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Posts posted by SoFarAndNear

  1. Ditto face software against bank ATM photos on withdrawals in the Bangna area.

    Or is it more complicated than that ?

    Yes and why not also ask Nasa for Satellite Surveilance of Bang Na Area.

    Jesus, I highly doubt that the RTP can just access all ATM withdrawal photos and do a quick face recognition check of Immigration Database and I honestly really hope that they cant do this for a long time.

  2. My 2015 Mazda 3 2.0L does about 11L/100km in heavy city traffic and around 6L/100km on the highway.

    I believe 2012 was pre Skyactiv technology, so there would be a difference.


    yes I did read a lot today. The new SkyActiv Models have around 30% better fuel consumption. As someone else already wrote, I have to live with it or sell the car. I did not expect that this would make such a big difference to my old Honda Jazz (2011). The performance is not that much better...

  3. Hi,

    I bought myself a second hand Mazda 3 2.0L (2012 Model). I was absolutely shocked to see the fuel consumption. Bangkok city stop and go traffic is around 16L/100km fuel consumption. When I drive constantly with 100km/h on the highway I can lower to 6.5L/100km but Bangkok Stop and Go rush hour is a nightmare. I can literally watch the fuel bar moving down. Is this normal behavior for a 2L car in City traffic?

    My last car was a Honda Jazz 1.5L. The Honda uses maybe half of that.

  4. Hello,

    I bought a second hand car in Bangkok and want to register it here because I mainly live here. But my residence certificate from Immigration is from another province. Now the department of transport refuses my application. I have to register the car at the province where my residence certificate states.

    I already bought two motorbikes and transfered one in Bangkok and always could register them in Bangkok with my residence certificate of another province.

    What can I do?

  5. Quality families will never happen until the parents stop abandoning their children to the grandparents to raise. Most of the children in this village of 3,500+ households only see their parents once a year.

    Sure about that? My niece just sees her mother twice every year and got a Scholarship for Mahidol University in Bangkok . Typical situation, Mother works in Bangkok in a factory and child lived with the grandparents all her live.

  6. Hi all,

    Sorry if my post changes the subject from the OP but it is about work permits. I have completed the process to get Thai Nationality with the final step of meeting the Thai special Police to do the swearing in function. Currently waiting for interior ministry signature and His Majesties signature. In the final step they may ask to see my work permit but i dont have one. For months I have been getting agreement from a company and then at the last step a director or shareholder has objected due to my age (71). I work as a computer consultant. I have been told by 2 lawyers that agreeing to work and then changing my mind is perfectlu legal.

    I do have a Thai company which has never earend a living but my lawyer has always said i need 4 Thai employees plus records of there social security payments for 3 months.

    Some of the information mentioned here suggests this is not true. That i could apply for my work permit while i am looking for the 4 employees.

    I must say it has never made sense to me that a foreigner wishing to work is not legally able to until he has employed 4 thais for 3 months.

    Would love to hear the work permit experts opinion and suggestion.

    How could you apply for the Thai Citizenship if you never worked here? I though having a WP and paying taxes for at least 3 years is an absolute requirement?!

  7. Hello,

    I am trying to get a decent health insurance. Around 40-50k THB per year budget. I have a Non-O visa with yearly extensions and have a child in Thailand. I got already refused by AIA and Muang Thai Life Insurance because I don't work in Thailand or have any Income here. Which Insurance should I try next?

  8. New bank cards to help protect Thai customers from 'skimming'

    The National Computer Crime Protection office said that the problem of skimming had caused losses of 128 million baht in the country in 2013 alone. Banks have spent around 1.5 billion baht on the problem.

    Source: Tnamcot


    -- 2016-05-05

    Interesting. I expected a lot more. I thought Thailand is a paradise for skimmers worldwide. Come here on holiday for 3 weeks and come back home with big cash....

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