I think Adumbration means that because you are losing the house, land, and a car in the divorce, he/she assumed that your divorce lawyer didn't do a very good job. Therefore you shouldn't use that lawyer.
It isn't unusual for a foreigner to receive some (50%?) compensation for assets owned during marriage even when it comes to real estate. Of course, if you don't use a lawyer, then it all comes down to what you are willing to agree to with your spouse.
I can't help you in regards to your question of whether the ex-wife is required to sign any documents in order for your daughter to purchase land, but if I remember correctly, this same situation has been posted on this forum in the past and I think one of the threads indicated that the ex-wife didn't need to be involved. You should ask the land office to see what they require and get it in writing. Then take that answer to the seller if the answer is that you don't need the ex-wife's involvement.