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Posts posted by techno

  1. I agree that Astra seems the way to go.

    I am getting some informationfrom KL re a subscription then I'll need to get a dish the decoder might come in a package ex KL Don't think there are any agents in BKK-Pattaya area.

    Anyone know anything re this?

    I enquired with Astro in Malaysia about getting their channels in Chiang Mai as l miss the rugby and cricket we used to get from multisport in South Africa. Astro told me that because of restrictions ith the Thai authorities that their channels are not available in Thailand.With the ashes coming up soon in Australia l would like to know how l can get it here in CNX. Would appreciate any help???

  2. When a speeding fine is hitting on a $1000 and you know you've got more horsepower than their standard issue patrol cars.. I guess some people become temporary "grubs" LOL

    I just re-read that MRO & had a laugh. In some states of Australia HWP Police are driving 6.0litre V8 Holden Commodores (SS models, some monaros & club sports) & even in standard trim SS form, these vehicles are no slouch. Of course in most of the states its only HWP Police that are allowed to drive these vehicles and they do so for between 40-60 hours per week, during which time they are constantly driving in all types of situations and conditions & alot of them also hold skills well above the HWP training they were given. I can guarantee that there are certainly some very good drivers amoungst them. On the other hand, theres you who almost certainly doesnt get half the chance to exercise and hone your skills (excluding those car racing members of course).

    Of course there are those situations where the reckless will outrun the cops but thats more often than not as a result of the Police terminating their pursuit due to safety concerns (for the general public).

    Can you high powered weapon outrun a supersonic round fired out the end of a pistola? :lol: What about the speed of sound, can you outrun a Police radio frequency? And then theres those wonderful little road spikes

    Have you been through a radar trap here and seen a cop half a mile down the road to stop you. No you may get someone on foot jump out front of you but that about it

  3. There are quite a few Radar traps as we call them in the UK and the Highway Police are quite active on the road from CNX to BKK as they consider it an easy target.According to the boss of the Highway Police in CNX they will be in the next 2 years installng speed cameras and radar traps on the same route and other roads within their district leading into BKK You may also now find some of their cars fitted with radar and video technology Yes they are using Falang Volunteers because the Highway and Traffic Police do not have the English language skills. The Tourist Police do not need Volunteers when there are no Tourists here in CNX

  4. You can buy a replacement in most large electrical stores and even in some markets. Makro,Tesco Big C etc all stock them.Most of the replacements you buy you can use for your DVD,TV and HI-FI and they are quite cheap

  5. Thanks for the friendly welcomes and the good advise about complaining. I know that whining about things here is an easy trap to fall into, but remembering the bad things about where you came from and the fact that there are millions of people in the world who are in miserable situations with no or little chance to improve them should help curb the urge to whine.

    Welcome back but come and see Chiang Mai as there is less crime and more retirees up here not into the bar scene

  6. This is embarrassing. I don't mean the video of Thai tourist police dancing, but because of the fact that you have only just come across it. The clip is so August. Where have you been?


    No tourists in CNX so what else can they do. This is the special investgation team that deal with serious crime such as tap and break dancing. Half of it was shot in BKK and the rest in CNX. Be careful out on the street now as Fred Astaire could be waiting for you

  7. Chiang Mai does need help to boost tourism but what l hear is that they are all going to Laos and Vietnam and then coming to Thailand for a day trip because CNX is now expensive. BKK Is a hub for a night but TAT counts everyone who comes for a night so the figures look right for them when there budget is allocated. Thailand needs to revalue the baht in order to encourage more tourists to visit LOS

  8. And yet another alcohol related incident...in Pattaya.

    Why do some people get into trouble like this when they can just come to LOS and enjoy their holiday. Now you have a Thai wife and a baby without a husband and father and all because of a few beers. When will they learn

  9. ~

    A good choice, Thaihog. We rented in Wang Tan some six years ago, liked it so much

    that we purchased the very home we leased and just paid it off last month.

    I don't know that many people offering rentals here will be on Thai Visa. Have you chatted with the office staff?

    Do you have a Thai who can accompany you on a search of the village to watch for rental signs?

    There seem to be plenty of them around and your budget seems reasonable for this moo ban.

    My wife has a mass of friends here now - I will have her keep an ear out and let you know if she finds something within your range.

    Good Luck! You will like it here...


    ..where the big jet engines roar..

    Good restaurant in the clubhouse with Thai and Western food

  10. I'm all confused now, there's three threads running with greens and reds.



    Aah, but this one makes a suggestion.

    I also made a suggestion. I want all of us to have the option to permanently turn OFF the feature for ourselves only. Meaning, O points forever, no power to give or get reds or greens, and now that I think about it, it would also be good to make that decision make other people's rep numbers INVISIBLE to us. That's what I want and I know lots of other people (though a minority) want that too. To allow a minority the FREE CHOICE to opt out of this toxic feature does not spoil it for the majority who still wants to play schoolyard games. Oh boy, teacher gave me a brownie point! Yippee!

    The flaw with your idea is that just one nasty stalker could give you one red a day, over 300 a year. Same mess, different scale.

    In its current form, what exactly is the usefulness of it anyway?

    Forgive me but l am missing something. What are we talking about red and green voting. Could you explain to me

  11. I have just come from a short stint in Mae Hong Son and found a new bar set up there called 'The Jungle Bar'. They sell Aussie Meat Pies, and they're fantastic! As an Aussie expat I've come to miss the good ol' Aussie Pie and found this place that serves them up with chips and sauce. Great little bar with ice cold beer (which if you've been here long, know it is hard to find) and also steak sandwiches.

    I asked where they get the pies and they told me they buy them off another Aussie who makes them in Thailand - could be Lady Pie.

    Great atmosphere too - they play western music and have comfy laid back chairs. A young Aussie couple run it too.

    I recommend checking them out if you're ever in Maehongson. They're right in the centre of town - not easily seen - but just follow the music!

    Both Rimping and Makro used to sell packs of puff pastry. Not sure if they still do. You could try YOK which is opposite Carrefour on the super highway

  12. Techno

    I don't know what the lead is called. But it has a male bit at both ends. Not male and female!! :-)

    It costs 100 baht for the lead. Plug it into the head phone jack of the iPod and into the car. It does not charge the iPod but you can get good sound out of the cars speakers.

    Many thanks for your help. I will try again and go to a specialist shop

  13. Note to self ~ SK is not S&P in the freezer department.

    Indian curry: I have yet to learn to love spicy. I can enjoy it, but need to make it ricey. So I found that after eating all the rice included, with reduced amounts of meat (lotsa meat!) and sauce spread lightly through it to color all, that the rice was gone and there were sauce and meat (lotsa meat!) left over.

    So I made up more rice - a cup full of brown. Added sauce and meat (lotsa meat!) a little at a time, portion by portion and ended up with three more tasty main courses. Add vegetables and there you are. And as my rice was fresh made and never frozen....

    Incidentally, in order to spread around the flavo(u)r, I divided the chunks of meat. Fat there was none - which is not the case with many street vendors and some restaurants.

    thank you for you reply and glad you like Indian curry. in sausage king products we like to give our customers maximum meat content because when i but a food product i expect the same but i have never found yet. we like quality and maximum meat filling in all sk products,pies deep filled,sausage 95% meat-curry's full chicken. i not greedy about profit and quality always wins every time.

    Good pictures and the taste is great

  14. 450 baht for a take-away pizza?


    Only 200 baht at pizzamania next to the PTT station on the Mae Jo Road close to Rimping Meechock Plaza. Their Pizzas are fresh and good. Buy two and it will then be the same as Dukes which is over rated and over priced

  15. There are always hundreds of motorbikes for sale on a Saturday and Sunday and also cars ad pickups. Quite interesting to look around but be careful when you buy as the motorbike could have been in an accident,stolen or not looked after and regulary serviced. I go there to see what l could get for my 2 year old Honda Click if l decide to sell it

  16. I always find it funny that people buy a car with a small engine and then want to do it up to make it faster. why not just by a used 2.0L civic, it wouldnt cost much more than a new City?

    there are loads of these Civic's around for sale at the moment.

    Onnut while on the subject of Honda Civic my 2006 new shape have a facilty for jack lead conection under the cigar lighter I looked at MP3 players yeasterday and they only seem to come with the connection lead to your computer to download music and headphones. Is there a special lead that one needs to buy to connect from the MP3 to the car

    . Does the MP3 play through the radio like the cheap gadget with a memory stick that l have now. Many thanks

  17. Basically there are no rules. If you have insurance on the car it will not cover her if in an accident and if the car is in your name you will be responsible for all cost. Outside of that, no problem.

    OH DEAR!:o Thanks for the swift answere. Sooo absolutly out of the question then!!!



    If you let a Thai teach her to drive she will drive Thai style. Go through red lights and use the outside lane to crawl along at 20km an hour. Make sure the roads she takes has white lines as they like to stick to them as well. Good 1st class insurance will be essential and good luck

  18. I think you are better visiting web-sites of the airlines that fly to Melbourne. That way you may get a cheaper flight than with a travel agent as you will not have pay their commission

  19. Thanks for all the input - much appreciated.

    I was really after a push type mower anyway, so I've pm'd Greenside - I can't resist a bargain! Now, does it come with free water? a discount for takeaway? Or is it just a "happy hour" mowing Greenside's lawn? :whistling:

    Nothing is free in the LOS all Greenside wants is his lawn looking like a putting green.

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