister and the Cabinet<BR>One of the questions raised at the seminar was the issue of a Immigration ID card so that instead of filling in all the forms every 90 days an alien could swipe the card at Immigration for reporting purposes on the said requirement date. Only a person who has changed address would have to go through the normal 90 day reporting requirements<BR>Do not know if any changes will be implemented in the future but its under consideration <BR><BR><BR><BR>

  18. I am fairly confident that if there was a Thai Visa survey on the worst company to deal with here in Thailand True would win by a country mile. Apart from their poor programming they stonewall on the simplest requests and when you cancel it takes 2 months to get your deposit back and in the form of a cheque which the banks take days to clear.Just wonderful if you happen to be returning to your home country.

    Cancelled my TrueVisions as there were to many repeats and vey little choice of channels.The only new ones they introduce are all Thai and the lack of commentry in English for the World Cup finished me. Took me nearly 3 months to get my deposit back and then it was in cheque form and the bank charged me 10 baht to put it into my account

  19. I think there's one on the ring road between Rimping Super and the Chiang Mai Prison. If you start at Rimping it's on the right side about half way to the Prison. There is a line of satelite dishes out front.

    Thanks SSS, are you talking about the San Sai Rimping? If so, I know where that is but do not know where the prison is. This Rimping is at a major intersection, so which way to the prison from it?

    You could try the branch between Rimping and the prison but its only an agency and as you have been disconnected ( l assume) it may be better for you to go to Siam TV near the moat as they are the main agents for True Visions

  20. I have just booked a hotel in Phuket for 9 days next March (high season) and got a better room rate with HotelThailand.com than with Agoda. For the same hotel and room l paid 200 baht less than Agoda quoted. Also Agoda wanted full payment upon booking and then added service charge,vat and government tax. HotelThailand only required a deposit with the balance payable when l arrive at the hotel. For the 9 days l saved 1500 baht which not a lot but with todays exchange rates its a lot of money for a ex-pat.

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